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Northeast Tiki Tour 3 - November 12-14, 2010

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rev_thumper posted on 10/11/2010

That's right, we're back for another NETT after a short hiatus in Lake George.

The weather may be turning crisp but it will be warm on the bus with the Ohana. Bargoyle is going back to basics this year, one bus and a whole lot of fun.

Stay tuned for hotel and ticket information soon.

And join us on Facebook while you wait:



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Bargoyle posted on 10/14/2010

Ah, the good ol' NeTT. The Northeast Tiki Tour.

A big ass bus, with a nice AV system (we play exotica & show old films while rolling), complimentary drinks onboard served by our semi-coherent staff, and stops at the last/best Tiki joints in New England.

We missed the bus tour last year, so this year we figured, why not do Ohana AND NeTT? I was crazy enough to get talked into it, and here we are.

The NeTT is Back, and its on for November 12-14, 2010. Yeah, that’s a month away.

Friday is kickoff party, Saturday is the bus tour, Sunday is hangover brunch.

Time is short, and seats are VERY limited. We only have ONE bus this year, so that means there’s only room for 50 folks. The cost is $40, and that gets ya a seat on the bus, some drinks on board, and stops at the Kowloon, Bali Hai, South Pacific, and a mystery spot we KNOW you’re going to love. A full day of comradery, cocktails, pu-pu’s, & insanity!

In addition, rather than doing a whole organized room crawl thing on Friday night(don’t worry, most of us will be up both nights mixing drinks in our rooms regardless) JPM ArtDog has graciously offered his Exotic Island Art Studio as home base for Friday’s shenanigans.

We’ll be entertained by the rockin’ surf of 9th Wave (yeah, they’re one of our favorites, and if I have my way will be at EVERY event we throw!) as well as some Special Surprise Guests. The bar will be open, and if you want to jump behind it & guest bartend for a bit to show off those killer mixing skills, just speak up. We’ll also have more food than all of us could possibly (or should) eat in one night.

We are asking for a separate $10 donation at the door on Friday, to help offset some of the cost of all the food & booze, and even if you don’t get on the bus, you’re more than welcome to join us at the Friday night party!

So, brass tacks: Goto http://www.NortheastTikiTour.com and follow the link to BUY TICKETS. Then, make your reservation at the Fairfield Inn in Amesbury, MA

Fairfield Inn
35 Clarks Road
Amesbury, MA 01913
ph. 978.388.3400
fx. 978.388.9850

Mention the code N.E.T.T. as the 4-digit discount code, and get rooms for $79/night. They’re only holding the block of rooms thru Sunday, so move fast!!

In fact, with only 50 seats available, move fast on everything!

So, what are you waiting for? Stop reading my ramblings. Go get a seat on the bus!!

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Bargoyle posted on 10/16/2010


Thanks folks! The response has been unbelievable!

We're down to only 17 seats!

If you can join us, its gonna be a hell of a weekend, I guarantee it.

See ya on the bus!

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Tikisgrl posted on 10/17/2010

Can't wait! I love a good bus ride!

rev_thumper posted on 10/25/2010

We still have some tickets so if you are on the fence it is time to hop off and join us on the bus next month.

Already have tickets? Think about bringing a friend. Maybe someone who keeps asking you about this "tiki thing."

rev_thumper posted on 11/03/2010

Less than two weeks to go!


Don't miss it.

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Bargoyle posted on 11/05/2010
rev_thumper posted on 11/06/2010

In related news Massachusetts just repealed the state sales tax on alcohol.

So there's another reason to come up for NETT.... like you needed another reason!

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The Granite Tiki posted on 11/07/2010

I'll be there, with bells on!

rev_thumper posted on 11/12/2010

Almost time! Woo!

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Hibiscus posted on 11/13/2010

What a kick-off party at Exotic Island! Many mahalos to our super-fab host, jpmartdog, and all the guest bartenders for making it such a great event. Looking forward to photos of the bus tour.

Here are some shots from the kick-off party...

9th Wave take the stage!

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The Pam Am "wreckage"...

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Inside the fuselage...

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The King...

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Leisure Master and Professahhhummingflowah working their magic...

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Go-go girls!

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Elvis serenades us all...

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Lots of fabulousness and fun...

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A post-cocktail shot of electric hula-hoopery...

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A great time was had by all!

[ Edited by: Hibiscus 2010-11-14 11:50 ]

rev_thumper posted on 11/15/2010

Nice pics, Hibiscus!

And that was just the kick-off party folks! Before the whole day on the bus visiting tiki bars and a distillery.

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GROG posted on 11/15/2010

Looks like fun.

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sneakyjack posted on 11/15/2010

Who's got more photos? I'm sad I missed but duty called!

rev_thumper posted on 11/16/2010
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jpmartdog posted on 11/16/2010

Aloha from Exotic Island-
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Just wanted to thank all who sailed to my shores on Friday evenings NETT 3 blast.
Special Thanks to Ninth Wave for another command performance! (and delicious rice and cookies :wink: ). Awesome :thumbsup: to our go-go dancers- Jen, Nicole and Sandy; and of course to the nationally famous Hula-hoop extraordinaire- Elena B. And to the guest celebrity bartenders that were assembled from across the northeast! Leisure Master Joe, Randy Wong, Tim Mayer, Hula Cat Greg and John-man Minor... and Rev Thumper Geoff, and to anyone else that helped out behind the bar. Thanks to our very own Rum Distributor Dave Catania that graciously provided the amazing rum selection of the evening.
All of you that attended as a return visitor or as an Island virgin, Thank you for filling my studio with the spirit of aloha! May you return again...SOON!
(Wait till you see it decked out in its Vintage Christmas finest!)

The shores look brighter when my friends are on them!
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[ Edited by: jpmartdog 2010-11-16 12:45 ]

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