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Tour of Tiki-Kate's abode Nov 21st

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mieko posted on 11/04/2010

Kate's sister Susan contacted me recently and mentioned that there have been a lot of people that are interested in seeing Kate's house and tiki collection. She would like to invite anyone that's interested to come visit Kate's house on Sunday, Nov 21st, from 1pm-4pm. We'll have some nibbles and drinks available, and we'll spend some time remembering Kate through her stuff.

I'll pm the address and directions closer to the date, so RSVP in the thread if you're going to make it.

GROG posted on 11/04/2010


MakeDaMug posted on 11/04/2010

Oh heck yeah! Very cool and thankful to do this. Will be there for sure!

ron-tiki posted on 11/04/2010

i'm in!!!

Humuhumu posted on 11/05/2010

If any of you would like to see Kate's house but are hesitant, please know that it would absolutely thrill her to know that people are seeing her home and her collection. The last time I saw Kate was also the first time I saw her house, and let me tell you, it's an amazing space filled with all the amazing things brought together by one amazing woman.

That afternoon, she shared with me that one of her big regrets was being so shy about having people to her house, and that one of the upsides about being sick was that it finally brought people out to see her, and thus her cool stuff. Please go, if you can. Even if you never met her.

Tiki Shaker posted on 11/05/2010

I'll be there.

Musubi Mom posted on 11/07/2010

Looking forward to seeing Kate's art collection.
We will bring Musubi.

Diana & Bill

Big Kahuna posted on 11/15/2010

Would it be possible to post pics of Kate's place on TC or Viva Kate? I'd love to see her collection, but I'm on the wrong coast.

mieko posted on 11/16/2010

I actually took pictures one of the last day's I was at Kate's. I wish I had spent some time cleaning first, but Kate was never really comfortable letting people clean her house.

I'll have more on Sunday, but for those that can't make it, here's some pictures for you.

Can't wait to see people on Sunday!

ookoo lady posted on 11/16/2010

I'm looking forward to being there and sharing memories.

Queen Kamehameha posted on 11/16/2010

TRhanksmieko, I will always remember Kate as friendly and special, she was never afraid to tell it like it is, she was a great friend to me and many others, I miss her. The Viva Kate is also a terrific tribute......


pdrake posted on 11/16/2010

kate's house is pretty cool. the bathroom that was done after the car incident is beautiful. she really wanted it to be nice. she made the curtains in that room and the front book/office room.

Krisdrama posted on 11/16/2010

I'd like to come. I only met Kate once but I found out right away how generous she was. She gave me one of her Hawaiian Tiki shirts!

bongofury posted on 11/17/2010

We are hoping to make it out to Kate's if my cold gets better.

mieko posted on 11/19/2010

Ok, address has been sent to those who have RSVP'd. I'll try to check a couple of more times in case anyone else is a late RSVP.


Tiki Shaker posted on 11/21/2010

Wish I could make it up there today but I woke up with a miserable sore throat. I hope it goes well. I hope someone is able to take pics!

Big Kahuna posted on 12/02/2010


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