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Does anyone else besides me like good food?

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cynfulcynner posted on 10/11/2003

On 2003-10-11 09:11, Formikahini wrote:

NICE Easter bonnet, Cynfulcynner! I'm guessing you let them get nice & stale, as per Humuhumu's advice, so that they didn't do the plop-plop-fizz-fizz thing about which she warned?

I unwrapped and separated them, let them dry out for a few days, then I sealed them with clear spray paint. Three years later, they still look as fresh as they did right out of the box! 8)

purple jade posted on 10/11/2003

After being turned on to it by Tikifish, I have a lychee bubble tea monkey on my back.
(Although finding out the calorie count on one was a sobering experience...)
And I haven't had Doo Dads in years, you can still get them?

Here's something I love that usually makes other people ill...anybody like those little square Violet candies?

And I also love a good Tom Ga Kai.

Kava King posted on 10/11/2003

I can't be in the same room with those things...but Miss Kava thinks they're great! Somehow the ultra floral smell makes me queasy. Aren't they made by the same company that makes "Sen-Sen"?

purple jade posted on 10/12/2003

EEEEEEAGH! Sen-Sen! How atrocious is THAT stuff? I don't know if it's the same company, could be.

I knew I liked Miss Kava for a good reason. :)

Mr. Jade agrees with you, says it's like eating soap. And another friend who went to Catholic school too says they smell like nuns (?).

divychic posted on 10/12/2003

I LOVE Mexican shits at three
calfornia dip and can cheese

suzywong posted on 10/13/2003

Purple Jade,
I do believe there was at least one grocery selling doo dad's. Haven't had them in a long time.

You can get bubble tea without the "pearls", and they have some that contain only fruit and water. What is amazing, the most popular and in demand flavor among the Vietnamese community is avacado!!! And they are BY FAR the thinnet people I have seen (They don't eat all the massive amounts of sugar Americans do. Although who really does).........
Have not been brave enough to try Durian. Which is also quite popular. I have smelled it though......Yikes....

K&B used t sell those violet candies by the register.

purple jade posted on 10/13/2003

Eeeeeeyeah...I've been curious about the durian too. (Frosty's,I presume?) But not brave enough either. It was a Vietnamese guy that told me about the calories. And what's the point without the pearls?

The little grocery down the street from me still carries Violet candies. Hey, I should check there for Doo Dads!

Anybody remember Danish Go Rounds? I remember them as being really good. But I remember Spaghettios as being good too. And they're just not.

Are there any Greeks out there who have a good savoro sauce recipe? I had some once that was different from most recipes, slightly sweet, with raisins, and it was awesome!

suzywong posted on 10/13/2003

Hi Purple Jade!

Frosty's has more of a variety of fresh fruit choices. But I was refering to
Dong Phu'o'ng wayyyy up Chef Menteur Hwy and Ba Mien on Michoud Blvd. I believe there may also be a couple of places on the Westbank.

Quite a few get it without the pearls. I agree, it wouldn't be the same. I just can't get over the avacado. It LOOKS good, but...My sister tried it once and I may have tasted it, can't recall.

Evil Mastermind posted on 10/13/2003

My personal preference is the taro root flavored tea latte, with the boba. Taro is almost like that strawberry quik pink milk, but not as cloying (or dairy).
Almond is very nice, too.

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/13/2003

What's fun is blasting the boba ball out of the over-sized boba straw at an unsuspecting nit wit, and then saying "Oh, excuse me. That was an accident".

Evil Mastermind posted on 10/13/2003

Those suckers really fly, too!

Atomic Cocktail posted on 10/13/2003


freddiefreelance posted on 10/13/2003

On 2003-10-10 17:56, Tiki_Bong wrote:

On 2003-10-09 22:47, purple jade wrote:
Why don't "good" and "food" rhyme?

**** NOTE - This is NOT a religious post, just normal stupid, dubm-ass Bong stuff ****

"God is great, God is good, and we thank him for this fooud" (?)

This rhymes if you're Scottish!

Shipwreckjoey posted on 10/20/2003

I'm partial to Archie Bunker's version of saying grace - "bless the meat, damn the skin, open your kisser and cram it in" Amen

freddiefreelance posted on 10/20/2003

There's my maiden Great-Great Aunts' grace: "Good Bread, Good Meat, Good Gravy, Lets Eat!"

Jungle Trader posted on 10/21/2003

Okay, if you're ever in San Francisco, ya' gotta go to Jakarta. I've never tasted better Indonesian food. My kids agreed it was great food and that's saying a lot. If you need to know where it is, ask Martiki6 or one of the other Bay area residents. I don't know where it is, I just stumbled upon it one night. Don't miss it, unless you're allergic to peanut sauce. Top notch.

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