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Sculpting Wax Help

Pages: 1 7 replies

Beachbumz posted on 09/17/2010

Were can I purchase sculpting wax online?
I used a regular candle to sculpt my first mug, when I went to make the plaster mold the wax melted to the inside of the mold when it got hot.. It still worked but it seemes to take a long time to for the slip clay to dry and get thick since the tiny holes in the plaster were clogged with the wax...
Anyways if anyone has a source for some sculpting wax that's about the size of a mug let me know.. :wink:


[ Edited by: beachbumz 2010-09-17 12:34 ]

[ Edited by: Beachbumz 2014-04-16 03:11 ]

MadDogMike posted on 09/17/2010

I sculpted my first one with a pillar candle too! :lol: Mine candle didn't melt when the plaster heated but your mold looks much better than mine did. Sorry I can't help you with you sculpture wax, I've only made a few molds and most of them were modified "found" objects.

I know the are several different types of wax with different characteristics. I also know some of the artists closely guard their wax brand and source, let's see if you get and responses?

I'm not a professional :D and have not tried this but you could try to salvage the mold. Cured plaster holds up to water pretty good, maybe a short boiling water and detergent bath would dissolve that wax? If the mold is already shot, you don't have much to lose.

phinz posted on 09/18/2010
Beachbumz posted on 09/18/2010

Mahaloz MadDogMike, Phinz, I actually got most of the melted candle off w/ some rubbing alcohol and have been able to use the mold.. I was just looking for a better wax, one that would not melt and that is in a cylinder shape ready to be carved... I sent a few emails out to some places and maybe I'll get some responses.. We don't have one ceramic shop here on the Island so it's hard to get answers locally..

MauiTiki posted on 09/24/2010

Scott, try email gecko, I bet he can hook you up.

Babalu posted on 09/24/2010

Hey Scott,

You may be better off trying to work with an oil clay build up on your next master...try a Roma 3 or 4. You can slice, and heat the clay to hand workable with the heat of a single light bulb - you can tool work it as it cools....play with it, you'll see...

Best -

danlovestikis posted on 09/24/2010

Hi Babalu, that's next on my list. Wendy

Beachbumz posted on 09/26/2010

Babalu, I think I'll try that type of oil clay, I used some regular clay I got to use for the plaster mold but it dried so quickly.. I might even be able to get it hear on the rock... :wink:
Mahaloz for the help..

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