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Cursed Tiki's Set 2 Hawaiian Eye

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The Witch Doctor posted on 10/22/2010

OK got my new set ready to roll out!!!!!!

first off is my Version of Hawaiian eye..Limited to 50

next is The Shrunken head. (for my bar) I'll make 100 first run with wooden coffin box.
this is just the mold, i will add the 4 glaze, job and Tied lips, and eyes with brass rings in the ears
I'm going all out. should be out of the pot next week and ready to ship. Of coarse I'll have the finished product up for View in about a week or so.

My last set sold out in 1 week

and I will have a Basement K design as soon as he approves the mold...

[ Edited by: The Witch Doctor 2010-10-21 18:42 ]

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