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New Years Eve with The Cocktail Preachers @ Chef Shangri-La! Now with FREE Raffle Photo!

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BambooLodge posted on 12/20/2010

Mark your calendar and make your reservations now.

Come on out to the Chef for New Years Eve...

...more info to come soon including FREE raffle items!!!

BaMbOoLoDgE...where the South Pacific meets the Great White North!

[ Edited by: bamboolodge 2010-12-28 15:35 ]

bigtikidude posted on 12/23/2010

Cocktail Preachers are a great Band,
they came out to Ca. in the early 2000s,
and I saw them at the Lava Lounge where the Blue Hawaiians used to have their weekly shows.

I am hoping that the Cocktail Preachers will be coming out again,
to play the SG101 convention in Aug.


BambooLodge posted on 12/28/2010

Here's the FREE raffle items for New Years Eve...

...we have an Exotica 2003 framed poster, a Hawaiian coffee gift pack featuring 2 vintage ceramic Ku mugs, the original Tiki Road Trip book, Exotica 2007 framed poster, green Tiki mug, Hawaiian Monkey Pod condiment set, A gift pack featuring 2 Don Ho glasses and a cocktail shaker, a brown Tiki mug, a Tiki Light Fountain, a small vintage wooden Ku Tiki, ceramic Treasure Chest, Tiki Cocktail book illustrated by Shag, a four pack of shot glasses, a small wooden Ku napkin holder, a Purple Jade Tiki necklace, 2 Chef gift certificates, and possibly a couple of last minute additions as well.

Come on out to the Chef this Friday and Celebrate New Years Eve 2010!!!

See ya there!!!


BambooLodge posted on 01/11/2011

Here's a great youtube video from NYE...

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