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Looking for a Bamboo or Rattan Bookshelf

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bottleofdoom posted on 10/21/2003

We've been searching for months for a large bamboo/rattan bookshelf about 72" high by 48" wide with approximately 4-5 shelves to go into our tiki room. I've been on ebay, I've surfed the web and shopped locally to no avail. Does anybody have any suggestions on where we can obtain one? It's all we need to complete the room, so any help would be appreciated.

Humuhumu posted on 10/21/2003

Bamboo Ben!

712 Yorktown Ave. # 20 (by appt)
Huntington Beach, CA, USA
Ph: (714) 960-1860

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/21/2003

Hey BottleofDoom,

Is the Kolb Rd tavern still there in Tucson (Kolb Rd & 22nd). As a small boy in the '60's I used to fall asleep in the booths watching my step father play County Western guitar with his band.

Back then (and maybe still) you could take children into bars if they were with an adult (or the band!). My main source of nutrition in those days was Slim Jims and Coca Cola.

purple jade posted on 10/22/2003

My main source of nutrition in those days was Slim Jims and Coca Cola.

That explains SO much...

bottleofdoom posted on 10/22/2003

Thanks for the info, we'll try Bamboo Ben. As far as the Kolb Rd. Tavern, I don't know because I'm rarely on that side of town, but now I have a mission to explore. I'll let you know.

SES posted on 10/22/2003

[ Edited by: SES on 2004-01-05 19:22 ]

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