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Beyond Tiki Finds

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TIKI DAVID posted on 09/24/2010
naugatiki posted on 09/25/2010

Founds a nice lot of superhero glasses from Pepsi that has worked the inner nerd in me into a lather.

8FT Tiki posted on 09/28/2010

Nice find on those glasses. I've collected those for years but mostly the comic characters. The super heroes with the circles behind them are harder to find. Especially Batgirl. I hope you enjoy them but never put them through the dishwasher. It will dull them over time.

naugatiki posted on 09/28/2010

On 2010-09-27 20:42, 8FT Tiki wrote:
Nice find on those glasses. I've collected those for years but mostly the comic characters. The super heroes with the circles behind them are harder to find. Especially Batgirl. I hope you enjoy them but never put them through the dishwasher. It will dull them over time.

Thanks for the tip, the woman I got them from bought them at a gas station way back and I was more impressed by the condition than the glasses. I can't tell you how many glasses like this I've seen in the wild that are almost faded beyond recognition.

Bongo Bungalow posted on 10/08/2010

This Disney ashtray/candy dish I picked up sure looks like Treasure Craft, but doesn't say so on the bottom. Is my guess correct?

leleliz posted on 10/13/2010

When we were leaving Wendy and Dan's on Monday Duane spotted this in a mound of stuff on the curb and I ran to go get it:


Bongo Bungalow posted on 10/25/2010

Found me one of these nut crackers at a Goodwill store, where it was just $2. I'm kinda surprised they had it on the shelf, I expect them to be too conservative for this kind of thing. Then, I thought these were from the Phillipeans and so was surprised to see the Hawaiian sticker on the back.

drgoat456 posted on 10/25/2010

Found these (3) green, metal flake chairs in great shape for 10 bucks at a yard sale. Look like they could be from a bowling alley or diner? If you know any info on them, let me know. Can't find much online. Great chairs, though.

Tom Slick posted on 10/26/2010

those are awesome chairs! Congrats!

@Bongo...I believe you are correct in the Disney tray being a TreasureCraft Piece. It is slightly possible that it could be a Japan clone, but I doubt it. I don't think the Japanese were making ceramic pieces in the likes of TC products.

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2010-10-26 00:23 ]

naugatiki posted on 11/03/2010

A nearly 6 foot long Ancient Roman relief tryptic in gold and plastic. Anyone for a toga party?

[ Edited by: naugatiki 2010-11-03 09:23 ]

Tom Slick posted on 11/03/2010

Found a couple of 'koooool' items for reasonable prices.
First is a never used, or new old stock Coffee travel kit intact with the tags and warranty, even. I'm guessing late 1960's/early 70's based on the green color perculator,cups and the graphic cards. It even came with the unopned green MJB coffee canister.

And then....I'm a sucker for MCM, and this was something I've always wanted. Not exactly the style, but a vintage console, none the less. Its a Grundig Majestic model 7090/USA(1956-57) and came with the brouchure, schematic paper, and original die cut cardboard record with printed instructions for the REX/AA 4 speed turntable.

It even had a 1948 wheathead penny inside the back that must have fell in, and also a born on date tag still attached. August 16,1956.

I don't believe the back had ever been off of the console for work. The tubes still had original black fineline tape holding the tubes in, which is something i learned the factory did.
Downside is that, it isn't working, and I found at least one reason why so far.One Burnt out cyliner glass fuse. I ordered some online, and am anxiously awaiting the arrival, so I can get this thing running again. I've learned alot in the last 3 days alone, regarding the capacitors, paper caps, resistors and such. I am ready to get power into this and start replacing parts as needbe to get it restored. Afterall, even though it isn't powering up right now, it is in immaculant shape.

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2010-11-03 15:16 ]

drgoat456 posted on 11/04/2010

That Hi-Fi's a beauty. I was about 6 yrs old in '56 and remember my parents Hi-Fi console from Montgomery Wards. It weighed a ton.

Slacks Ferret posted on 11/04/2010

On 2010-11-03 15:14, Tom Slick wrote:
And then....I'm a sucker for MCM, and this was something I've always wanted. Not exactly the style, but a vintage console, none the less. Its a Grundig Majestic model 7090/USA(1956-57) and came with the brouchure, schematic paper, and original die cut cardboard record with printed instructions for the REX/AA 4 speed turntable.

I'm happy to see you were wearing pants in this photo. Nice find!

Tom Slick posted on 11/04/2010

Dr, yes, this is a pretty heavy piece itself! I can't wait to get into it and make this console, sing!(Downside is the needle cartrige was listed at $113.xx on a vintage record player webiste, claiming these are rare.(Ouch!) Hope the needle I have isn't too bad! I can replace all of the resistors and replace the old paper caps with the newer mylar for under $30. The tubes vary in price(Average between $6-25, $25 being the highest, and only one needed at that cost. Like I mentioned, this isn't my ideal console set to own, but for the price and condition, I really couldn't pass it up.(Plus it will give me some practice and knowledge restoring the electronics as I go!)

Slacks, HAHAHAHA!...glad you pointed that out. It could gotten ugly real fast, had I been in shorts, or less... :lol:

Big Kahuna posted on 11/04/2010

Damn, Tom! Great stuff! I don't even drink coffee & I want that! :lol:

TIKI DAVID posted on 11/05/2010

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2010-11-05 14:08 ]

TIKI DAVID posted on 11/19/2010

atomic age MGD sign,I can not find any info on this.
it's metal,and the inside section swivels.

Big Kahuna posted on 11/20/2010

Hey, TD. I don't think MGD's been around much more than 15 or 20 years. I'd be taking the MGD sign out & using that cool atomic part for something else.

TIKI DAVID posted on 11/20/2010

On 2010-11-19 17:25, Big Kahuna wrote:
Hey, TD. I don't think MGD's been around much more than 15 or 20 years. I'd be taking the MGD sign out & using that cool atomic part for something else.

I was thinking the same thing.

MadDogMike posted on 11/21/2010

According to Wikipedia, MGD was introduced in 1985

TIKI DAVID posted on 11/21/2010

anyone have or are doing a mid-century home office?

maple /tweed/red leather

Unkle John posted on 11/23/2010

On 2010-11-20 17:40, MadDogMike wrote:
According to Wikipedia, MGD was introduced in 1985

I can verify this. I used to work for a Miller beer distributor back in the late 90's. I don't remember the exact date, but around the early-mid 90's Miller decided to make the beer seem hip by abbreviating it. Yes,long before Kentucky Fried Chicken thought of it. I hate to say that the POS (point of sale) sign is not old atomic age, but a newer incarnation.

But have no fear, there are a few options you can choose. You could sell it to someone who collects beer memorabilia, have someone (or yourself if you are inclined) design a retro been label and such and replace the Miller text and logo, or keep it as is an enjoy it. I honestly don't see a problem with it as is, but I do enjoy Miller Genuine Draft on occasions to remember the old days when I started drinking. Bottom line is that not matter what the age, it's a nice sign!

TIKI DAVID posted on 01/30/2011


"Pets are welcome,Children 'MUST' be on leash" TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2011-01-30 12:45 ]

Rorysm posted on 02/02/2011

On 2009-06-07 18:37, Big Kahuna wrote:
Picked this Mid-Century display case up at an auction a couple of weeks back. Finally got it reassembled, cleaned & filled (for now).:

I have this same case! My mom picked it up for $10 at an auction. It's in great shape but it is incredibly light, kind of plastic feeling, right? I wonder if anyone knows anything else about these.

HelveTiki posted on 02/10/2011

Aloha Folks,

some of my latest thrift store finds:


uncle trav posted on 02/22/2011

Found this nice globe bar at the thrift store today for next to nothing which is just what I had in my wallet. After a major cleanup I think it looks great. I am not sure what the plaque is about. The piece must have been a gift item as it is to small for a store display. The interior has spaces for small glasses and an area in the middle for an ice bucket.

drgoat456 posted on 02/22/2011

That is a spectacular find. Wow.

Big Kahuna posted on 02/22/2011

Nice score, Trav.

uncle trav posted on 02/23/2011

Thanks guys. I am going to try and fit it into my bar. It's not Tiki by a long shot but tucked into a corner with some of my other nautical junk I think I can pull it off. People get a kick out of me calling that tiny area the "Captain's Cabin" but it works for me.

Unkle John posted on 02/23/2011

Heck yeah that's a nice globe bar. I've been looking at them online for some time and the average price is close to $200. Great score!

uncle trav posted on 02/23/2011

$ 27 bucks is what I paid and ran out the door with it.

Naneki posted on 02/23/2011

I found this rattan lamp. It has a woven cord so it may be from the 40's or 30's.

Anyone have any information on this. Or have any idea what the original shade was like.

And I found a cousin of the Moai mosaic.

Not a mark on it anywhere to identify it's origin. Probably a kit, but it must have been a really big, really heavy kit.

naugatiki posted on 02/23/2011

Found this pair of African statues at a small yard sale that really give the room a "The natives are getting restless" vibe.

Unkle John posted on 02/24/2011

On 2011-02-23 14:24, naugatiki wrote:
"The natives are getting restless"

They keep rubbing their stomachs and pointing to the large kettle on the fire.

Unkle John posted on 02/24/2011

On 2011-02-23 08:02, uncle trav wrote:
$ 27 bucks is what I paid and ran out the door with it.

Luck of the Uncle!! I would have been giggling like a little girl the whole way.

Cool Manchu posted on 03/11/2011

This is my latest find that I am truly excited about. It's a circa 1977 Marantz 2265b stereo. It's in fantastic shape overall and it sounds super sweet and I think it's a true beauty. :)

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 03/11/2011

On 2010-01-23 18:15, leleliz wrote:
I just found this in a thrift store in the kids toy section.

Its from 1972 and I thought it was just a kid's game of checker's to use on the floor.

Until I saw it was 2 adults in the picture. And that it was intended for Swingers!
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That's right strip checkers ! Each of the game pieces has an article of clothing on it-black for the guys and red ones for the girls.
Oh and the checkerboard is fur!

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[ Edited by: leleliz 2010-01-23 21:50 ]

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had that set! I found it in my parent's basement and took it home. Then a roomate stole it and I've never seen one since.

Bongo Bungalow posted on 03/25/2011

A real boomerang table has been on my list of things to find for a long time. I made one myself to use until now. I'm really happy with this two-tiered one that showed up in an antique mall I'm in regularly.

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uncle trav posted on 03/25/2011

On 2011-03-25 06:01, Bongo Bungalow wrote:
A real boomerang table has been on my list of things to find for a long time. I made one myself to use until now. I'm really happy with this two-tiered one that showed up in an antique mall I'm in regularly.

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Killer find there Bongo!!!! Was that from a small Southern Mi. town that you and I know about? All I have to show is this awesome vintage hand painted silk tie. $0.99 was the right price. I think it may date from the late 40's.
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Bongo Bungalow posted on 03/30/2011

Thanks Trav and I love your tie. The table came from one of the antique malls in Niles, just north of the Indiana line. I have a restaurant five minutes from there.

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 04/01/2011

Found these today, anybody seen a shot dispenser like this before?

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uncle trav posted on 04/01/2011

Nice find Erk. I have seen a bunch of those over the years at antique shows and shops. I think many of them came with a top to cover the contents. Kind of a chrome half of the globe thing if that makes any sense. Looks like Mego Mr. Spock might be looking for some Romulan Ale from that dispenser :D

uncle trav posted on 04/01/2011

On 2011-03-30 05:57, Bongo Bungalow wrote:
Thanks Trav and I love your tie. The table came from one of the antique malls in Niles, just north of the Indiana line. I have a restaurant five minutes from there.

I get down to Niles once in a great while. Whats the name of your restaurant? The wife and I may stop in sometime for lunch.

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 04/02/2011

Hhehe, it will help him drown out the pain of his leg being held on with a rubber band.

naugatiki posted on 04/09/2011

Nothing tiki so far this season (yard sale season that is) but as a nice consolation I found this sweet driftwood and coral mushroom lamp that looks like elves make cookies inside it.
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Slacks Ferret posted on 04/09/2011

On 2011-03-31 22:27, ErkNoLikeFire wrote:
Found these today, anybody seen a shot dispenser like this before?

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I got me one of these with the top. Mine has a bowler on top of the dome. I'll have to remember to add a photo of it later...

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 04/11/2011

I need to go back to the flea market and see if maybe the top is there somewhere. I'd like to have the whole piece but I'm happy with what I found.

Tom Slick posted on 04/20/2011

On my bday, came across 137 record Album/Lp lot. Here are a few I bought it for;

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The boxed lot was $5 for all...

Same store found this cool 1950s-esque advertising glass;

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Muntz Realty with Turquoise and Gold colors.

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[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2011-04-20 12:59 ]

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