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Seeking Someone Who's Lived on Rapa Nui

Pages: 1 1 replies

khyungbird posted on 01/11/2011

Hi there,

I'm a comic artist interested in writing a story about Rapa Nui, and I was wondering if I could talk to someone who has lived there -- ideally, someone from Rapa Nui, or who has vacationed there for a few weeks at least. (Or who's living there now, that would be awesomest!)

I'd really love to talk to someone and find out more about Rapa Nui. If someone has time to answer some questions and chat by email, I'd be really grateful! If you want to see some of the work I've done, my websites are http://www.mockman.com and http://www.kingofrpgs.com.

Many thanks,


bigbrotiki posted on 01/13/2011

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