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Exotica on NPR

Pages: 1 6 replies


For those of you who missed it: National Public Radio aired a segment today about the comeback of exotica music and what The WAITIKI 7 is doing to help. They played a clip of Martin Denny's "Flamingo" along with a sampling of Waitiki 7 tunes.

Click the Listen Now button at:

And please leave a comment telling NPR how much you like exotica music and what it means to you!

pablus posted on 01/10/2011

So cool, man. Great to hear.

The Granite Tiki posted on 01/10/2011

As we say up here, Wicked Pissa!!!!!

Jeff Central posted on 01/10/2011

Nice!!! :)

Man, that Lopaka has the swingingest bird calls around!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

Johnny Dollar posted on 01/10/2011

way cool!!!

Potato. posted on 01/16/2011

How did I miss this? I listen to NPR all day and I never knew.. Now I feel justified in thinking that my liberal eliteness doesn't preclude me from partaking in tiki revelry. Awesome.

GatorRob posted on 01/17/2011

Thanks for pointing this one out! I completely missed it. Added to the list.

EDIT: Jeeeez... I just noticed who started this thread. Congrats on the profile! Steve Inskeep talking about exotica to a national audience. Yea!

[ Edited by: GatorRob 2011-01-16 16:29 ]

Pages: 1 6 replies