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Rounding off my first year of Tiki carving

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Tiki Russ posted on 10/21/2010

Here are some of the Tikis I've made over the past year. Just looking for some feedback.

This was my first Tiki, which I learned a lot on. I did this in December 09:

This was #2, which I was able to auction off and the proceeds went to a local charity:


The next several Tikis:

This is #8, which was a commission that I received an honorable mention on at a local art show:

It was actually a work in progress at the show:

I needed helpers on this one (its a small crew):

At this point, I kind of started to lose count, but here are some more that I have gotten shots of:

I did some resin castings of these, which was an interesting process:

This is one I am currently working on, its been a few months since I've worked on one (I prefer working in cooler weather!)

There are several more that I can't find any pictures of, but I am loving this stuff!

Thanks to everyone who posts their work, it keeps me inspired to carve.


4WDtiki posted on 10/21/2010

Great progress in one year! They're lookin' good!

AlohaStation posted on 10/21/2010

Welcome to TC! Nice chops - keep them comin. What part of FL are you in?

McTiki posted on 10/21/2010

Welcome to TC!

Feedback you shall have...

You morphed from a skill set aspect, definably @ #3

Beyond that...I dislike you!

Excellent work my friend.


[ Edited by: McTiki 2010-10-21 14:45 ]

congatiki posted on 10/22/2010

Great start and cool stuff for a first post. The stack-o-skulls tiki is pretty cool.

TikiG posted on 10/22/2010

Russ -

Just checking out this thread, man you've made some serious progress since tiki #1 (not that tiki #1 was inferior, you know what I mean!) Keep up the chops and allow me to toast you (ching) for another year of progress and style honing...keep at it, bro, always keep at it.

PS - I absolutely adore that last pic of tiki and doggie w/tongue - I'd love to use that as a reference for a painting if that's okay w/you and the pup?

Take care, keep posting when you can. Cheers! G

Tiki Russ posted on 10/22/2010

Thanks everyone, I am really digging carving. Its a great outlet!

AlohaStation - I'm in Central FL, DeLand

TikiG - Paint away!! I'd love to see the painting when you're done. The Dog won't release her image rights without royalties though (she can be a real b$#@% sometimes)!

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pjc5150 posted on 10/22/2010

Nice stuff bro, very cool.

the Florida contingent continues to grow.

Next stop - WORLD DOMINATION!!!!

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pennjones posted on 10/22/2010

I love tiki #8 as well as a few others! All of your work is great!

Tiki Russ posted on 10/27/2010

pjc5150 - I'm over in your neck of the woods every couple months. We should get together to talk chop.
pennjones - Thanks for the kind remarks. Number 8 was my favorite, wish I still had that one.

Here are some new pics of the one I've been working on. I'm a bit of a slow carver, but haven't used anything but my chisels so far.

A few new details in the face:

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And some body work:

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Still a lot to chop out of him, but he's getting there.

I could really use some suggestions on finishing. I am thinking a dark walnut poly for headdress, tongue, and crevices. Then clear for everything else. I've tried torching the deep spots for detail before but have never been too happy with the results.


[ Edited by: Tiki Russ 2010-10-27 09:32 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Russ 2010-10-27 09:35 ]

Tiki Russ posted on 11/09/2010

Here are some update shots of the latest Tiki.

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One more coat of spar and I think this ones done.

[ Edited by: Tiki Russ 2010-11-09 08:20 ]

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Tiki Tack posted on 11/09/2010

OH WOW!!! I love this last one! I usually don't like any other color other than a natural stain but you really make this work. Kudos to you! Looks awesome!

edit Was so taken by the coloring that I forgot to mention the fingers and toes....LOVE IT!!!

[ Edited by: Tiki Tack 2010-11-09 08:47 ]

AlohaStation posted on 11/10/2010

Nice carve and finish. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one using color!

Tiki Russ posted on 11/10/2010

I haven't used color since my first couple Tikis, but I think I'll be using it more often in the future.

TikiTack - Got to love the digits!
AlohaStation - Thanks, It was your 6' Skull Tiki that inspired me to use some color.

[ Edited by: Tiki Russ 2010-11-10 08:37 ]

McTiki posted on 11/10/2010


This one works! Awesome design.

Very nice use of color.

What's on deck?


Tiki Russ posted on 11/11/2010

Not sure what's up next. I've got a bunch of sketches and prepped logs. Unfortunately I've got a bunch of stitches in my shoulder and will probably be next week before I can start choppin.

Decisions, decisions, decisions!

McTiki posted on 11/11/2010

Take the time to heal Russ.


Tiki Russ posted on 11/11/2010

I forgot the most important step in finishing! I forgot to put some Florida Sunshine on him!

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Oooh Aaah

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Polly posted on 11/30/2010

Fantastic design with #8!
Also the latest ones are really amazing, the colors fit really well.

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Benzart posted on 12/06/2010

Nice to see the progress shots of your Rapid progression to being an excellent tiki carver. I Especially Loved the dog in this one and having the ball was a Nice touch. :o

Your Last one is the best by Far. Keep up the great work and now it's time for you to delve into the world of the authentic Classic tikis which you can find photos anywhere. Look for Ku, Kane, Lono and pieces like that and take the basic foundation and add your own spin to them.,
Have FUN!

Tiki Russ posted on 12/20/2010

Thanks for the compliments and suggestions!

Benzart - I'll definitely start looking into the more traditional carvings (so far I've just let my hands guide me). I could tell you were an artist and teacher before I checked out your profile. I always appreciate a critical eye, helps keep me honest!

This is one I've been working on, however it's definitely been slow progress through the holidays:

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TheBigT posted on 12/20/2010

Nice new tiki coming along. This one is gonna be killer!

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Grand Poobah posted on 12/20/2010

they look so darn smooth! I love the work. Especially the fingers and toes on the one guy!

Tiki Russ posted on 01/10/2011

Here is the latest one all finished up. On to the next one!

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AlohaStation posted on 01/10/2011

Love the finish!!

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Savage Daddy posted on 01/11/2011

Impressive! 8)

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Grand Poobah posted on 01/11/2011

I love the constrasting stains as well the carvings themselves!

Tiki Russ posted on 03/02/2011

I've been really busy with the day job here lately, but here is a piece I've been working on. It's about 7 feet tall.

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I also carved a Moai recently, but don't have a picture. I'll see if I can get one from its to home.

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Lente posted on 03/03/2011

I really like the cannibal tiki with the heads on a pole. Awesome.

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tikigodz posted on 03/03/2011


Tiki Russ posted on 03/03/2011

Thank you, there is so much inspiration here at Tiki Central! So many great artists, it's almost ridiculous.

I promised my wife I wouldn't let this become more than a healthy obsession, but have already been dubbed the "crazy tiki guy" by the neighborhood kids.

Tiki Russ posted on 03/06/2011

Here's some progress on the upper body today. Not sure what's up with the rotation with the images (just turn your monitor on its side)

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Hopefully I can get into the legs tomorrow and start finishing this one up!!

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TheBigT posted on 03/06/2011

Cool design. Gonna be a good one!

Tiki Russ posted on 03/07/2011

Made a little more progress this weekend

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amate posted on 03/07/2011

Man you are really kickin' it Russ! ( or do you prefer "Crazy Tiki Guy" now??)

Tiki Russ posted on 03/08/2011

Russ works for me. I'm not crazy yet, but I'm working on it!

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pjc5150 posted on 03/08/2011

wow, I'm diggin' the new one bro!

Tiki Russ posted on 03/08/2011

Thanks! I'm digging this one too.

I'm trying to get it ready for a local art show at the end of the month. I got an honorable mention last year for the one with the 4 skulls, but hoping to do better this year with the new one.

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tikigodz posted on 03/08/2011

Luv the new guy.getting motivated!!!

Tiki Russ posted on 03/10/2011

Looking to be done carving this weekend, I've got some big plans for the finishing. Need this rain to go away though!

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NIxxon posted on 03/10/2011

That TIKI really looks fantastic. Cant wait to see it finished.

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hodadhank posted on 03/12/2011

Pretty spectacular stuff, man!

Tiki Russ posted on 03/12/2011

Thanks everybody. I've been adding color today, tomorrow he gets shined up.

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Guess I better clean out the garage when I'm done with this one!

McTiki posted on 03/12/2011


That's awesome!

Nice design and the colors really work. Can't wait to see whats next.

Thanks for sharing



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seeksurf posted on 03/13/2011

A Gorgeous piece for sure!

Tiki Russ posted on 06/16/2011

Been a while since I've posted anything, but here is a piece I just started.

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The other project that's been keeping me away from the chisels.

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Savage Daddy posted on 06/23/2011

It's been really cool following your thread and watching your carving progress from first tiki to now.
Great carves! I can't wait to see what's next. 8)

Tiki Russ posted on 06/23/2011

Thanks Savage Daddy, I really enjoy your work as well! Just having a good time, but it's always good when the Tikis turn out nice!

Got a little bit more done on the latest one:

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