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Catalina Tiki Fest 2011

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MakeDaMug posted on 09/25/2010

I'm in the early planning stages with Jerry Dunn (aka "Mr. Catalina") for a 2011 Spring Catalina Tiki Fest "# 2.5". This will be a smaller scale, intimate event and we're planning on catering to approximately 50-75 interested "Tiki" people. There will be a limited # of vendors, a DJ, Hawaiian Dancers, a daytime bbq & likely a nightly gathering at Luau Larry's ("world's greatest mai-tai" is their billing but trust me, it ain't!).

So I'm working with the Catalina Express on a group discount and want to reach out to the TC Ohana to get a feel for who may be interested in going and more specifically, the booking arrangements of the boat. We can either stab this (at this point) 1 of 3 ways (this is all up for discussion)...

  1. Friday mid-afternoon departure at 2:00pm or 4:15pm out of Long Beach (most central/logical location for departing); San Pedro & Dana Point are other options. Then, a Sunday return departing at either 10:00am or 12:15pm (the latter being the more desirable of the 2 if Saturday night turns into a long night which is likely).

  2. Saturday am departure at 10:00am with the same possible Sunday departure times.

  3. Friday 7:55pm departure with the same possible Sunday departure times. This pulls you into Avalon around 9pm which gives you enough time to get settled and go out for a late Friday night, but not any room much else for that Friday.

I know the Friday might be a stretch for some to get off of work, but it is likely that even though April is kind-of off-season in Catalina, the discounts afforded for booking both a Friday and Saturday night hotel room will be more aggressive.

All of the usual things like booking hotel blocks (there is also camping available), working on the itinerary and all that goes into a Tiki event are in the earliest stages.

For those of you who haven't been to Catalina, this might be a great excuse for you to go and check out the island. I've been going there pretty much every summer since I was a kid and I really dig it and a few days is all that's needed when in Avalon to see the town, take the golf cart tour around that part of the island and have an enjoyable mini-vacation.

We can probably also arrange to have a Friday and/or Saturday outdoor dinner bbq down at Descanso Beach where you can either purchase meat and side dishes there (or locally at the market) and cook it yourself.

Tiki Farm will be doing a mug for the event in a run of only 100 pieces and at a very fair price.

More to follow as it comes available. I've been making calls today and the ball is indeed rollin' on "Catalina Tiki Fest # 2.5 2011".

[ Edited by: MakeDaMug 2010-09-24 17:45 ]

tikinettie posted on 09/25/2010

Sounds great to my husband and I! It would be a first time Catalina visit for me, second time for him!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/25/2010

All I need to know is when & how much!

Hakalugi posted on 09/25/2010

I vote for option 1 with the 4:15pm out of Long Beach (but I would prefer San Pedro). Sunday return departing at 12:15pm but I'm sure you agree, even later would be better.

JenTiki posted on 09/25/2010

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Hakalugi (well, except for the San Pedro part). :wink:

WooHooWahine posted on 09/25/2010

WooHoo! Long Beach is such an easy terminal to get in and out of :)

Rapa Nui Rich posted on 09/25/2010

Sounds great! I've been trying to get my girlfriend over to Catalina for awhile now and this will clinch the deal. Looking forward to more details!

Oh yeah, I also prefer option #1 with a LATE departure on Sunday.

[ Edited by: Rapa Nui Rich 2010-09-25 08:51 ]

Murph posted on 09/25/2010

Sounds like a blast.
We like option 2 but if everyone is up for Friday we can just come over solo Saturday morning.

aquaorama posted on 09/26/2010

Me likey.... I'm up for a Saturday morning departure but whatever works..(It's only a 10 minute walk to the terminal for me...)

Loki-Tiki posted on 09/26/2010

My two-cents worth: 7:55 PM Friday departure for Avalon from San Pedro, return departure 12:15 PM Sunday.


danlovestikis posted on 09/27/2010

Dan and I would love to attend this fest. Wendy

Trader Tom posted on 09/27/2010

Sounds good to me!

martini kings posted on 09/28/2010

martini kings want to go! i vote for number 2 times. sounds fun!

TikiTnT posted on 09/28/2010

Although we are kinda new to ya'lls world, we are in for da'Island Mon ! Love that place ! We don't really have a preference for travel dates, cuz we're super flexible, but hotel would def help. Hope to see some of you Theads at Vics Re-opening tonight !

carlosrossi posted on 09/28/2010

I was already planning a trip to Catalina soon, much better it be a Tiki themed one!

rugbymatt posted on 09/29/2010

Made it to the first one!

Tiki Trav posted on 10/08/2010

when..???????...i need to plan this shit waaaaayyy in advance.....
been to catalina with eric the kissing chiroprctor and family and i want to make a disgrace of myself there again!!!!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 10/08/2010

This is something I'd be interested in attending and possibly vending at... I'm a "go early, stay late" kind of gal, and I love Catalina, so I'd want to leave as early as possible and stay till the last boat back over town on Sunday. I might just have to rent a house in the flats for the week and meet you there.

tikibu posted on 10/14/2010

sounds fun. I make skateboard decks with tiki images hand-carved in them, and would be interested in vending. I'll check for updates like when the trip is and how much it will cost.

stentiki posted on 10/14/2010

The first one was a blast and we would love to do it again!

Just let us know when.

Krisdrama posted on 10/16/2010

Sounds like fun! I cast my vote for #1 with the late Sunday return.

crazy al posted on 10/16/2010

met Tiki Tony of the first time at the first one... the angle grinder 'maniac' !!

Rapa Nui Rich posted on 10/23/2010

Hey, this thread seems to have gone dead! I hope it's just that the planning is moving forward and we're all just waiting for the next step. I am really excited about this and really want for it to happen. Keeping my fingers crossed!

TNT posted on 10/24/2010

Sounds like fun, we'd love to go.

danlovestikis posted on 10/24/2010

Next Step Please, Wendy

Me Myself and Moai posted on 10/25/2010

I attended the last Catalina Tiki event....was fun and I remember the vendors doing a brisk business in hooded sweatshirts for the evening events. Do we have any dates to correspond with the boat schedules? Appreciate it, thanks

Me Myself and Moai posted on 10/25/2010

On 2010-09-28 07:59, martini kings wrote:
martini kings want to go! i vote for number 2 times. sounds fun!

You had us at "martini kings". :wink:

kinikilu posted on 10/31/2010

We like option #1 with the late departure both ways. Will keep looking for updates!

Wersmo Derinc posted on 10/31/2010

Rebecca and I are very interested! We would like to depart on Friday afternoon
and return Sunday or Monday. Thanks for organizing this.

HapaLove posted on 11/03/2010

This sounds fun and my tiki honey and I would be interested in attending... hoping the hotel rates are good. Every time I look at Catalina hotels, they seem to run pretty high. I think a later return on Sunday would be good too. Thanks!

MakeDaMug posted on 11/03/2010

Though great in theory, the costing reality of the Catalina Tiki Fest looms heavy and the logistics even heavier. Sadly, we're passing on the project. Lodging is expensive, shipping the necessary equipment & swag - expensive. And getting to & from Catalina (even with a group discount approx. $60/person r/t) is expensive. We've always worked to make our Tiki events fun & affordable. Though the fun factor is there, the affordable factor is not.

GROG posted on 11/03/2010

QWith the economy and unemployment the way it is, that's probably a good decision. Unfortunately.

ron-tiki posted on 11/03/2010

On 2010-11-03 11:02, MakeDaMug wrote:
Though great in theory, the costing reality of the Catalina Tiki Fest looms heavy and the logistics even heavier. Sadly, we're passing on the project. Lodging is expensive, shipping the necessary equipment & swag - expensive. And getting to & from Catalina (even with a group discount approx. $60/person r/t) is expensive. We've always worked to make our Tiki events fun & affordable. Though the fun factor is there, the affordable factor is not.

party at tiki farm????big ol tiki bash 2011????

TikiDude posted on 11/03/2010

I'm very sad!

danlovestikis posted on 11/04/2010

We are sad too.

SoccerTiki posted on 11/04/2010

Hmmm..Shipping to parking lot=cheap; getting to and from parking lot=cheap; lodging near parking lot=cheap; fun and affordable=YES!!! Fun Factor=OFF THE CHARTS!!!

RevBambooBen posted on 11/04/2010

On 2010-11-03 11:02, MakeDaMug wrote:
Though great in theory, the costing reality of the Catalina Tiki Fest looms heavy and the logistics even heavier. Sadly, we're passing on the project. Lodging is expensive, shipping the necessary equipment & swag - expensive. And getting to & from Catalina (even with a group discount approx. $60/person r/t) is expensive. We've always worked to make our Tiki events fun & affordable. Though the fun factor is there, the affordable factor is not.

MAY @ the FARM?!! parking lot.....

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