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Buy an Oceanic Arts 50th Anniversary Mug (NIB), save an American Icon (USS Olympia)

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tikipedia posted on 10/11/2010

I am selling this new in box, never been opened Oceanic Arts 50th Anniversary mug. All proceeds of the sale of this mug will go to a fund to help save the USS Olympia, an irreplaceable American icon that is at great risk.

USS Olympia is the last surviving warship from the Spanish-American War, and was the flagship of the US fleet at the Battle of Manila Bay, which marked the day the United States effectively became a global power. In fact, our Tiki culture can be traced back to what happened aboard Olympia. The U.S. acquired the Philippines and Guam and got pulled into the Pacific region. Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor was due, in part, to American control of the Philippines, which lead to the Pacific War, Bali Hai, and all of that other stuff that has fueled our Polynesian Pop culture today.

The current steward of Olympia, Independence Seaport Museum, is unwilling or unable to fund critical repairs to the ship. As such, the museum announced they will close Olympia after November 22, 2010. The ship needs to be taken to a drydock for badly needed repairs, and a new non-profit group is raising money to fund this. If money cannot be raised, Olympia will either be scrapped or sunk as an artificial reef.

All of the money from the sale of this mug will be donated to The Cruiser Olympia Historical Society, which is trying to save this singular piece of American history. The organization recently used some donations to pay for some repainting and repairs. The ultimate objective is to repair her and create a new museum to display and maintain her. Check them out at: http://www.tcohs.org/

I’m trying something new by selling this directly to the Tiki Central community, rather than through eBay. I’m offering this mug for a set amount, but if you want to contribute more that will be greatly appreciated. Here are the details:

I’m offering the mug for $125.00, or the highest amount above that. If you want to contribute more, then please do so. All money will be used to repair and restore Olympia. After one week, the highest amount at or above the offering price gets the mug.
I will pay for shipping within the United States.
Payment will be through PayPal. This money will be given to the Cruiser Olympia Historical Society.

Beyond this auction, if you are willing to donate any amount to save Olympia, it would be greatly appreciated. Just visit the above link. Or if you are around Philly, pay a visit to this American icon.

Offering this mug for sale. The mug is new, unopened in the box.

Help save this irreplaceable piece of American History.

The Tikipedia

[ Edited by: tikipedia 2010-10-10 20:14 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 10/11/2010

That is one cool boat! Dry dock it or sumpthin'!

CincyTikiCraig posted on 10/12/2010

It's is vitally important that we work to save the USS Olympia. She is a piece of living history that is in danger of literally being lost for all time. He's a link with some more information on the danger that the Olympia faces:


tikipedia posted on 10/27/2010

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