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OT: Non-Tiki Megaliths?

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freddiefreelance posted on 10/20/2003

Yes, very Off Topic (except for Moais & Nan Madol), but less so then if I posted it on Lotta Living ;})>

One of my other many & varied interests are megalithic structures like standing stones & mounds (i.e. Stonehenge, Snake Mound), Giant Heads & other giant sculptural objects(Olmec, Egyptian, Assyrian), lost temples, etc...

Does anyone know of a board/forum where I can find more info on collecting/creating objects related to megalithic structures? I've failed miserably on my own.

purple jade posted on 10/20/2003

Don't really know of a definitive site, but I've done a bit of searching around for that kind of stuff myself. Graham Hancock and Whitley Streiber (yeesh...) seem to keep up with "breaking news", steeped in B.S. or not. Are you familiar with the sunken structure off Yonaguri? Or Poverty Point here in North Louisiana? Michael and Kathleen Gear just released a novel about the area earlier this year. As far as European megaliths (mostly British), the nutjob Julian Cope, erstwhile idol of my youth, is a veritable font of information. The Modern Antiquarian is a fab book.
Of course none of this tells you anything about collecting or creating...so I guess I haven't been any kind of help to you, really.

Humuhumu posted on 10/20/2003

I don't know anything myself, but a friend of mine was part of a group of artists here in Seattle that surreptitiously erected a 2001-style monolith in a Seattle park on New Year's night 2001. They did it completely mysteriously -- it just appeared that morning and had the city all a-twitter (New York we ain't -- it doesn't take much to amuse us here). It was made of metal and anchored into the ground using concrete & rebar, if I recall. I can ask my friend today if she has any more details about how it was constructed.

This probably isn't the kind of monothith you're thinking of, but maybe it'll give you some ideas.

seamus posted on 10/20/2003

Google groups has a sculpture group that is packed full of all kinds of information relating to creating all kinds of sculptures. I'm sure you could find something of value in there.

freddiefreelance posted on 10/21/2003

Thank you Purple Jade, I'd heard about the Yonaguri pyramid but hadn't followed up on it, so far too high a signal-to-noise ratio. I hadn't heard about Poverty Point, I'll look it up. Have you heard about the Aztlan structures in Michigan? They're supposed to be proof of el Dorado, among other things. I'm more interested in creating the look of giant stone blocks rather than looking up new sites (there are so many megalithic sites being found right now!). Maybe I'll try & sculpt'em out of expanding foam, that should be easy! ;})>

Humuhumu, I'm loking @ lime/mud plaster over wood-n-wire frameworks; more archetectural, less sculptural. I'd love to see pictures of your friend's monolith, though. I'll gladly back anyone who knows when the millenium really started.

Thank you Seamus, I'm going to check them out this afternoon.

atomictonytiki posted on 10/21/2003

you could always try


they have a lively message board and are into all sorts of things like megaliths.

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