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Tiki Beat Sydney carving workshop (lottsa pics)

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I'm typing this kicking back after a weekend long carving workshop with Mr Tiki Beat himself - Marcus Thorne! :D If you've had the opportunity to participate in one of these workshops and didn't, kick yourself now - and HARD. Marcus is a great teacher and such a down to earth and humble bloke, and it was a pleasure hanging with him and a bunch of other fine folk all weekend talking tiki art and carving :D

Everyone got a pre-marked out log, ready to carve.

As part of the package everyone gets a basic toolkit to start carving too - awesome!

"See its easy, just hit the pointy steel thing into the wood thing with the other wood thing and within seconds you'll have a 6 foot tiki"

Its me!

Mel getting some tips

Sasquatch had a couple of hours drive just to get to the workshop!

Safety cons with inbuilt steel caps?

Shaping up

This is how mine finished up after 2 days of carving. Basically she just needs some minor finishing up, sanding and lacquer.

I can't wait to see everyone elses finished tikis! :D


Good stuff Hewey. Must say those safety cons looked a little bit safer than your ones:)

Hey Hewey great pictures and a great weekend... worth every sent and every Km in the car getting there!

As you said Marcus was great and was every bit the master that I expected (.... I could watch him carve all day!) but also really humble too! I think I enjoyed the lunchtime break as much as the carve, when else to you get to ask someone like that all the questions that you can think of? I walked away with a head full of ideas and for the first time some of the skills needed to bring them to life, as well as Tiki to finish and my own tool kit to do it!

Was great to meet some more Aussie enthusiasts as well as yourself. Thanks for your hospitality and for hosting the event... you're a fine example of what a love of Tiki culture is all about.

PS: Hope this summer isn't too warm ... I got carvin to do! ;0)


Looks like everyone learned well, congrats to All you guys and to the Teacher too!!

I just wanted to say a huge thanks to Marcus but also to Hewey for having us at his house for the workshop. The weekend was great and I learnt a heap of stuff. I rarely get involved in forums but just wanted to say how much I appreciated the workshop and your hospitality. I will definately be spending next weekend finishing of the mask. Cheers.

hewey posted on Tue, Nov 16, 2010 3:22 AM

Norm 'The Duke' just sent me the group shot we got at the end of the day :D

GROG posted on Tue, Nov 16, 2010 9:36 AM

Good job all. Looks like it was a fun time.


Excellent work there Hewey,, if Marcus can teach you how to carve, he can teach Everyone,, Where do I sign up? (Just kidding Hooey)
Looks like Everyone has done some Excellent work,, Way to go Marcus!

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