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Rest In Peace,Tiki-Kate

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TravelingJones posted on 09/23/2010

Her Spirit radiant sunshine,
Plumeria sweet upon gentle tradewinds.
Azure sky embraced by sea spray,
A golden light dancing on rainbows.
Tiki-Kate's special island,
Palm trees sing and sway.
Kaleidoscope sunsets calling,
Come away...come away.

:tiki: Bless You Kate :tiki:

Clarita posted on 09/23/2010

Much Aloha to all Kate's friends and family.

abstractiki posted on 09/23/2010

May God be with you dear Tiki Kate.

AquaZombie posted on 09/23/2010

How incredibly sad. Love to Kate's spirit.

TikiPug posted on 09/23/2010

Rest in peace Kate

Tiki Shaker posted on 09/23/2010

Rest in Peace Kate.

Your knowledge and enthusiasm will be missed by all.

BigToe posted on 09/23/2010

e ho omaha me ka maluhia

rest in peace kate!!

[ Edited by: BigToe 2010-09-22 22:40 ]

Leaky_tiki posted on 09/23/2010

Wow! I just saw this thread and am speechless. I've been away from TC for a long time due to work and other obligations and didn't know Kate was sick. While we didn't know Kate well, we did know her and we are deeply saddened to hear of her passing. This is such a sobering reminder of how precious life really is. If you have a special someone in your life, let them know just how much they mean to you while you still can. RIP Kate!

tikithomas08 posted on 09/23/2010

what a bummer. RIP Kate


mieko posted on 09/23/2010

It's so touching to see how much Kate meant to so many people. I was very lucky and feel very honored that I was able to visit her and help her out and to get to know her so well.

The San Diego tiki chops meant so much to Kate. She was so proud to have been to them all.

Kate used to talk to me about different people from TC, and how she thought that they were just acquaintances. Over the last year, between all the cards, the posts here and the visits, she really realized how much she was loved.

Sorry these are sideways.

Chub posted on 09/23/2010

I didn't ever have a chance to meet you Kate, but you must have been quite a special person, judging from all the love being shown here. My prayers and thoughts go out to Kate's friends and family.
:( Chub

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/23/2010

Kate, You will be remembered, Missed & Celebrated!

Unga Bunga posted on 09/23/2010

Ah Fuck!

See you in (if i make it) Heaven.

Molokai Mike posted on 09/23/2010

Our moments were few but fun! Rest in peace, Kate!

GROG posted on 09/23/2010

Here you go Mieko.

Boris and I visited with her on Tuesday and had the pleasure of meeting her Dad, brother, and her sister Susan. Kate was pretty weak, and because of the drugs couldn't really speak or keep her eyes open for long. She said something, but it was too hard to hear her well, and it sounded like she said "Not sure", and tried to repeat it a couple of times. We couldn't figure out which question or statement she was responding to. It wasn't until later that night when I was home I realized she was saying "Nice shirt" because she recognized I was wearing the Hawaiian shirt she gave to me at the shirt swap at Tiki Oasis a couple of years ago. She had picked it out for me at Oasis from those she had brought with her, she held it up and said "This will look good on you", and shoved it into my hands. It's always been my favorite Hawaiian shirt.

What a great and kind spirited lady. I'll miss her very much.

tikiyaki posted on 09/23/2010

I was at Kirby's when I got the news, and he said "This is probably the first loss of an active TC member"....
Looking at all the pictures now, it really hits home...
Kate, thanx for the passion and contributions you brought to this community.
The mark you left here is indelible, and I'm glad to have had the pleasure of knowing you.
Aloha Oe' Tiki Kate.

TikiMango posted on 09/23/2010

I just heard this news. My condolences to her family and everyone that had the pleasure to know her. She was a great person and tikiphile!

virani posted on 09/23/2010

That's very sad. I feel bad, even if I have never met you, but heard a lot of good things about you.
you'll be missed a lot.


Johnny Dollar posted on 09/23/2010

R.I.P. :(


WestADad posted on 09/23/2010

My sincerest condolences to Kate's family and friends here. You're in my thoughts.


pappythesailor posted on 09/23/2010

I wish I'd gotten to meet you, Kate. My condolences to all who did.

TikiMookie posted on 09/23/2010

Kate was obviously very special to have so many people show so much love for her. I'm very sad for her family and friends. I wish I would have known you Kate, your photos show you so full of life and creativity. And you had a way of bringing people together! Rest in Peace Kate...

And thanks to Tiki Central for honoring her!

[ Edited by: TikiMookie 2010-09-23 06:55 ]

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 09/23/2010

I Miss you Kate.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 09/23/2010

leisure master posted on 09/23/2010

Godspeed, Kate.

If there is value in the number of friends we collect, you were a wealthy woman.

tobunga posted on 09/23/2010

I am so shocked and saddened by the news.

I remember the first time I met Kate, at the Enchanted Tiki Room with Mieko. I remember being a little star-struck... like "Wow, Tiki-Kate! I've read so many of her posts on TC!" She was so nice, and funny, with a very dry sense of humor...

I sat next to her for the Tiki Room show. And she even put in an order for one of my first plush tikis! It's a great, and now a cherished memory.

We love you Kate, Manuel and I will miss you terribly!

BambooLodge posted on 09/23/2010

:( Rest in Peace Kate. :(


beadtiki posted on 09/23/2010

My sincerest condolences. I did not know her but any loss to our community is hard to take. It sounds like this one may be a little harder to take.

davidleslie posted on 09/23/2010

Tiki Kate will be missed....She fought the good fight.

rugbymatt posted on 09/23/2010

R.I.P. Kate, you were taken from us all too soon.

squid posted on 09/23/2010

Happy journey my friend...

Unkle John posted on 09/23/2010

My heart is saddened today. I didn't get to know Kate as many of you may have, but I enjoyed her company here on the board. I'm going to take a moment to reflect on our conversations and hope to see her in the island in the sky to finally meet her and thank her for being a great person.

JOHN-O posted on 09/23/2010

I wish I could have known Tiki Kate.

To me, she will be a mythical figure representing the best of Tiki culture.


tikicleen posted on 09/23/2010

my heart dropped this morning in learning of this. i feel so incredibly lucky and honored to have met kate. i am still in disbelief that she has continued on, and is now in a better place and feeling all of this love. my thoughts are with her loved ones, family, and large circle of friends. once i get home, i'll be breaking out some of my brightest aloha-ware to remember her properly. you are missed tremendously kate.

Slacks Ferret posted on 09/23/2010

Very sad to hear this. My condolences.

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 09/23/2010

"A heart is not judged by how much you love, but how much you are loved by others." (The Wizard of Oz)

If this thread is any indication of Tiki Kate's heart and life, then, brief though it was, it was outstanding.

Sending you aloha, Kate, wherever you're dancing.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 09/23/2010

Having fun working hard.

Tikiwahine posted on 09/23/2010

Farewell Tiki Kate,

You will remain in our hearts forever.


bigtikidude posted on 09/23/2010

This is such a Sad terrible Loss.
I can't believe how young she was.
I am very sorry to hear this,
and Deepest condolences go out to her Family and Friends.

I didn't get to spend as much time with Kate at some did.
but the time that I did was always very fun.
One day Her and Al-ii and I went to Disney's California Adventure.

and I will never forget the first time meeting her at Ona Tiki's house party.
she was coming out of the Restroom(after relieving herself of too much booze)
I said to myself this is a cool chick.
not afraid to barf, and joke about it.

hope you find many more tiki treasures in Paradise.

Rest in Peace.


Skinny Dog posted on 09/23/2010

Sleep well Kate.

Scott & Jen

Tobor64 posted on 09/23/2010

Aloha'oe, Kate.

ookoo lady posted on 09/23/2010

Just a reminder of some of the Tiki-Kate’s contribution to the content of Tiki-Central:

A Collection of Cannibals

Tiki-Kate’s great big collection of tiki wear

Topic: 1963 Hawaiian Vacation

Tiki-Kate’s Strange Little Beach Towel Collection

Thank you for posting pictures. Each one makes me smile.

geedavee posted on 09/23/2010

Message to Tiki Kate.

I was shocked and saddened when I heard the news of your passing.
You were one of the people that got me into Tiki and carving.
Even though we only spoke a few times, I can remember seeing you at every event I went to.
You will be missed.

P.S. Say hi to Yma, Martin, Arthur, Les, and Esquivel.
It should be a helluva concert.

hottiki posted on 09/23/2010

Aloha 'oe, aloha 'oe

bongofury posted on 09/23/2010

Dear Kate.....your soul & memories will be with us always.....

With Love & Alohas, Ron & Mickee

TIKIBOSKO posted on 09/23/2010

This is just so sad Kate was such a wonderful person and amazing when it came to understanding Tiki subjects I personally enjoyed, she came to all of my lectures something I never forgot and always deeply appreciated,


ookoo lady posted on 09/23/2010

Kate at the Mai Kai

moondog426 posted on 09/23/2010

God Bless You Kate....R.I.P.....you are now pain-free, many will miss you and keep your spirit alive.

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