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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

This years Birthday Didn't suck so badly...

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Feelin Zombified posted on 10/27/2003

Usually birthday gifts just suck (sox, underwear, ChiaPet, re-gifted clockradio, etc.) But this year I was rather amazed:

Oceanic Art by JP Meyer (650 pages)
Oceanic Art by the DIA
Shag's "80 Drinks"

Disney's 40th Tall Mug
TikiFarm's TraderVic Logo mug (from Mother-in-law no less!)
and a smattering of Ultra-Lounge series CD's

I'm rather amazed!
now if I could just drop to the Mrs a hint for a 5ft tiki from OA for Xmas...

Anyone here ever get a really suprising Tiki gift?

Turbogod posted on 10/27/2003

I did get a Tiki Farm SB mug for Christmas last year.

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