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Hawaiian Marketplace- on the Vegas strip

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BILLB posted on 05/25/2004

Hopefully this isn't too old of news. Article from today's Review Journal (reviewjournal.com) on the opening of this joint. Looks cool!

mrsmiley posted on 05/25/2004

"Animatronic birds representing native Hawaiian species pop out of a birdhouse in the Enchanted Garden, performing original Hawaiian songs at programmed times throughout the day."
----HMM, TOO bad the Enchanted Tiki Room song is not an original Hawaiian tune!

Tiki Bird posted on 05/25/2004

Does anybody know if there are tikis there? Maybe our TCers in Vegas like Futura Girl or Pug can let us know.

sweetpea posted on 05/25/2004

oooh, it's open???
YAY, went by it last month, wondering when it would be ready.
hoping to be down there in
July. Quick advice needed kids, about Vegas... I've stayed at the Luxor, it was nice, great spa... I can pay basically the same price for there, the Tropicana, and Mandalay Bay. I'm debating on if I want the Trop(old Vegas) or mandalay bay (beach and wave pool) anyone know which one makes a better mai tai? I'm guessin the Trop...

thejab posted on 05/25/2004

sweetpea: The pool at the Tropicana is great. I like the older garden rooms by the pool with balconies, but according to Cheapo Vegas (http://www.cheapovegas.com/index.php) the rooms aren't that private (noisy foot traffic).

The Tropicana is closer to the heart of the strip, while Mandalay is way down at the South end.

I would say that the crowd at MB is probably younger, wealthier, and more California gorgeous than the Tropicana. Which would be a drawback for me because I hate to stand out at the pool with my pale skin.

MB has a restaurant called Rumjungle with overpriced overly-sweet tropical drinks. I have not tried the Mai Tai at the Tropicana.

I vote for the Tropicana!

sweetpea posted on 05/25/2004

Yeah, the Trop would be better for my lifestyle I guess ya call it, and well, swim up poker at the pool? Aint nuthin wrong with that! hahahaha
I just thought the pool at MB would be
RAD. hahahaha.
(ps, I really wanna see the bird show there, and I bet I can git em to put one on my head... would that make me a parrot head?????????? ) ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
sorry, goofy today. (everyday)

aquarj posted on 05/26/2004

Here's another thumbs up on the Tropicana. The rooms in their Islands Tower have rattan furnishings, including some on the walls and ceiling. Not 100% immersive, but still much better than the same old hotel room look. Plus mirrors on the ceiling if you're into that kind of thing.

And yes, the Tropicana pools are great. They also have this bar...

It's just a normal, small walk-up bar in the casino, but it's still kinda neat with the backdrop like that. The Trop birdshow is kinda fun (and free), if you like parrots singing along to "Who Let the Dogs Out".

Also, the Vegas strip trolley starts at the Trop, and the monorail starts at the MGM, just across the street by elevated walkway.


mrsmiley posted on 05/26/2004

Does the Tropicana have the free Vegas Museum (with coupon available at the free pull slot machine at the entry way to the building) ?? The museum is a cool way to spend a half hour or so--mostly it is full of small items like vintage Vegas Postcards and glass ashtrays.

christiki295 posted on 05/26/2004

On 2004-05-25 15:06, sweetpea wrote:
I can pay basically the same price for there, the Tropicana, and Mandalay Bay.

Hello, Sweatpea:

The Mandalaly Bay is a fabulous property. The exterior and pool are very lush - one feels like one has "arrived" when arriving. It also is a more fun & glamorous resort, with excellent free entertainment.

It also features several adjacent restaurants, each of which has their own character, but RumJungle and Red Square are to great bars with intense decor. I love the fire wall at RumJungle.

On the other hand, the Tropicana is somewhat underwhelming, although I have not been to that excellent-looking bar.

aquarj posted on 05/26/2004

Right sir smiley - the Vegas museum is at the Tropicana.

And Chris - that photo may be a little deceptive. It's just the backdrop on a walkup bar - nothing that merits going out of one's way to visit. Better to have it than not though.


TikiPug posted on 05/26/2004

The Mrs. & I are going down to the Hawaiian Marketplace this weekend and will take some pictures.

Molokai Mike posted on 05/26/2004

The Vegas museum at the Trop is awesome. I've spent many an hour there on my various trips. Lots of cool Rat Pack and Old Vegas stuff !

Where to stay? I've never stayed at the MB, but it does feel really far from everything. Trop is alot closer and although it's affected by the deep discount vouchers (lots of college kids) it does have an old School feel about it (esp the pool), which is cool ! The follies show at the Trop is also worth seeing.

floratina posted on 05/26/2004

The Trop is damn near the last hotel on the Strip with any original parts. It may be underwhelming by contemporary Vegas standards, but to mid-century fans, it still represents the old school.

Tiki Farmer posted on 05/26/2004

Hi, I am new around here. Saw this post and did some research


If you look under the dining section it lists the "Lava Lounge," could this be a much needed additon to Las Vegas tiki?

DawnTiki posted on 05/26/2004

Are any of Benzart's tikis still standing at the Tropicana? It's been awhile since I've been to the Tropicana but they used to have a small laser light/water fountain show out in the lagoon pool area, playing Bali Hai and some old tropical tunes. Although it wasn't the Belagio fountain show by any means, it did draw a small crowd I think that was part of its charm. It had a very old vegas, desert oasis feel to it. It was on my "have to do" list every time we went to Vegas. If you stay there you should check it out. Oh, and it's free :)

sweetpea posted on 05/26/2004

Hey kids,
Well, upon further thinking, I realized
"WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING" even considering not goin to the Trop... I remembered the last time I was in Mandalay Bay just for some gambling, I hated the shi-shi ness of it, and every person that walked by was some tall tan blonde sorority girl and her Rico Suave boyfriend. Not quite the right environment for four-eyed short pale 50's wannabe Pea.
Now I just gotta decide, Island Tower or Garden rooms. hehehehehehe
Thanks everyone!
and I especially like that backdrop to the bar.

thejab posted on 05/26/2004

*On 2004-05-26 09:40, sweetpea wrote:*I remembered the last time I was in Mandalay Bay just for some gambling, I hated the shi-shi ness of it, and every person that walked by was some tall tan blonde sorority girl and her Rico Suave boyfriend.

Good choice! I felt the same way at MB about the crowd. And I wasn't impressed by Rumjungle and their fire wall.

thejab posted on 05/26/2004


Here's a pic of the garden rooms building:

The inside of a Garden Room. You gotta love having your own poolside balcony:

I like the Island tower rooms better but they don't have balconys:

christiki295 posted on 05/27/2004

Wow, I feel the love the for the mid-Century Vegas!

Last time for my 50s vibe, I had to go across from the Riveria to check out the Conch Hotel and one of the 50s wedding chapels.

Next time - its MidCentury all the way, staying at the California for the Fremont Experience!

mrsmiley posted on 05/27/2004

On 2004-05-26 19:10, christiki295 wrote:
Wow, I feel the love the for the mid-Century Vegas!

Last time for my 50s vibe, I had to go across from the Riveria to check out the Conch Hotel and one of the 50s wedding chapels.

Next time - its MidCentury all the way, staying at the California for the Fremont Experience!

What is the California like??

christiki295 posted on 05/27/2004

On 2004-05-26 09:40, sweetpea wrote:
I remembered the last time I was in Mandalay Bay . . . I hated the shi-shi ness of it,

True enough Sweatpea, MB is even more shi-shi now that it has added "THEhotel" which is shi-shi down to its name.

The California has the reputation of being the heart of the Ninth Island, including Hawaiian themed slots and Hawaiian shirt clad dealers. It is located approx a block or two away from the Fremont Experience.

Futura Girl posted on 05/27/2004

just got into vegas town 20 minutes ago. mr. and mrs. pug and i will be checking out the new Hawaiian Marketplace this weekend. if anyone else's in town - join us! i'll take and post some pics.

stay at the Trop while you can - it is the next hotel slated for demolition. plus it's a great location and you can't beat the price - the Trop and the Sahara are the best deals in town for decent rooms...

[ Edited by: Futura Girl on 2004-05-27 01:11 ]

lanikai posted on 06/01/2004

On 2004-05-26 00:33, Tiki Farmer wrote:
Hi, I am new around here. Saw this post and did some research



they need a new copywriter.

TikiPug posted on 06/14/2004

Finally, here are the pictures of the marketplace. Mrs.Pug, Futura Girl and myself met there for dinner a couple of weeks ago.
We ate at the italian restuarant Cafe Capri. It is right on the strip. The service was poor, but the food was really good.

Our overall opinion of the Marketplace is disappointment. The architecture is visually pleasing: from the red & white canopys to the pineapple lamps connected by leis. The choice of stores are a joke. It is the same crap you can see anywhere in Vegas. So far there is only one store with Hawaiian type stuff, and even that store isn't that amazing. There is a kiosk called Maui Wow-ee Gifts. I thought that would have some Hawaiian/Tiki/Polynesian items. But NO!! Maui Wow-ee Gifts sells Hustler and Von Dutch t-shirts. I don't know about the rest of you, but when I think of Maui, I think of Larry Flynt. The only saving grace is that only about 60% of the stores are open. Maybe the remaining 40% will redeem the Marketplace.

Just my 2 coconuts worth.

Vegas BABY!

[ Edited by: TikiPug on 2004-06-14 09:38 ]

Tiki Bird posted on 06/14/2004

Thanks for the update pug, wont need to be rushin to see it now.


finkdaddy posted on 06/14/2004


We're going to be in Vegas next month. Is there any place on the strip where you can buy tiki mugs and mask and such?

freddiefreelance posted on 06/14/2004

There are 4 ABC Stores in Vegas, but none are in the Hawaiian Marketplace? Maybe ther're planning to put a 5th store in there.

TikiPug posted on 06/14/2004

There are a few place that you can purchase Tiki Farm mugs. They have some at Hilo Hatties in the Aladdin and there is a large display at the Hard Rock Hotel. I don't know of anywhere to buy masks. If you have a car, a fellow TCer, Tiki Lee, has a great booth filled with Tiki/Hawaiian/Polynesian items at the Red Rooster Antique Mall. It is about a 5 minute drive from the Strip.


P.S. I just sent you a P.M.

hiltiki posted on 06/14/2004

I always stay at the Tropicana. It is great it is cheap sometimes for 39.00 per night. The pool is great and no beautiful skinny minnies either. Not to say being fat and ugly is a bad thing. But all you non tanners will feel at home. I had drinks at the bar, we saw the picture of. A bit expensive for what you get. But over all a fun hotel. And hey, it has a little bit of old Vegas. in there. The gift shop has old stuff. But for all you antique Tiki needs you must go to the Red Rooster..

christiki295 posted on 06/15/2004

TikiPug, Thank you for the excellent photos, particularly of the large tikis.

I hope the Hawaiian Marketplace can give Margaritaville some competition. Maybe they can create some plastic foot-long tikis for drinks, like those so popular at Margaritaville.

Are there regular hula shows & Hawaiian music performances?

Tiki mugs are also available for purchase at Taboo Cove at the Venetian & across the street at Kahunaville at Treasure Island (TI).

lanikai posted on 06/15/2004

""Animatronic birds representing native Hawaiian species pop out of a birdhouse in the Enchanted Garden, performing original Hawaiian songs at programmed times throughout the day."

The "Animatronic birds" have nothing to do with Hawaii and are not at all indigenous.

"----HMM, TOO bad the Enchanted Tiki Room song is not an original Hawaiian tune! "

uhhh. Why?!

TikiPug posted on 06/15/2004

I had blocked those birds out of my mind, but since you brough them up...

What a joke. The songs were awful, and the birds One of the birds weren't from Hawaii or even tropical. Unless you count the native barn owl. The songs are as annoying as the "I Love You" song from Barney.

christiki295 posted on 06/07/2005

This according to Vegas.com:

  • Restaurants and food inside the mall:
    Hamada, Cafe Capri/Lava Lounge, China Star Buffet, Tabla, Zingers and Coco's Bakery Restaurant (opening soon).

Review: The 80,000-square-foot Hawaiian Marketplace brings a taste of island-style shopping to Vegas.

Modeled after the International Marketplace in Honolulu, the outdoor shopping center features lush tropical plants and bright colors.

The market is made up of several stand-alone cart vendors surrounding nine anchor stores that offer a variety of clothing, gifts and souvenirs. The market is covered by an awning, which helps to keep things a bit cooler.

Hawaiian Marketplace offers plenty of food choices for hungry shoppers, including Hamada and China Star Buffet.

Cafe Capri features outdoor tables with seating along the Strip, and the adjacent Lava Lounge is a refreshing place to enjoy a cocktail.

Shopping isn't the only thing to do at the marketplace -- be sure to check out the special animatronic birds that sing, dance and tell Hawaiian folklore tales once each hour.

If you're driving, there is a small parking lot next door to the shopping center. If you're looking for more parking, try the Polo Towers public parking lot or better yet, valet park at the Polo Towers' side entrance and you'll be just steps away from the stores.

Vegas may be a long way from Hawaii, but the Hawaiian Marketplace helps bring the atmosphere of the tropics to the desert.

With a meandering sidewalk resembling a Hawaiian boardwalk, Hawaiian Marketplace lures visitors with a state-of-the-art climate controlled atrium. Floors in the complex's central court have a wave-like, shimmering pattern made of crushed blue glass and mother-of-pearl.

Team Aloha, a Las Vegas-based troupe of island-born performers, entertain visitors with dancing, storytelling and craft-making. The Marketplace offers Tahitian dance as well as both forms of hula, ancient and modern, which visitors are encouraged to try themselves. The entertainment also includes Samoan fire-knife dancers.

Stores include Hawaiian Tropics, Pearl Factory, Body Jewelry, The Stogie Shop, Zebra Shoes, Stogie Shop, Polo Fitness Center, and Stitch It On.

christiki295 posted on 06/07/2005

Also, ABC stores located on virtually every corner in Waikiki, have now sprung up in Vegas:

The ABC Stores sell a variety of Hawaiian goods, from authentic clothing and souvenirs to snacks and foods. Many local Hawaiians, as well as tourists, frequent the Strip locations in Desert Passage and the Fashion Show mall.

christiki295 posted on 11/09/2010

Has anyone been recently?
Are there hula shows?

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