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Rest In Peace,Tiki-Kate

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Lokepa posted on 09/27/2010

I am new here and of course did not know Tiki Kate but read some of her posts and even heard her name mentioned on a Quiet Village podcast...

not farewell, Kate, but fare forward!

I hope to meet you in the next life!


Babalu posted on 09/27/2010

I have always thought this was a really cute picture of Kate...I took it several years back at a Chop that we had over here at my house.

It just so happened that Kate's birthday fell on, or around the day that we had that Chop, and of course, as always, Kate was the first to show up to the Chop even though she had to travel further than anyone else. I gave Kate that (kind of ugly) Chop Tribute Mug you see her holding there in the picture towards the end of the Chop as a birthday goodie which she happily accepted...(I later felt very honored as I found out that Kate 'rarely' ever put any mug, or anything else, in her collection that did not have a tiki on it).

Anyway, back to the story, Cammo had brought some Kava Kava to the Chop for us all to try...now, I don't know if all of you have tried Kava Kava, but it is some really nasty stuff...it tastes kinda like chalk and old sock! When I gave Kate the mug she piped up right away and said that she needed to break it in...she pointed to the un-drunk bowl of Kava Kava that we had sitting there and said, "fill it up". I filled that mug to the top, thinking she might take a little tastey, and make some scrunchy face, and throw the rest out....but Kate downed that mug of kava kava through that straw there as I snapped that picture...she looked up at me after she had finished, smiled and said, "hehehe, my tounge is numb!" :)

Dave (squid) just happened to be down here playing in the studio the other day when we first got the word that Kate had passed away....I told him the story of that picture, and showed him a bag of Kava Kava that Cammo had left behind the day of that old Chop. Dave said, "let's try it!"....we mixed up a bowl and, Dave, my wife Amy, and I sat around and drank it...we thought of Kate, and we giggled as our tounges went numb...

Kate, I love and miss you sis...I can't help but think we will meet again...


Cammo posted on 09/27/2010

re. Kava Kava

Billy the Crud and I bought a huge bag of the Kava from a Samoan at the Pacific Islander Festival after sharing a few bowls with him. Kate got interested in it after watching us slug it back, and when we didn't keel over or start barking like dogs (it just numbs your mouth and puts you in a strange dream/cognitive state, man I really had weird dreams that night!) she looked like she wanted some. Come to think of it, I think she's the one who later donated her stocking to use as the sieve to strain the Kava liquid through!

Kate was great at really being interested in the true native experience, if you would have asked her to go live on a remote South Sea Island for a year, she probably would have done it and worked to make the place like the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse in no time flat, coconut mugs gleaming in the sun, all in a row.

Gonna miss that lady.

OceaOtica posted on 09/28/2010

from 2007 Oasis

Just saw this post, very sorry to hear of Kate's passing. My condolences to her family.
Kate will be greatly missed.

mrsmiley posted on 09/28/2010

What horrible news! RIP, Kate.

hodadhank posted on 09/28/2010

I don't think I could ever really wrap my head around the illness being something your bright spirit would not surely overcome eventually or that I might not have a chance to talk with you again. You were very nice to me and I will always remember you with great fondness. Your kindness, wit, humor, bravery and determination will continue to inspire me.

God bless you Kate, and may your friends find comfort in the knowledge that you are now free from a vessel that was failing you.

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2010-09-28 16:30 ]

bongofury posted on 09/29/2010

Kate came out last summer & spent the weekend with us. We had a great time listening to her stories of her travels to New Zealand and the thrift/antique shopping we did together. While Mrs. Fury & I saw her at many events over the years, we regret not spending more time like the weekend we had together. I always forget to take pictures at events so we only have a few with Kate. This was from Scott & Laura's winter party last year...

Brice posted on 09/30/2010

Never got the chance to meet you, but I know in my heart your aloha would have been wonderful. May you raise the bar and the glass of every tiki bar in the world to have had the honor of your aloha spirit. Big shoes to fill and bigger hearts to fill with the loss....Mahalo and a hui hou.

Dustycajun posted on 10/01/2010

Wished I had got the chance to know Tiki Kate better. I loved her posts on her amazing Hawaiian shirt collection and her urban archeology expeditions.

One of my favorites was the exploration of the closed Don The Beachcombers at Disneyland California Adventure.


She will be missed.


WaikikianMoeKele posted on 10/02/2010

I never knew Tiki Kate personally, but I enjoyed her posts & I will miss her presence here. She was a nice person & we need nice people in this world. This world is a sadder place cuz she is no longer here.

TikiShopPua posted on 10/03/2010

My heart is saddened by this news. Kate was a frequent visitor to our humble little tiki shop. When she came, she always made a time of it. Her visits were never hurried, her eyes were always smiling, her smile was always happy, her camera at the ready. She breezed through easily like a welcomed and refreshing trade wind. I always thanked her for making the effort to find us, even when times were hard and visits by others were few. I know her sweet spirit is now, and will forever be missed by many who knew and loved her. I'm sure she's now saving places at the big luau.

Hohonu Aloha menemene. Aloha na Hale o 'Oukou i Makamaka 'Ole.

Deepest sympathy and love to Kate's family and home that has lost a friend.
The fragrance of the blossom lasts even after the bloom has closed.

Malama Pono e me ke aloha pumehana. Pua

Bambú Yoo-hoo posted on 10/05/2010

Aloha 'Oe, Tiki-Kate.

The Gnomon posted on 10/05/2010

The first I ever heard of Kate was when the alert went out to TC that she was very ill and really in need of big Tiki love.

I only noticed her at all because of GROG, who rarely takes a genuine interest in someone who walks upright, posted something under Prayers for Tiki Kate. When I checked to see what was up with that, I learned of Kate and her plight.

I've been on TC for a few years and have yet to meet another TCer in person. After learning about Kate, I thought she was probably the one I would most enjoy meeting of all, hopefully, one day after she got well.

It seems I will have to wait a while longer, but when I go myself, I'll definitely be looking around for that sweetheart. She's busy with her new life now, but she crossed over adorned in some powerful aloha, so I know she must be doing well.

My condolences to her family. We might have lost her for now, but she hasn't lost us, not me anyway.

Tiki Tack posted on 10/06/2010

Ugh.... :( This makes me so sad.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 10/07/2010

Dear Kate,
I wish we could have done more than chop. I am bummed that I didn't travel more to the north to have cocktails with you and to shop and to thrift and swap and such.
I am so happy that I was able to chop with you and to swap match books. And so glad the 'Onas brought you to the house. Thank you SO much for the jacket!!
This is so hard. I will always cherish your humor.

....Thanks Susan!
We'll all be up.

Erik, Trish & Ana and Bul

Tiki Trav posted on 10/08/2010

shit that sucks .....bigtime.... she was really a lovely girl... Sarah and I got to hang out with her briefly several times and we sure wish we could do it again...

tikipedia posted on 10/11/2010

I was going to respond to this, by saying how much I hate this thread and what it says. Had fate followed a kinder course, Kate would still be here, we would still be going about our daily routines, and the server space that now holds this thread would have been occupied by something mundane or silly.

But after reading the warm and loving comments by the TC community, it also crystallized the impact Kate had on lots of people. I only knew her through her posts, but the positive impression she left on people is indisputable.

She isn't really gone. She is alive within each and every person who had the pleasure to have known her.

Cammo posted on 10/13/2010

"The fragrance of the blossom lasts even after the bloom has closed."

Brah, that post really got me.

TJ Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e10f64eebb581a3df88b8f9acec915b8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

I didnt know Her super well but for what I did know of Her She was a realy kool person . Man when I herd this I was so in the dumps Wow . all my Best Kate .

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My appologies for keeping these embers alive a while longer, but I finally located something I had wondered about. Were Kate's hands among those featured in a TC post from 2008 showing just about everybody's tiki artist hands? If so, that would be a nice look back to honor Kate. As it turns out, her hands are among them! And now that I look back it is poetry in retrograde.

Tiki Central - Show of Hands by Babalu

Don't you think she'd like the kind of joining of hands that this old post says in its own sweet way? Hope so.

I know. Spell check.

[ Edited by: The Gnomon 2010-10-20 13:25 ]

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7f5b0513849f6ea702d9d5cb47401e03?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Hee hee! Sweet, tikified Kate okole! Thanks for that link, Gnomon, that gave me a nice big smile.

I've gotten so much pleasure from the remembrances here -- thank you to everyone for taking a moment to share with everyone. It's like a bit of Kate Archaeology, and it sure seems like something she'd get a kick out of.

My remembrance comes in the form of a website. I started work on it before she passed, and was able to tell her about it. I originally wanted her to be able to see it and enjoy it, it was supposed to be a great big going away gift. But she passed too quickly.

Today I launched her site. It's called Viva Kate!

If you had the pleasure of meeting her in life, I hope you enjoy this site. If you didn't, it's not too late to get to know her.

Here's my Humu Kon Tiki post about Viva Kate: http://blog.humuhumu.com/2010/10/20/viva-kate

(Mahalo to Bora Boris, Squid and Mr. NoNaMe for their help with facts & photos!)

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Pray for the beauty.

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/61b41024ee2e3e115c97c19e30e05d4d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Humuhumu - what an absolutely beautiful site for Kate. Thank you.

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Absolutely amazing. Thanks.


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TikiG posted on Wed, Oct 20, 2010 8:53 PM

Humu - I gotta say Thanks too. Love, G

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Humuhumu. I just spent the last hour going all over the site, nice job!

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great post!!! thank you.

OL Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/adab0ecbff0c53599794ed8c336c9914?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

That is a beautiful tribute to an amazing woman. Thank you.

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on Thu, Oct 21, 2010 9:29 AM

Nice job, Humu. Thanks.

CL Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b57f5e8c12b46159b3fbf8de458f2b61?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Beautiful remembrance Humu. A wonderful way to honor Kate. Very well done!

On 2010-10-20 20:22, Humuhumu wrote:

My remembrance comes in the form of a website. I started work on it before she passed, and was able to tell her about it. I originally wanted her to be able to see it and enjoy it, it was supposed to be a great big going away gift. But she passed too quickly.

Viva Kate!

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Zaya posted on Fri, Oct 22, 2010 3:09 PM

Humu, I love it. It's such a beautiful tribute, Thank you.

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:) NICE :)
Thank you Humu!

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For those of you who knew Tiki Kate. I've dedicated a paddle event to her...please check it out!


-jeff cruz

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Aloha Jeff, welcome to Tiki Central! It's nice to know that Kate's spirit and memory live on, even outside the tiki community. Congratulations on your recovery, and good luck with your event!

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I did not know Tiki Kate well, however the few times I had the pleasure to talk to her , she was always pleasant and eager to talk about all things tiki with me.I found some pics the other day of Sabu,Formica , Tiki Kate and myself in one of the room parties at Tiki Oasis 2008 .Rest in Peace Tiki Kate you will be missed by many here on TC .

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K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/899e22d3151077d0f8324b872a8c5ff1?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

I'm stunned. I've been away a while. Tiki-Kate was whose name I drew in the one and only mug swap I participated in so far. I spent some time looking at her posts to get a feel for who she was to help me pick a mug, and when I looked at her collection at Ooga-Mooga I told my husband "chances are anything I send her she already has!" I then became determined to send her something unique if at all possible. I decided to include a shirt in my package to surprise her, and I hunted for a while and even got a parking ticket on the day I found the perfect shirt! I felt kind of crushed, I was spending more money than I could comfortably afford already without the bonus of a pricey parking ticket. I inwardly questioned why I was doing this. My husband got in the spirit of things and carved a tiki Bob candle to include in the package. We sent it off and my answer to "why am I doing this?" came in the form of Tiki Kate's response:

"Your package arrived today, and I was completely floored. The whole thing was incredibly thoughtful. I did not have the volcano mug, and the shirt and bracelet are fabulous. I love the Tiki Bob candle too. I'm a huge Bob fan. He always makes me smile.

I'm having one of the worst weeks of my life, and you have cheered me up immensely.

Thank you so much. (I can't wait to post everything next week.)


I never got to meet Kate.

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I never got to meet Kate but I did get to deal with her a few times on here. She was really knowledgeable and if she didn't know she passed me onto to others who might. Kate was always very nice and pleasant eventhough she was dealing with alot more than she let out there.

She was a big part of TC and her collection is great! She touched alot of people here and elsewhere in her life and we all a bit better off for knowing her.
I am glad her memory will live on and she will always be remembered as Tiki-Kate.

Big Mahalo.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8c2111dad6bbe8b458b9d465e3ffbb34?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

We met kate briefly whilst out on vacation a couple of years ago and she was lovely,Such as shame that she is not with us anymore but she will live on at TC!

[ Edited by: TIKIWAGON 2010-11-07 13:18 ]

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I know this is a late posting....I've just been so saddened about Kate's passing.

Tomorrow is her date of birth 11/18...I'd like to think of it as a celebration of her life. I'll think of the good times I had the honor of sharing with her...from tiki chops, to the Hukilua, to just plain old girl talk.

You are missed Kate....

Okole Maluna!

[ Edited by: CheekyGirl 2010-11-17 18:45 ]

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Kate could do a nice impression of Charles Phoenix’s “I know!” :)

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On 2010-12-12 12:26, Bora Boris wrote:
Kate could do a nice impression of Charles Phoenix’s “I know!” :)


BB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b5b1db9852616b0b87ea959c240198fa?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Trader Tom Bartending at Damon's. That was a fun night. :)

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Thinking of you take and missing your presence on TC. :(

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I only met Kate once. It was at the Kon Tiki re-dedication in Tuscon in 2006. I had the pleasure of hanging out with her & Al-ii & talking tiki with her. She was a very nice woman & I always figured our paths would cross again. I never posted on this thread because I didn't think I knew her well enough to pay any kind of proper or appropriate tribute. I do miss her presence here & all the interesting posts she used to make.
I would've liked to know her better. :(

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Iscah posted on Fri, Aug 26, 2011 1:35 PM

So sad-- Kate passed while I was absent from TC for the last few years...

I met her (very briefly) at one of the chops down in San Diego, god, ages ago that seems like. I didn't get to talk to her much-- everyone was too busy making a huge mess... and well... well, it sucks that you lose such great people for such lousy reasons.

BB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b5b1db9852616b0b87ea959c240198fa?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Happy Birthday Tiki-Kate! :D

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** You're missed around here very much.**

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Indeed! Kate was a full-blooded Tikiphile in knowledge and action.

I would like to inquire about if anything has been happening with the multiple mini containers with Kate's ashes that were passed out to a couple of her friends?

As we all know, per Kate's request Squid made a beautiful urn for her remains:

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Kate had always had her own way of doing things, and a great sense of humor.
She must have loved seeing her pagan urn in front of a Christian altar at her service:

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What many folks might have not been aware of was that Kate also instructed Squid to make a limited number of Moai containers for her friends, to take her ashes to Tiki places she might like to visit.

Well, as it happened, early this year I took one of my trips to Europe and thought she might want to see the Rum Trader in Berlin:

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The Rum Trader is sort of the Tiki Ti of Berlin: It's proprietor Herr Scholl upheld the art of mixology way before the young folks of the craft cocktail revival came along...

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Inside, Moai vessel met Moai vessel:

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I ordered us a Fog Cutter, which is very good here...

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...and since I was drinking for two, I cannot recall the name of this concoction any more:

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...just that we liked it. A part of Kate's ashes are now in the ground at the entrance of the Rum Trader.

Next, I took a little trip to Paris. I don't think Kate had been, and I thought she might like to see the Eiffel tower:

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So some of her ashes landed in the famous Seine river. What is Tiki about that, you might ask? Well, the bridge that I spread these ashes from leads directly to the Quai Branly Museum...

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...which is the great, modern ethnographic museum in Paris (right next to the Eiffel tower)

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Kate and I had lunch at the roof-top restaurant there...

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...and the rest of her ashes were used to fertilize the bamboo grove by the outside stage of this museum, where sometime in the future artifacts from her collection will be on display.

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If anybody else has any stories of Kate's visits to Tiki places, please share them here. I also respect it if folks want to keep it private. I simply had some unique opportunity to grant her last wishes and thought she might like to see this report about it.

BK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cbe4d0b20172e20787abd20510f9f7a0?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Well done, Sven. I'm sure Kate's smiling.

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