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The Blue Hawaiians

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sexotica posted on 08/11/2002

Can anyone give me any information on The Blue Hawaiians, do they still play live in the L.A. or OC area?

sexotica posted on 08/12/2002

Does anyone know ANYTHING about this band? I know they have been around for awhile, I think I read somewhere that they used to play at the Lava Lounge in L.A. on Thursday nights once upon a time. I would like to hear them play live, if at all possible. Or am I just to late as usual? :cry:

thebaxdog posted on 08/12/2002


There you go you sexy thang
I hope it helps?

vintagegirl posted on 08/12/2002

Actually I just tried that link and it looks like it's still under some construction. But Yes, they do still play around occasionally. I just saw them a few weeks ago in Hollywood at King King's with Ape. According to their former producer and friend (who I work next-door to) they've had some ups and downs in the past couple of years, but are now trying to get back in the groove again. (I think this same person is also building their website.) I wish them luck as they are one of the best surf/exotica bands around today.

If you live near the LA area I can let you know when I see one of their shows advertised again.

Cherry Capri posted on 08/12/2002

The Blue Hawaiians are a great band and not to be missed. Unfortunately I had to take off early from the Ape show and missed them :(

BUT I have seen them before and the hat changing keyboard player is the best - an all around great group!

Suburban Hipster posted on 08/12/2002

The Blue Hawaiians are in high rotation on my CD player. I noticed on Amazon just recently that "Christmas on Big Island" is once again available after being long OOP. I really dig their sound, but haven't seen them live.

tiki_kiliki posted on 08/12/2002

The Christmas on Big Island cd is a must. It's a great addition to a mixture of vintage Christmas music during the holidays.

They've done several compilation bits as well.

Yee-Haw & Aloha,
Tiki Kiliki

sexotica posted on 08/12/2002

On 2002-08-12 08:20, Suburban Hipster wrote:
The Blue Hawaiians are in high rotation on my CD player. I noticed on Amazon just recently that "Christmas on Big Island" is once again available after being long OOP. I really dig their sound, but haven't seen them live.

Thanks for the info everyone, I am off to do some Christmas Cybershopping - Aloha

Idoler posted on 08/13/2002

I believe that they still play at the Lava Lunge weekly, but it has been about a year since I was there last. I think they play on Wed nights

DawnTiki posted on 01/19/2005

I heard a rumour that The Blue Hawaiians were recording a new live album at the Lava Lounge on Feb. 10th and 11th. Anyone know if there is any truth to this?

DawnTiki posted on 01/21/2005

From the little bit of info I've been told, yes it's true...taping another live album at the Lava Lounge on Feb. 10th and the 11th. I don't know if it's open to the public the night of the performances, you can send an email to The Lava Lounge and get your name put on the list if your interested in attending. info@lavahollywood.com

aikiman44 posted on 01/22/2005

What's the best Blue Hawaiian CD to start with? I have the Aqua Velvets Nodad CD and that's one of my all time favorites.

tikitortured posted on 01/28/2005

I have "Sway" and "Live at the Lava Lounge" and I HIGHLY recommend both. "Sway" has the most gorgeous version of "Hawaii 5-0" I've ever heard.

[ Edited by: tikitortured on 2005-01-27 16:27 ]

DawnTiki posted on 01/28/2005

If I had to pick just one I guess I would go for Sway. Although I really like Savage Night alot too.

DawnTiki posted on 02/08/2005

This Thursday and Friday...shhhhh...it's a secret!

MakeDaMug posted on 02/10/2005

Swingin' Hula Girl is up for one of our cuts on Ultimate Tiki Tunes but I haven't heard back from a voice mail or an email sent a few weeks ago... any help would be great.

tikitortured posted on 02/14/2005

OK, I saw the Blue Hawaiians record another live CD at the Lava Lounge on fri. the 11th. Thanks to the info given on this thread, I was put on the list by the VERY lovely and sweet, Michelle (thanks again Michelle). What a perfect evening wifey and I had! First, cocktails at ...where else, the Tiki Ti. Then on to the Lava Lounge where we were witness to some of the most SMOKIN', SWINGIN', and SEXY surf music ever to squeeze out of a Fender Twin. They played their asses off, ALL NIGHT LONG! When my wife finally pulled me outa the joint at 1:00am, they were still rockin' it. That is gonna be one helluva great live CD. The place was packed, the ambiance was cool, the service was great, the Mai-Tais were delish, the prices were...well, bring yer atm card. If you've never been to the Lava Lounge (on La Brea, 1 bl north of Sunset in Hollywood, down the street from the Tiki TI) it's worth checking out. It's kind of a "hipster" tiki bar with a really cool retro vibe. I think this place is under-rated, even if it IS in a strip mall!

kick_the_reverb posted on 02/14/2005

Indeed what a great show it was. I was looking for familiar TC faces, but saw none. I stayed with friends up until the very end just after 2:00 am.
I can say it was way better than I excpected and well worth the drive up from San Diego in rain and terrible trafic.


DawnTiki posted on 10/20/2005

The Blue Hawaiians
Taken from Pascal Records website:
Friday, September 23, 2005


The Blue Hawaiians will be celebrating the release of their new CD "LIVE AT THE LAVA LOUNGE 2" on Saturday October 1st at The Lava Lounge in Hollywood. The band will be performing live and we will preview portions of the band's upcoming DVD.

LIVE AT THE LAVA LOUNGE 2 marks the ten year anniversary of the recording/release of the band's first full length release LIVE AT THE LAVA LOUNGE. LAVA 2 was recorded over two rainy nights in February and features 11 tracks that exemplify the band's ability to take their music to a new level, in a way that only their live performances can.

LIVE AT THE LAVA LOUNGE 2 will be available in stores on November 15th. Plans are underway to bring The Blue Hawaiians out for a series of regional shows to promote this release. In addition, we are preparing a radio promotion campaign to help further spread the music of this amazing band.

Over the next month or so, we will be doing a major overhaul on the Pascal Records site to include more info, pictures, and content.

Thanks to all for the patience and support, and hopefully we'll bring you more great releases from The Blue Hawaiians and others as well.

See you at The Lava Lounge,

David Pascal
Pascal Records

**From the desk of DawnTiki:

The Blue Hawaiians new CD "Live at the Lava Lounge 2" is on HEAVY rotation on DawnTiki's CD player, and ipod and car stereo and...where ever she can play it. I would advise picking one up when they go on sale on November 15th!!! You will not be dissapointed!**

[ Edited by: DawnTiki 2005-10-20 11:59 ]

tikitortured posted on 10/21/2005

I was at that show and have been chomping at the bit to get that cd. Thanks for the info DT.

bigtikidude posted on 07/25/2018

Playing again, Saturday August 4th 2018,
At the 11th annual Surf Guitar 101 convention.
11pm-12 am

bigtikidude posted on 07/25/2018

Pages: 1 21 replies