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Internet Firewall bypass help needed!

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The only way this relates to tiki is that I can no longer look at Ebay tiki auctions from my school's internet service, but I figured that there have GOT to be some knowledgable folk out there who can help me!

Are there links you can go through to bypass a system's firewall? My school has erected an inpenetrable one, and I can no longer access eBay NOR my Yahoo mail anymore!! WE used to be able to do so from school, and as we had access via dial-up, from home also. Now I have to drive to my parents' house to get my email! Yes, I can break down and PAY for access like everybody else, but my school's virus protection is so good.

Yes, I know that the purpose of the new firewall is virus protection, but dangit, I'm an email junkie!

Thanks in advance. Hurry!! I'm wasting awaaaaaayyyyy....


There are different types of firewalls (hardware ones, software ones) and in each it is a matter of configuring the client computer so it can access the internet (usually by specifying a proxy server where the firewall resides). Can't the network administrator at the school help you? Without more info I can't tell you more.

Luckily, I've always worked in pretty liberal do-what-you-want-with-your-computer environments, so I don't have any particular knowledge with which to answer your question. However, I was in IT for many years in a previous life, and I know that it's always a good idea to develop a good rapport with at least one person in the IT group so they can help you do slightly naughty stuff on the sly. Most IT folks have a price for such ventures, usually having something to do with either beer or chocolate.


*On 2003-10-22 12:18, Humuhumu wrote:*Most IT folks have a price for such ventures, usually having something to do with either beer or chocolate.

Or in my case, rum.

Can't the network administrator at the school help you? Without more info I can't tell you more.
Ha! Who do you think put up the firewall?! I couldn't even access Tikicentral after I wrote that post. Why I can for this brief minute, I don't know. The tiki gods are (briefly) smiling?


Ask one your students. These days they know more about computers than us adults!


It could be that they set up the firewall with the tightest security and are waiting to see who complains. Then they can open up ports and services as needed.

If you have to step up and say something, you can claim you need access to Yahoo for professional user group forums.

Where's my brownie?

Good idea, Cultjam! Only problem with the second part is that I DO have access to the user groups and forums. Just not my email. Nor eBay.

I tried the "hey, I need my yahoo mail" approach last time they tried a firewall (which was erratic and thus, um, 'pregnable'(?)), and I was told, "Well, sorry!" They gotta keep the kids from being idiots, I guess.

Wish they could give virtual fireproof suits to all the teachers, though. I've never let in a virus. Maybe it's my cynical, untrusting nature that's protected me thus far. (Those who know me are stifling their laughs at this point.)

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