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The greatest thing in the world.

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"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: Lucas Vigor 2010-11-11 08:14 ]

How is it that Boris didn't post this link first!?


I was keeping it a secret.

Like this Ssh! :wink:


So when you said you were writing lyrics for a new band, this was what you were talking about?

Why do I have to be so curious! you guy's are kinda creeping me out :lol:


Yes, not just anyone can write "Banana Mango High School" :music: but keep it quiet.

I was really mad when you beat my song "Vanilla Squirrel Bon Bon" in the national songwriting contest, but I like what you've done with this.


You win some, you lose some.

They’re flying me to Tokyo in January to pick up my trophy.

I’m having them put me up at the New Otani so I can spend some time at Trader Vic’s. Do you want my extra ticket Sabu?

I'm sorry, but my hit "Sprinkled Jesus Lamb Doughnut" just went platinum in Singapore. I'll probably be busy for awhile.

On 2010-11-08 18:10, lucas vigor wrote:

Lucas, that video was mindless crap of the worst kind. I'm watching it again.


You just can't make this type of stuff up!

that was nice guys, but I HAD to turn the sound down.
otherwise I would have thrown the speakers across the room.

here is something a bit more up my alley.
Trashwomen from SF area.


and if you really have to have vocals with your music,
there is always the Great Donnas


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2010-11-09 11:08 ]

GROG posted on Tue, Nov 9, 2010 11:09 AM

BigTikiDude miss point COMPLETELY. It not have anything to do with the music/singing.

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-11-09 11:15 ]

oh you guys have yellow fever. huh?


I still can't stand the music in those videos.



Wait.....there is music in these clips?

go clean up, and get back to work.



On 2010-11-08 19:59, Bora Boris wrote:
Yes, not just anyone can write "Banana Mango High School" :music: but keep it quiet.

I just learned a rough translation for some of the lyrics to Banana Mango High School from an expert. Something like "all morning at high school I can't stop thinking about eating your banana, and then at lunchtime you can eat my mango." And more variations on that theme.

Those girls seem to really like fruit!


as ATP and George Takai, would say.
"Oh My"



Jeff, aren't these guys scheduled to play at Don's next weekend?


Cool, see you guys at Don's! :D

(Finally something worthy of the drive)

GROG posted on Sat, Nov 13, 2010 9:50 AM

Hey, the Glasgow Tiki Shakers are playing at Don's tonight:
and they have a pretty Asian lady with a great smile playing bass. :)(Hi Joyce)

Here's a picture from the Rincon Room. You can't see her face, but you can see her great smile! :D

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-11-13 10:11 ]

and they play there at least once a month.
sometimes twice.


I was there tonight and they were great and Joyce is adorable and cool but GROG needs to stop bringing reality into The greatest thing in the world. :evil:


The internet police removed my favorite video! (blast their eyes!)

But, there is always other good stuff!


Here, Lucas. Maybe this version will help. Costumes aren't quite as nice as the previous one that got deleted:


And there's always the Cowgirl version:


[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy 2010-11-26 17:50 ]


Sabu, sir...I salute you! The cowboy version is the BEST so far! I almost want to believe she was actually winking at ME in one section of the song!

As I watch, I can't help but imagine that the person who is really singing on this song probably looks nothing like these girls doing the dancing....kind of like with bollywood movies, many times it's some old lady really doing the singing...but then, this kind of negative thinking kind of ruins the whole effect, and now I must kill myself.

But wait! There IS always Lucy Liu!

Crisis averted!


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2010-11-28 19:11 ]


But just when you thought it was safe to go in the water....



After conducting a detailed scientific analysis of this video, it is my opinion that the backing vocals are all taped, but the girls are actually really singing along live. My ears are pretty good at picking up these types of things. And yes, I am obsessed with this group, so stop bugging me about it.




I know. It's the cowgirl one again. But it is so good, it deserves an encore!


"The greatest thing in the world" and there's no booze, cigars, or chocolate? No. But it is pretty danged awesome. I'm gonna watch it again with some scotch and a cigar. Then I'll watch it again with some chocolate.

settle down, you yellow fever bastards.

do you really want to give her a man who wants to rule the world??


In a word: yes!

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