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Better late than never: May Road Trip Pictures & Sept. LA Trip Pictures

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As part of my aggressive program to Do Anything To Avoid Packing, I've finally gotten to tackling the hundreds of photos from the Road Trip I took last May. Highlights include:

  • The Alibi
  • Emeryville Trader Vic's
  • Tiki Ti
  • Oceanic Arts
  • Bahooka
  • Sam's Seafood
  • Tiki Oasis III
  • Disneyland
  • Madonna Inn
  • Town of Gorda, pop. ~20 (yeah, the same one where they just found those dead chicks)

BE AMAZED! at Martiki's Fez's Staying Power!
THRILL! to Tiki Bob's Lobster Solo!
BE DAZZLED! by a Cast of a Thousand Hoiti Toitis!
SWOON! at the sight of Hula Hula's SERVICE PLEASE Sign!
LEARN! about The History of Petaluma - The World's Egg Basket!
BE PUZZLED! by the Tarted Up Toilet Paper Rolls!
QUAKE! at the thought of Humuhumu's Plate of Meat!
CRY! when you remember The Pineapple Wedding!
BE CHILLED! by the tale of Humuhumu's Stay at the Palms Motor Hotel!
WISH! that Humuhumu Could Figure Out Her Damned Camera in Ever-Prevalent Low Light Tiki Conditions!

...all that, and more, can be found here:


The best tiki bar is the one that's within stumbling distance of your bed
The Humuhumu Room

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2003-10-19 14:40 ]


thank god i stopped drinking!!!! you freakin alcoholics made me fat.

Humuhumu, great pics and great times, I LMAO at the deli pics, I sooooo forgot about that.

Great photo album. Lots of pics and narrative.

This is the best archive I've seen, of why I love California. Thank you for sharing this with us.
I can't believe you literally drove 15 feet past my house (Carmel Highlands), as you drove through Big Sur.
If I had only known. My loss.
What a trip. The best to you!

A Tiki Cheers To You!

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-10-18 10:35 ]


Hula hula, there was just more of you to love!

Unga Bunga, you wouldn't have wanted to meet me that day, I was all runny & sneezy. I'm sure I'll be up that way again, though.

I've just added another album of pictures, from the trip I just took down to LA in September:


These pictures include a ton of shots from Caliente Tropics, where a bunch of us met to celebrate Al's birthday. There's also a couple of shots of Bahooka, Tiki Ti, the Enchanted Tiki Room, and King Kukulele in a bouncy castle(!).

Humu Humu, great scrapbook. Such a wonderful variety of interesting collections. I am glad you posted this.

Wonderful shots, thanks for sharing. :D


Ahhh....good times. Hope we see you again soon, Humu x 2!

ahhh, thanks for including the pineapple wedding in your scrapbook, the photos bring back the memories that the excitement, (and possibly the mystery punch in room 211...) blurred. We watched the video with our 'minister' at mr. pineapple's birthday party a few weeks ago, and we all got a little teary eyed. (again, it could have been Martiki's punch :)
We can't wait to celebrate our 1st anniversary at the Oasis 4. The first anniversary is the 'tiki anniversary' right? love,
the pineapples

Pages: 1 8 replies