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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food

Coupon code from Trader Tiki

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Got this via Twitter: "Get what you really wanted for Christmas: use code GOODBYE2010 for 15% off over $25 at http://www.tradertiki.com/ Ends Jan. 1st!"

In my opinion, if you're stocking your bar with anything other than Trader Tiki products, you're making an inferior drink. And no, I'm not getting any kickbacks from Trader Tiki (although I wouldn't turn them down). :wink:

[ Edited by: Tikitacky 2010-12-28 06:28 ]


In my opinion, if you're stocking your bar with anything other than Trader Tiki products, your making an inferior drink.


Their glasses were also great for some of the larger tiki drinks but sadly they do not appear to be selling them any more.

Use it! Use it like crazy! Last offer of the year, for sure. Just trying to make sure we all get what we really wanted for the holidays.

rangda, I don't have the glasses anymore because frankly, I ran out. I'll be selling more though in 2011. I've got some swell plans for those.

TikiTacky, your invisible check is in the mail!

Okole Maluna!

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