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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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McTiki posted on 10/13/2010

Awesome shots as usual Buzz!

Benzart posted on 10/14/2010

Excellent stuff as Usual Buzz!

These guys get PAID to Screw around all day

martini kings posted on 10/15/2010

drum... by buzzy!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/15/2010

Horrible sunset from last night:

That may be bad, but it gets worse...

This is how it is right now:

Ugh! That's actual rain/drizzle/fog/mist!

On to tikis now...

I'm letting a couple ideas for the drum percolate in my mind's expanses, so in the meantime, I'm keeping my hands busy with another carving project. Here's the start of the second one for the Cannibal trio:

Everything's way blocky now:

Celebrating blurry picture day!

For those of you who mine these threads for carving tips: this one's for you!

Benzart mentioned on Wendy's thread yesterday about using a centerline for symmetry. I do that, but also grid it out thoroughly as well.
Here's how the ends of my logs are marked out before I draw out the design:

I get the center line on first(marked with "V" so I can keep track of it), and then make the parallels to it out to the edge of the log. Then I get the quarter lines drawn in. After I have the top and bottom quartered and gridded, I just connect the lines on the top and bottom like this:

Everything is then measured going from left or right of the center line. The grid lines are there so I can just freehand it, as opposed to remeasuring every single line that I have to do. What's that saying: measure twice, cut once? I'm a measuring fool!

On 2010-10-12 19:50, Tiki Shaker wrote:
The drums looking pretty damn impressive Buzz.

Thanks TS! I'm getting excited to see it finished now. It's got some "presence" to it sitting there in the room. 'm knd of gong slow on it because I don;t want to mess it up. It's been going so well so far, I need to keep that up.

On 2010-10-12 19:53, Bora Boris wrote:
I love the Cannibal, I love the drum, I love those sunsets.

Yo BB! Thanks for dropping by! Always nice to hear from you...

On 2010-10-12 20:16, Tahitiki wrote:
Awesome drum Buzzy!!!

Thanks T! I trying to pull out all the stops on this one. So far, so so good!

On 2010-10-13 12:57, Creative Chimp wrote:
buzzy? seriously.....DUUUUUDE!!!
how do you get so much done...? really? im lucky if i get 2 hours a week..is this full time? do you sleep.....
great stuff...i love your thread. got your brady bunch tiki here with me just puzzled how much you pump out.
i mean CMON!!!!! now hurry up and post some more pics :)...quit slacking

It's a little more than full time...maybe like all the time...except when I sleep, that is. I actually have been sleeping quite well lately. When I started a few years ago, I had insomnia all the time. Now I'm so exhausted from working, that I sleep pretty well. I'm want to be more productive, so I'm trying a different approach to my carving regime now. So far, it seems to be working...Time will tell, though. Hopefully I can stay injury free for a while and keep up this sizzling pace.

On 2010-10-13 13:30, McTiki wrote:
Awesome shots as usual Buzz!

Hey Mc T! Sorry about those 2 blurry ones today... :wink: I'll try to improve my focus from now on. And take clear pictures as well.

On 2010-10-13 18:44, Benzart wrote:
Excellent stuff as Usual Buzz!
These guys get PAID to Screw around all day

Thanks Big B! We should all be so lucky to get paid for screwing around all day. Oh wait....
It's good work, if you can get it, that is.

On 2010-10-15 08:14, martini kings wrote:
drum... by buzzy!

Damn that looks good! Nice picture T! thanks for posting. It makes me so happy to see that drum up on stage with you guys at your shows. Glad you gave me the challenge of making it. Thanks again!

Sometimes it looks like my work goes on to have a better life than I do:

They certainly live in a better environment now...

What's for lunch?
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-10-15 12:28 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/19/2010

It rained the last couple of days. Looked like this:

It supposed to stay like this too...

tiki Update:

A little more work done on the Cannibal today.
Ears, head, and arms cleaned up a bit:

face drawn, legs and second head started:

Face and hands carved, more leg work done:

More leg work, bottom tiki being blocked out:

Buzzy Out!

Clarita posted on 10/19/2010

On 2010-09-24 19:21, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

I finished carving the tiki last night:

The base will be dark, the tiki, a little lighter

the rope will look the same

I know i'm a little late for this, but... I love this one!!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 10/19/2010

Lookin good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hiltiki posted on 10/20/2010

Cannibals are looking great.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/20/2010

I'm real close to having this guy all finished up:

On 2010-10-19 12:24, Clarita wrote:
I know i'm a little late for this, but... I love this one!!

Thanks Clarita. You're actually early...I'll get him all finished up in a few months or so.

On 2010-10-19 12:30, Queen Kamehameha wrote:
Lookin good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well I'm certainly glad that you like him!

On 2010-10-19 19:37, hiltiki wrote:
Cannibals are looking great.

thanks Hiltiki! If you look close, you can see your new thatch in those pictures up there :up:

Rain rain go away!
Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 10/21/2010

Looks like you're getting a little BEHIND in your Work Buzzy? :o

GROG posted on 10/21/2010

GROG like how your first cannibal of the trio looks like he's captured his victim. The old cannibal trio, it looks like the first cannibal is sodomizing his victim.

Good job Buzzard.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/21/2010

we had a good sunset here yesterday:

Second cannibal done now:

Two of the three checked off now:

Eater to go...

But first, I have sum on da' drum to do...

On 2010-10-20 19:30, Benzart wrote:
Looks like you're getting a little BEHIND in your Work Buzzy? :o

Yeah, sometimes I get lucky...

On 2010-10-20 19:33, GROG wrote:
The old cannibal trio, it looks like the first cannibal is sodomizing his victim.

and then he takes a little taste...

Buzzy Out!

MadDogMike posted on 10/21/2010

"If it doesn't have a tiki on it, it's not tiki"
That is NOT a sunset, there's no sun! :D

PS - Love the geometric designs on the bell of the drum

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/23/2010


On 2010-10-21 16:54, MadDogMike wrote:
Love the geometric designs on the bell of the drum

Good! because I had to make a few more:

Buzzy Out!

Lake Surfer posted on 10/24/2010

Buzzy, you are truly the master of tikified percussion instruments!

Nice work!

MadDogMike posted on 10/26/2010

SUNSET ALERT - I took tis pic this morning and it's heading your way - should be there in about 2 hours!

PS - drum is looking great, can you carve me a tiki trombone :D

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/26/2010

Maybe the day before yesterday sunset?

It's finally sunny here. I'm doing my usual post storm damage inventory so I can file my claim with FEMA right away.

There was that scene in Repo Man where HDS is at the liquor store and the clerk says "Have a good night." HDS says "Day, night, don't mean shit." For a majority of my life after seeing that scene, I would always repeat that line when a clerk told me to "have a good night."
When I was a clek at a liquor store, I had nicknames for regular customers: Peach schnapps guy, Cunado, Trail Boss, Sarge, OkieTexastony, Painter dude, El Raton, DrunkMom, etc. I wonder if any of those clerks I talked back to ever assigned me the nickname "Asshole guy." It would've fit, from thier perspectives. I just considered it payback for all the shit I took behind the counter all those years. I'm forever trying to balance the ledger of life in my constant pursuit of equailty for one and all.
The only thing all this has to do with tiki is that it doesn;t seem to matter when I get my work done, as long as I get it done, right? So, day, night, it don't mean shit. That's my new carving motto because I find myself working only at night lately. I try to start earlier in the day, but I'm too tired from working until all hours of the morning to start before sunset. Anyway, here's my last night's work.
It was drafting night again...

Next step on the drum bell was to get it all gridded out:

I also carved in the border lines of the new triangle designs

After that, I took the requested/supplied logo and made it a little more carving friendly and balanced:

The white sheet was the orignal and the yellow sheet was my hand drawn first draft. The yellow sheet is the same size as the area on the drum that needs to be covered.

I used my ghetto light box and another sheet of tracing paper to make the cleaned up master:

the top of the "s" was off so I redid it on the actual drum later on

then I tape that on the drum to see if it fits:

I want the whole image to be readable while looking at it straight on.

It was just right, so I traced it on to the drum:

Tonight's carving night!

On 2010-10-24 09:57, Lake Surfer wrote:
Buzzy, you are truly the master of tikified percussion instruments!

After this one, I think I'm going to Jim Brown it and go out on top...

On 2010-10-26 15:54, MadDogMike wrote:
SUNSET ALERT - I took tis pic this morning and it's heading your way - should be there in about 2 hours!

PS - drum is looking great, can you carve me a tiki trombone :D

it's looking pretty hazy right now. Today's sunset forecast is poor.
Trombone? Sure thing band geek!

I have to go to work now...
Buzzy Out!

4WDtiki posted on 10/27/2010

Aha! I've been wanting to ask if this drum is a commission, but now I see that it is!
That triangle work is perfect. Do them smaller and you'll be in Tikimecula territory!

Tahitiki posted on 10/28/2010

Love the triangle cuts, it's neat!!!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/01/2010


We've had a little rain, and a lot of sun.

Here's the logo carved into the drum:

Right now it's about 1/4"-3/8" deep. It will eventually be about 1/2" or so

I also started the last of the Cannibal set, The Eater:

Not much on it yet, obviously...

On 2010-10-26 17:26, 4WDtiki wrote:
Aha!... this drum is a commission,... now I see that it is!

You are correct sir!

On 2010-10-28 08:44, Tahitiki wrote:
Love the triangle cuts, it's neat!!!

Triangles were hard to pull off, but after doing about 40 of them they seemed to go easier... I'm glad I used the flat chisels so much when I first started carving because that helped make these work. I was stumbling getting them done and kind of thought the flat chisel would work better, and sure enough, they did.

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-11-01 14:53 ]

TheBigT posted on 11/02/2010

You are the drum king, Buzz!

Benzart posted on 11/03/2010

Beautiful Stuff as Usual Buzzer, but THIS one I think will be your Finest Drum Ever, SWEET!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/03/2010

Two days worth of sunsets:

I took a break from the carving that I was doing while I was taking a break from a different carving I was doing to do an impulse carving hat I wanted to do

I got some ficus last week. A bunch of big logs that look like this:
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I split a log of it, and then milled a few pieces for future carvings
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first up was this one:
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It's triangle shaped and still has the bark on one edge
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I decided to try to carve a tiki cane out of that slab o wood

A little cleaning with the trusty ryobi planer and I got the cane slightly rounded out
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A little more rounding and the tiki part cleaned a bit
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And now the tiki started a bit
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Closer up
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Side view:
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On 2010-11-02 10:32, TheBigT wrote:
You are the drum king, Buzz!

There used to be this guy on tv who was the "King of Big Screens." At the end of his commercials he'd wear a crown, king robe, hold a scepter and proclaim "I am THE KING!"

I should steal his ad campaign...

On 2010-11-02 18:53, Benzart wrote:
but THIS one I think will be your Finest Drum Ever, SWEET!

Hopefully! But I don;t have time to work on it anymore because someone carpet bombed me with friend recommendations after I signed on to facebook yesterday. :wink:

Buzzy Out!

GROG posted on 11/03/2010

That's going to be the John Holmes of Tangaroans there, Buzzmeister. :D

Sweet drum.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/03/2010

I'm getting carpal tunnel syndrome from having to scroll down those couple of extra inches at the top of the TC pages now. :(

I got on one of those can't stop carving binges yesterday and powered through more of the cane
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early progress on the body
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At his point, I;m having all kinds of problems because I used the triangle piece of wood
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I'll have to redo the torso and upper arms later on
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On to the head
The ears left on after thinning the head
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face drawn in and carve ready:
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ass and cock back done:
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face, hands and little head carved in now:
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I think I got the carving aligned to the grain right so that his belly will be a bunch of thin rings.
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Poki's been decorating the yard to match the house:
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On 2010-11-02 23:05, GROG wrote:
That's going to be the John Holmes of Tangaroans there, Buzzmeister. :D

That's cool, it can double as a "marital aide" for the ladies! Now if I could just hollow it out and have it able to store booze...
It also seems to be a rather lethal club as well

Beautiful sunny day here again...
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/03/2010

On 2010-11-02 23:05, GROG wrote:
That's ...[Tang]... there, Buzzmeister. :D

How is "Wang Tang" for the name of it?

Here it is for scale:
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I'm dressed like that because it's a work day.

Yes, I'd like Double chili cheeseburger, fries, and a medium cherry coke.Thanks.
Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 11/04/2010

BUZZY, Thats Totally Funny and the name too, '"Wang Tang", Only from the sick Mind of the Buzz Master!

( I Hand picked those, you want the other half????)

MadDogMike posted on 11/04/2010

Too funny Buzz :lol: I've hacked up a little ficus myself, I think it's a beautiful wood - can't wait to see the finished product.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/05/2010

Today's sunset:
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It's almost to the part where we'll see the bay water in the shots
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warm one again today

After messing around for a couple days on the cane, it's time to get serious and get back to work. today was reserved for the third cannibal, The Eater.
It was here at the start of the day
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First I notched in the ear tops to establish the head width
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More of the ear is revealed as the temples are carved in
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The little tiki is marked here to help me see the piece as a whole

Cleaning the sides of the heads to the top of the arms:
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Head width established and the little guy's body blockedin
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Sunset, and I had this much done:

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the mouth opening is started
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It's really ugly right there. good thing I don;t think it;s finished yet

Everything getting cleaned up a bit with one knee started
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Both knees done now, arms cleaned, and one side of torso started
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Other side of torso done
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It's getting there:
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no more for today...

On 2010-11-03 19:45, MadDogMike wrote:
I've hacked up a little ficus myself, I think it's a beautiful wood

I agree. Here are some pieces I did out of ficus in the past:
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(the 5 smallest ones are basswood)

On 2010-11-03 19:35, Benzart wrote:
BUZZY, Thats Totally Funny and the name too, '"Wang Tang", Only from the sick Mind of the Buzz Master!

Yeah, calling it "Tiki # 189" just doesn't roll off the tongue as well...

I hope all the mosquitoes that got me last night are full.
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/06/2010

Today's sunset:
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It's supposed to get cooler soon...

Just a touch more work on the cannibal today. I started by doing a little cutout between the tiki bodies:
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Next I had to get rid of all the wood between the arms:
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Here it is now:
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It's getting real, real close now...

Buzzy Out!

GROG posted on 11/06/2010

You make it look easy, Buzzer.

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/168526c570cb49a308f75b14386bfbfd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
RevBambooBen posted on 11/08/2010

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this Bud's for you Buzz!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/08/2010

Cheers Ben!

Here's the same one from down here:
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More Cannibal progress. I didn;t like the angle of the forehead, so I started off by lowering its "grade %" a bit. Then I hollowed the mouth:
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Blurry picture of ears done a little more. I'll soften them up a bit in the sanding process. i also did the legs a bit to give him some feet
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Legs separated in the back
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Then I drew the face
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After that, I carved it. I gave him some chompers too:
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I'll do the little man tomorrow and sand him up a bit before I do the final details
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Here's the set:
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I think all the sets of these cannibals I've seen have them all the same height. That never made sense to me because the one guy is standing, and the other two are kneeling and sitting. In my set, the standing guy is taller, like I think he should be.

On 2010-11-06 10:00, GROG wrote:
You make it look easy, Buzzer.

It is. Like I've always said. If I can do it, then anyone certainly can.

I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-11-08 01:12 ]

Benzart posted on 11/08/2010

Buzz, This is really going to be an EXCELLENT Cannibal set, I'm enjoying learning how to carve my own through your lessons. Thanks!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/11/2010

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I finished carving the third cannibal this evening:
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I'll take the ears down a bit morewhen I start sanding it
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The set:
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Buzzy Out!

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Babalu posted on 11/14/2010

Dang! Sweet Cannibals there master buzz!

A little fill in there for ya buddy -

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Benzart posted on 11/14/2010

Excellent trio of course there Buzzy,, Add them to the lost of Impressive pieces you've done.
These guys are All excellent too:
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Cammo posted on 11/17/2010

Stopped by the House of Buzz yesterday and since Buzzy is temporarily banned, I snapped these pics to show y'all what he's been banned to.

The view from his back porch;

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The mysterious Buzzy's Island, with roller coaster in the background. Keep in mind that Buzzy's Island is a man-made coral atoll with a shallow, clean lagoon in the middle filled with fish and shells that is warmed naturally to about 75-80 degrees year round.

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Buzzy's Point;

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MadDogMike posted on 11/17/2010

Where was he banished to? Looks like one of those white collar resort prisons!

Benzart posted on 11/18/2010

YEah, Whats the deal??
Peeps wants'ta know.

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/bbe3f6b58b245d0670cc5c037c4ec37c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Cammo posted on 11/18/2010

Hi everybody, Buzzy WILL BE BACK and he will EXPLAIN EVERYTHING!

Benz, how ya doing?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/19/2010

Today's sunset:
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Hanford banished me for a while because I wouldn't stop instigating havoc here on TC. He got tired of me throwing my matches on all the powder kegs. It sure was fun while it lasted, though.(for me!)

Ok, back to the tiki stuff...

If you were on facebook last week, you might have seen my updates there on how I took this ficus wood:
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And carved it down to this mini taiaha:
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Gotta love the way that ficus turns out
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I carved this design on both sides
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I even did abalone inlays for it
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I also drew up the graphic for the drum and have started hacking away at it:
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Thanks to Babalu and Cammo for guest hosting.
Buzzy Out!

CC Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/856f6dbe2987359defd54cdfab168a3c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Creative Chimp posted on 11/19/2010

man i love them there cannibals:) and all the other 128 items you seem to pump out buzz............YOU DA MAN!!!!!!

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/bbe3f6b58b245d0670cc5c037c4ec37c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Cammo posted on 11/20/2010

The Buzz is Back in Town.


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/21/2010

The sun peeked out at the end of the day top giove us a sunset.
It started out with some rays appearing during a downpour
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Sun's hitting more clouds at this point
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And then the mystifying properties of light made for some stunning colors at the end:
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Rainy day meant plenty of time indoors to work on the drum. More relief done here:
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Fixed the a frame and carved in the tiki a bit:
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And set the way back background setting:
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If I didn't have to sand it, I'd say "It's almost done now."

On 2010-11-19 06:35, Creative Chimp wrote:
man i love them there cannibals:) and all the other 128 items you seem to pump out buzz............YOU DA MAN!!!!!!

Thanks CC. I'm not going to stop until I have to!

And thanks to all you who checked in privately with your support during my banishment. You all will get a discount on my "BUZZY: Banned From TC" line of Tshirts when they come out.
Buzzy Out!

S Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/7298/62331b3a84c8c.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=c59739ac75dbba29d6ea8f400d0f1e3a
swizzle posted on 11/21/2010

This drum is looking amazing Buzzy. Probably my most favourite piece of yours. Can't wait to see it finished. Are you going to stain it just one colour or have you thought about staining/painting the detail in different colours to make it stand out even more?

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[ Edited by: swizzle 2010-11-21 01:57 ]

[ Edited by: swizzle 2010-11-21 01:58 ]

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2bace9dc0ed0c365e3734639187d1fed?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
congatiki posted on 11/21/2010

Nice to have you back troublemaker.
The new drum is outasite!

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/794eb9ec2e436d7dd10050dc3c29fc63?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kino posted on 11/21/2010

That new drum is crazy sweet !
And inspiring .
Me want to carve palm trees out of palm trees, huh ?

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