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small wood carving from France. Short update last page

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Tiki Baï posted on 08/26/2010

EH!!!! mais t'es un tueur toi! :) :) çà claque!! way.. cool!!
I want my tiki tribe pendent!! NOW!!
and I can't wait to see the tt sign finished...
Vraiment bravo!

Lake Surfer posted on 08/26/2010

Wow! Lot's of great stuff going on in your workshop Jérôme!

I love all the Tiki Tribe work! Great pendants, and the sign is coming along splendidly!

Bone, rock and wood... you're doing it all!

laojia posted on 08/27/2010

ghost post...

[ Edited by: laojia 2010-08-27 05:13 ]

laojia posted on 08/27/2010

Hi TC'ers fellows! Thank's everybody for looking and reply!

-BenZ, yes, finally hooked by the bone carving! Already three finished, one more on the bench and someone in my head... This material is really interesting and beautiful, the possibilities are great, I'm going to come with friends all the butchers of the city... :roll:
Thank's for support sensei carver!

-Thank you Conga.

-Also thank you Gman, I am already proud to have done...

-Thank's for the bone nomolos!

-"The world's greatest tool box!" :o Too much honor, honorable Bowie... Thank's for the comp'!

-Eric 21, Merci voisin! :wink:

-Thank you BigT! Right now it is morning, noon and night tiki... :P

-Laojia like when GROG like. :D

-Thank you Surfin', indeed, another "boner" on TC. By dint of drool over your work but also tikimango and da Benz and all other it was necessary well that this happens...

-Thank you Tahitiki, some other versions below...

-Merci! Merci Baï! Ton pendant est prêt et le reste aussi... Pics soon!

-LakeDave! Thank you Man! In fact this summer is really fulfilled... The tiki tribe sign is already gone to Germany and I soon left to join the event:

Now the Tiki Tribe pendant resin cast series finished

the painted series:

the coloured series:

Some bone carving finished:

Hei tiki


And the twisted, not finished but just in time for the plum harvest. A pic' promised for Clarita:

In the same field, knives that I made for carving bone with spring damper truck

Well, the portable carving bench is ready to go in far east of France before Germany for Weil Am Rhein #4

Thank for looking!
Have a nice day!


Creative Chimp posted on 08/27/2010

sweet work as usual man...........those carving knives are great. you should sell those........im just starting a to try bone carving.......still waiting on some tools to be shipped....

Benzart posted on 08/28/2010

Excellent stuff Laojia, as usual. Absolutely Love the traveling Toolbox and the curved Spring tools are Awesome.
Your Bone pieces are Excellent too,, keep up the excitement!

benella posted on 08/30/2010

Oh my God
Oh my God

coconuttzo posted on 08/30/2010

So, you made those carving knives for bone work yourself? SWEEEET! How do they respond? Would you consider making more & selling them?

laojia posted on 08/31/2010

Thank you CC! I'm sure you gonna find good sensation with bone carving. Dont forget to share your progress working! :D

Also thank you Sensei carver! The toolbox has served this weekend (see below) and curved knives are not ready to be ranked ... :wink:

Keep cool Bennno, you gonna meet God in few week in Belgium. :roll: :lol:

Yes coconutzo, I've made this tools myself. The cutting angle is enough obtuse to "fit" into the bone with thin chips. For the moment the cut is good and I did it to be easy to sharpening. I use all the same a flexible shaft to draft and rough the work, the knives are then used to clean surfaces, finishing détails and carving concave areas. If you're interested, I can see to do for yourself or for others. I'll think to find a good price.

As promising somme pics of the weekend event in Germany:

The Tiki Tribe stand:

Thank's to Akuae, Tikiller and Coxico ( the Elsass Crew!) for setup and decoration

The Tiki Tribe banner:

Close up:

The most clean stand of the event:

With Coxico (men at work!)

Seb' Tikiller at work:

blah blah blah.... :roll:

Akuae trying to finish a tiny Moai for a customer:

Product of the day:

With the carvers:

More pics on the Tiki tribe thread in "other event" forum

Have a nice day!


nomolos posted on 08/31/2010

Looks great fun,even a little helper to clean away the wood shavings!

benella posted on 08/31/2010

I'm soooooooooooo jealous of all your top shelf work !
The knives are killer work, bro', I need a pair !

The bone seems to have no secret for you: coool stuff.

Looks like you had goods times with those nice Elsass boys. Next year I'll be there.



Benzart posted on 09/01/2010

Yeah,Awesome photos Jerome, Looks like you guys had Fun Even without Bennie!
Plenty carving Lessons, Chips abound on the floor, Tikis hanging out everywhere, Smiles on Every face, Pockets bulging from tiki sales, Log supplies dwindling, muscles tired, The day goes on and slips away, more tired backs, screaming kids, Tylenol bottles rattling attempting to ease the headaches and pain, and if ONE More person asks how Long it took you to do that tiki.....

AKUAE posted on 09/03/2010

yes a great week end with great guys and some great
carving sessions
hopefully next year for the W.A.R. 5 with all the members of the TIKI TRIBE

stay wild


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and my little Carving Lady ZOE passed a great first moment with all these Tikis
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4WDtiki posted on 09/03/2010

On 2010-09-03 05:25, AKUAE wrote:

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GREAT job on this one!

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surfintiki posted on 09/04/2010

Wow! Some serious good times out there! Some great carvins and carvers!

laojia posted on 09/06/2010

Very great fun in fact nomolos... And not one but five little helper for the mess on the stand!

Bennno!!! We count on you next year! You and Baï and Virani... Thank's for the comp'!

Hey Da BenZ! Some pics and you have fully understood the mood of the day...

AKUAE Bro'!!! Thank you one more time (you and Coxico and Tikiller) for kind home... A good carving session with good guys! Strongly next year! :D
Also thank's for pics add...

4WD, yes great job for the Haikai Tiki and nice met...

Thank you also Surfin'tiki... :)

Finally this draft to Tangaroa started at Weil Am rhein reaches the finish:
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In this minute, the stained wax is currently drying ...

Also the last touch in a new bone piece
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Have a nice day!


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eric 21 posted on 09/06/2010

very good job !!!the muste frenchy tiki !!!!!

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Clarita posted on 09/06/2010

It was a very productive summer after all, a lot of great new pieces , thanks for the pic of the fruits of your tree :) I don't think I ever saw those, what would be the name?
and also glad to see the tiki tribe Paris is growing steady, much aloha to you guys.

laojia posted on 09/07/2010


Thank you Eric!

Also thank you for reply and support Clarita, this fruit is called "MIRABELLE" in french, a delicious fruit from our region.

Now the Tang had time to dry, here it gloss:

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And the koropepe with his obsidian eye is finished, polished and lashed:

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Have a nice day!


Benzart posted on 09/07/2010

Jerome, your tangy guy is Totally off the wall, you must have used 5 miles of sand paper on him. Excellent finish! The koropepe is Top shelf too. What's next?

laojia posted on 09/07/2010

On 2010-09-07 08:33, Benzart wrote:
What's next?

Maybe a larger hunk of bone...

Just 1 miles of sand paper for the Tang', but two coat of stained wax...Thank you for the comp' Sensei carver!


Creative Chimp posted on 09/07/2010

sweeeet work laojia......the style and finish on both of those are awsome......

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Paipo posted on 09/07/2010

Bone, resin, wood, perfect bindings and hand-made tools and a box to carry everything in. Truly a universal artist! Love that lil hei-tiki you posted...super clean and crisp.

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Tikilizard posted on 09/08/2010

Sweet! Really nice carve. Like the simplicity of the design while at the same time the features really stand out.

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surfintiki posted on 09/08/2010

Oh yeahhhh! The Tang's finish looks museum quality!!

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tikigodz posted on 09/08/2010

AWESOME JOB on that lil' guy Very clean.

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seeksurf posted on 09/08/2010

Well done on the Tang! he looks very wise and content.

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Clarita posted on 09/14/2010

beautiful tang!

this fruit is called "MIRABELLE" in french, a delicious fruit from our region.

It seems it's a specie that mostly grows in France, here we have ones yellow but bigger or more like violet, the general name of this fruit here is ciruela, mmmm! and what a pretty tree too :)

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amate posted on 09/16/2010

another beautiful Tang. You've got it down. What is the wood?

laojia posted on 09/17/2010

Week update!

Thank you CC! We often get the impression that the finish is ungrateful to achieve but it always bears fruit. Thank's again.

Thank's for kind word Rhys. I just try to find another sensation that wood ... and by dint of thinking I might try to scratch the rock one of these days. Have a nice austral summer, and don't forget to clean the workshop, you have a visit from old europe soon... :roll:

Thank you Tikilizard!

Yeah Surfin'! Not! Not a museum piece! He is all new! Not even dust over... Thank you Tang master! :wink:

Also thank you Tikigodz!

"Wise and content" ... Like a man in his tikibog :D ... Thank you Craig!

Also thank you Clarita! It is true that this makes these beautiful plum trees ... I promised my wife to wait long before carving!

Thank you Amate! It was carved from a birch branch. It has a nice crack from behind but I think it goes well anyway.

Random pics of the last works finished:

First, a pink ivory hei tiki:
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Some quick carving, the different mood of tiki bob:
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My first twisted bone finally monted with a tiny hei matau:
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in fact it merely serves to light the lamp...
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And finally two twisted bone pendant. The first I made, on the left, have a mistake on the design and a little crack behind, the second is a little better:
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If the sun goes down here, he must also rise up somewhere...
Have a nice day!


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Clarita posted on 09/18/2010

No cutting the tree!! I trust Mrs. laojia as guardian of the plum! cool new carves :)

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Tikilizard posted on 09/18/2010

Sweeet! Your two twisted bone pendant are just amazing 3D feats of carving. Nicely done.

Benzart posted on 09/19/2010

laojia, Love the lamp cord decorations, the twisted bone is Excellent and the cord is Amazing, you've learned well! Love the new twists as well as the Pink Hei-Tiki too.
What super surprises do you have in store next?

laojia posted on 10/05/2010

OOPs... Long time without update... Summer seems to last a little longer, so I spend much time in the workshop ... Lots of things started, very few finished...

Clarita, don't worries for the this little plum tree , lot of dry wood wait chisels and gouges in the workshop. Thank's for the comp'!

Also thank you Tikilizard!

BenZ! If I learn well it's a little bit cause of you! :wink: Thank for support sensei carver.

Next tiki out of the workshop are still in the state of work in progress:

The tiny maori panel continue his journey:
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A small hunk of buffalo horn, I've finally decided to begin for a new pendant:
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hell this is hard material...

A marquisian tiki:
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And some rough draft that wait may be next spring:
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Thank's for looking!

Have a nice day!


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wplugger posted on 10/07/2010

You've got something for everyone there.
I can only work on one project at a time till completion.

Benzart posted on 10/08/2010

Well, class "A" Student or Apprentice Carver, You're doing Well for yourself and making your Mentor happy with all these pieces you seem to be working on here you just make sure they are Finished when you finish them.
You have an A+ so far on theses just stay the course and you'll be OK,In Other Words, Way Excellent stuff learner keep up the good work, MAke yer mentor Proud!!!

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congatiki posted on 10/08/2010

wonderful projects Jerome. You are off to a great start on the PNG figure,
and EVERYTHING else looks great too. Some of the objects in the back look like
they might be finished, more pics please. There's a dark sideways "fishermans god"
sort of thing that looks fun.

Lake Surfer posted on 10/08/2010

Lot's going on! I'm really loving the Maori panel! Nice work!

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eric 21 posted on 10/08/2010

super boulo !!!!tu menerve,,,, comment tu fait pour passer dessous ....oups

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Yubaba posted on 10/11/2010

I love your work Iaojia!
Particulary the bone carvings, those are my absolute favorites

Next time you attend an event, let me know, so I can swing by

laojia posted on 10/12/2010

Hi everybody! A lil' update:

Wplugger, thank's for the comment. I've always two or three project on the same time, large or small. That way I pass from one to another when the inspiration or technical problem stopped me. Some things need to mature to continue... There are also, I borrowed a chainsaw to my work, I take a morning to make several rough form, and I will take several weeks (month!) to finish everything that there is.

Hey ! BenZ! Proud to make my mentor proud! Thank you for support '" class A sensei"! :wink:

Thank you too Conga, your eyes are everywhere, this fisherman god is one of a series of three that is not finished yet.

Lot of work on this tiny maori panel, one day I would see the end... Glad you like! Thank you Dave!

Salut Eric! Ben avec la tronçonneuse pour l'entre jambes... C'est un peu dangereux mais bon... Merci en tout cas!

Yubaba, thank you for the comp'! It's my first attempt in bone carving, I'm a beginner in this art. Next event in the program may be in Metz before Christmas or so in Paris in spring... Stay tuned!

Some pics:

Two grenadill pendant almost forgotten in the corner of the desk, finally lashing:

Maori warrior mask
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Tiny Hei matau
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Almost finished (yesterday evening at 9 p.m):

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carved in poplar
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making fun chips on the pattern of the basis

And what I have to finish quickly:
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it lacks a door at home...

After I will attack the cargo that I am fetching yesterday

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Thank's to Vincent & Aline

Thank's for looking!
Have a nice day!


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seeksurf posted on 10/12/2010

Looking great! You are hard @ it my friend.

Creative Chimp posted on 10/13/2010

your style is so clean and perfect laojia....and your shop too.....you have alot going on.....cant wait to see your next update. great work....just friggin GREAT!!!!!!!!

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TikiKIrby posted on 10/13/2010

Seriously nice work!! I really love the finish and attention to detail. Very inspirational

Benzart posted on 10/14/2010

YES! Love the new pieces, the Maori pendant is top shelf, the "Almost finished one" will be Super tight and the Vacant log giants in your shop??? WOW.
Also, what is that green machine on the right sied of your shop shot??? Tool junkies want to Know!

laojia posted on 10/19/2010

Hello TC'ers fellows, update of the week!

Hey Seek! Found a log? Thank' for stopping by!

Thank you for kind words and enthousiam CC! The workshop well need a sweep these last days... and I will have to ranked many things in preparation for the cold begins to arrive...

Also thank you tikiKirby!

Hey tool junkie! The green machine under the covers? This is my old (more than me old!) and rusty woodworking machinery. An engine, six operations. Circular saw, jointer, planer, router, mortising, lapidary and an "homemade" polishing bench. Already seen here.
More pics? One other day... :P In any case thank you for comment and comp' Sensei carver!

Now the almost finished one is ... Finished:

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Also the "beachcombing serie", finally completed:

Mussels Lono
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Urchin fishergod
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Abalone maori
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Carved on thin plank of basswood, the beachcombing come our last holidays exept abalone given by Benella Bro'! :wink:

Few pieces, tiki and pendants, are now available on the market place. Please follow the link.
Thank's for looking!
Have a nice day!


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GROG posted on 10/19/2010


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Clarita posted on 10/19/2010

Wow that almost finished, now finished, is gorgeous!

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