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DRIFT LOUNGE Phoenix bites the dust...salvage!!!

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bb moondog posted on 12/02/2010

Heard sad news this weekend that DRIFT in Snottsdale had been 86'd. So..in the tradition of all good tiki freaks I thought it prudent to head up there and view the remains for salvaging purposes. As the fates would have it, the place was GUTTED and will reopen as a 'latin' themed night club of some kind. According to the owner, thematically the tiki had played out so he had to freshen things up-I suppose in this economy, ya gots ta do what ya gots ta DO. Anyhoo, he was extremely nice in letting me cart off the wall decor.

.it was all kinda DINGED up, but I STILL consider 3 BOSKOS for FREE as kind of a SCORE...

these will now join my POOL DECOR..and yeah that is PRETTY MUCH the bulk of it

SoccerTiki posted on 12/03/2010

You scored!!! We're jealous!!!

BIG TIKI'S posted on 12/03/2010

Freakin lucky!

JackLord posted on 12/03/2010

Sad about the demise of a cool joint. But you saved a piece of it. Good for you.

bb moondog posted on 12/03/2010

..and now introducing DRIFT GILBERT!!

it may be smaller and the bar is RIGHT by a POOL..but there will be NO techno music ever played ..only old school EXOTICA

serious thanks to Bryan for bestowing these to me..they needed some TLC but I LIKE em

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 12/04/2010

nice haul on the Drift swag! just goes to show, it never hurts to ask!
I kinda liked that spot. any idea what they did with the giant moai head that was on the back wall?
I always thought that was pretty damn cool.

tikiyaki posted on 12/04/2010

Damn...Bosko paydirt !

bb moondog posted on 12/04/2010

when i was there it was separated out from the debris in the middle of the place...am guessing it was spoken for in some way, as probably was the HUGE float light on the sign out front with the light fixture..kinda coveted THAT but really have no space for it. The new place looks like it will be cool; it has a POOL incorporated into the design..i really have no idea what it will be. The new Hulas tiki lounge downtown is a nice alternative to Trader Vics..we still have some tiki going here.

Kenike posted on 12/17/2010

On 2010-12-01 19:51, bb moondog wrote:
According to the owner, thematically the tiki had played out so he had to freshen things up-

Tiki has played out but a Latin themed night-club is "in?" Hopefully he's realized he has to now cater to a much different clientele. I was only at the Drift a few times, but every time the place was completely packed. At least there's still Hula's and Trader Vic's nearby.

Anyway, I suppose it could've been worse...could have turned into upscale sports bar with ping-pong tables.

Great score on those Boskos!

christiki295 posted on 12/18/2010

Another one bits the dust. Sad.

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