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The meaning of your USERname

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Tikitatt posted on 07/23/2008

Since I’m not the creative type and have a tiki tattoo I thought Tikitatt would work.

ahvyna posted on 07/23/2008

Nothing tiki about mine...I was nicknamed "Ahvyna" by a some Native America friends. It means magic or medicine in the Wiyot dialect-

Billy the Crud posted on 07/24/2008

Nothing "tiki" about mine, either. Billy the Crud was a character on the Beetlegeuse cartoon that was sort of like Boss Hog. He was a talking pile of SOMETHING, wearing a cowboy hat. I'm Billy by birth and once embraced "Billy the Dirtbag", but a childhood friend suggested "the Crud" and it stuck......like most crud does!

"LOOK!! PUNKIN PIE!!".........oi oi oi!

Jungle Trader posted on 07/24/2008

I thought it might have something to do with "Billy The Kid" Guess not.

NOTCH posted on 07/25/2008

Growing up back in the days friends called me notch and it just stuck with me. I use to print T shirts and posters with my art work and sold them at local car shows with my name notch on the bottom of each design.
So, notch is short for nacho which is short for Ignacio..

Joe Banks posted on 07/29/2008

Joe Banks is the name of the Tom Hanks character in "Joe vs. the Volcano".

(There was also a Joseph Banks the joined Captain Cook on his first journey to the South Pacific....truth be told, I learned that after the fact. I named myself for Joe vs. the Volcano).

Bohemiann posted on 07/29/2008

This was my first screen name with AOL the first year it came out. Some bastard got Bohemian so I had to add an N and now everyone thinks I cant shpell. Stiil have my bohemiann@aol account for some bizarre reason but friends I have not heard from for decades still ping me every now and then through it so.....

blue.octopus posted on 07/30/2008

A few years back I decided to drop my old BBS handle and Gothic identity and go for something more in keeping with my current passions. I love the sea, marine life and had a special fondness for cephalopods. Then it was just a matter of finding something which I could use in many different places and blue.octopus was a good compromise and also has a a nice web 2.0 ring to it. I kept it here as marine life plays an important part of pacific cultures.

blindy the pirate posted on 08/15/2008

The name Blindy came from a pirate themed tailgate party. Shortly after chuging two beers, I put an eyepatch on both eyes and stumbled around yelling "I'm Blindy the pirate". For some strange reason, the name stuck.

Tiki Duddy posted on 08/15/2008

All my friends (and teachers) call me Duddy, and Tiki is such a cool word!
...not to mention there is tiki everywhere here!
Real name is Dustin Smith

kikekeki posted on 08/16/2008

Ok, I was handed the nickname Gidget long ago, spent many years trying to prove I wasn't a gidget, but wouldn't give up my board and sit on the sand with the other girls...I decided to get real, like it or not- I was SO a gidget, and here I am...the screen name is the Hawaiian translation

Babalu posted on 08/20/2008

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MadDogMike posted on 08/21/2008

Babalu, why do you keep sheet music laying around? Are you a musician along with all your other talents?

When I was 13 I was bitten by a mad, rabid dog. My parents were too cheap to call a doctor and they didn't want me slobbering on the floor, so they locked me in the garlic cellar. It took me 2 weeks to dig my way out, the rabies didn't stick but the name did. :lol:

OK, it was an old name from a pirate-themed event and I was too unimaginitive (or lazy) to make up a new one. Besides, I have been called all three (mad, dog, & Mike).

Anything worth doing, is worth doing to the point of wretched excess.

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2008-08-20 18:28 ]

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tyger jymmy posted on 08/24/2008

nothin realy Tiki , Ive always liked the tyger leopard cheetah print stuff .

[ Edited by: tyger jymmy 2008-08-23 20:23 ]

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kenposurf posted on 08/25/2008

Kenpo is a style of martial arts that I teach and study. I play guitar in an instro surf band and like to hit the waves during summer.

[ Edited by: kenposurf 2008-08-24 21:28 ]

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Jason Wickedly posted on 08/25/2008

My boss used to send out agendas for meetings, in which he would spell check the whole thing and just click "yes" when it asked if he wanted to change anything. My real last name is somewhat similar to Wickedly - so that's how it would appear. Plus I thought it sounded sort of cool and evil, so there you go.

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Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 08/25/2008

I thought it was a play on Jason Priestly.

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Jason Wickedly posted on 08/26/2008

On 2008-08-25 15:49, Sweet Daddy Tiki wrote:
I thought it was a play on Jason Priestly.

I never thought of it like that! :lol:

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GO TIKI posted on 08/28/2008

My Real name is Gary, I have been called Go-Go since I was a kid, Hence Go Tiki :)

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Tiki-Atari posted on 12/09/2010

Fairly boring story. When I went to Georgia Tech in 96 I signed the guestbook at DramaTech's open house, hoping to break in to the theater crowd there. I just wrote "Atari" in the name space on a whim. I eventually got a call back, largely because they wanted to see who wrote Atari in the guest book. The nickname stuck hard, to the point that there are people I've known for a decade who don't know me any other way. I've since decided that it is fitting for someone with an intense interest in pop and niche culture to have a name so evocative of my personal developmental zeitgeist. So, Atari is my name for all practical purposes; hence tiki-atari. Also, the idea of a Gilligan's Island Professor style video game system amuses the hell out of me.

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zond2 posted on 12/10/2010

Zond2 was an early russian mars probe

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HelveTiki posted on 12/10/2010

I'm native Swiss...
Helvetia is the Latin name for Switzerland.
So I've thought HelveTiki fits well as a nickname for me :)

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trutiki posted on 12/12/2010

About 10 years ago, every Monday in the ad agency where I worked as a Copy Chief, the very gifted comedic Creative Director held a staff meeting where he only entered the room once everyone was present. One rueful morning I was late and walked in after the boss and was treated to a Richmeister riff on my first name, a la the Rob Schneider copy guy character on SNL. From then on, the Creative staff meeting wasn't complete until the group had settled on my Tru name of the day... trudeska (cheerful), Trulalenska (diva), Truella de Ville (witch), Trudelini (sweet)... you get the picture.

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Thomas posted on 12/22/2010

I'm Tom. "Thomas" seems like some alternative, "exotic" label to me. For many of us, the long form of our names has a more ancient, profound feel -- it's even found in ancient texts like the Bible! When you hear "Tom," maybe you think of the guy down the street, but when you hear "Thomas," a gong sounds, followed by jungle drums and animal calls! Or maybe not, but you get my point.

Many of us already have a special, alternative name: the formal version of our own name which we don't normally go by in everday life. So I figured, well, why not use that on Tikicentral?

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Beachbumz posted on 12/22/2010

Back in 89' I lived on the beach for over a year when I first moved here to Maui.. somehow the "beach bumz just stuck with me.. I also have a shop here that is named Beach Bumz and a website, http://www.beachbumz.com .

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Club Nouméa posted on 01/15/2011

Well, apart from the fact that Nouméa is the focus of my home tiki bar, many years ago I was escorted off the premises of Club Med Nouméa for reasons I will not go into here...

Now I have my own Club, so who needs 'em? :)


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Jetson posted on 01/16/2011

A lot of people think Jetson is from The Jetsons. As much as I love that show, it's actually not the origin. One of my favorite Shag paintings is "J is for Jetsetter" and for the longest time, I had the picture as my myspace profile picture, and my status was set to "J is for Jetsetter".

At the same time, I was also thinking about coming up with a new nickname that went with all different communites, such as tiki, rockabilly, rave, and so on. Well, a bunch of my friends had caught on to my picture, and had put my name on the phones as Jetsetter Julian.

One day, one of my good friends tried to say it out loud, messed up and Jetson came out of her mouth. We laughed about it, then I started thinking that I actually liked it. I actually came up with a whole persona, Jetson Orbit, for my new internet handle, but most people just remember Jetson. And, as they say, the rest is history...

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[ Edited by: Jetson 2011-01-15 17:20 ]

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WaikikianMoeKele posted on 01/16/2011

I spent one wonderful night in July 1994 at the Tahitian Lanai in the Waikikian Hotel. Due to an extreme quantity of alcohol (mostly Blue Hawaiians) & a really horrific divorce (actually the marriage was horrific, too) plus the fact that almost all of our film was fogged (except that in the camera) thanks to the Honolulu Airport, I had extremely little to remember of that magical night. But we dined by the pool & sang at the piano bar with the regulars. I was told the story of how the place was supposed to close (TWICE!) but had somehow, miraculously stayed open. I truly felt that the Waikikian had waited for me. I also have to add that my father was stationed in Oahu during WWII, after the attack on Pearl Harbor. I felt a connection to the place that I can't explain intellectually. My most intense memory from dinner was of a rock or boulder in the pool, again, I think that my alcohol adjusted brain was interpreting the Hawaiian Islands painted in the bottom of the pool. But after dinner, walking the paths to the bar inside, seeing the little huts, the tiki torches, I was so enthralled... I would have been happy to stay there forever. Then we went inside to the piano bar (Papeete Bar) seriously some of the happiest hours of my life. We sang the old Hawaiian songs with the regulars & the blind piano player. I was so content.
I was married to a city manager, he is a horrible person, he abused me physically, sexually, emotionally, mentally... but I survived & I'm doing okay now. His job allowed us to go places that a little country girl from rural Pennsylvania would never have gone.
So, Waikikian is for the Waikikian Hotel... Moe means dream in Hawaiian & Kele is multifunctional, my given name is Kellie (a girl born in 1956 was at a loss for THAT name, so I asked my parents how they came up with that & was told that it was the last name of the guy who lived across the street... makes one wonder, right? but I really look a LOT like my father, so...?) plus 'kele' means navigator in Hawaiian, which is about the closest that I could get to cartographer which is what I do, I'm a digital cartographer by profession, a CAD drafter, that is. So that is me, WaikikianMoeKele. Aloha

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TIKIVILLE posted on 01/19/2011

TIKIVILLE [tee-kee-vill]
I could be wrong here but I believe it's a very old old wooden ship, used during the civil war era.

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Wildsville man posted on 01/26/2011

The first original tiki art I purchased was Wildsville,Man by Derek Yaniger. After I purchased it I ask him to do a commission for me but he was to busy. So I made Wildsville,Man my custom piece and stole the name.


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The Gnomon posted on 01/28/2011

I come from a long line of gnomons dating back to a time before the word gnomon was invented. A gnomon is the index of a sundial, the stick in the ground. In ancient times the people who read the gnomons were also called gnomons themselves. Basically, a gnomon is an ancient astronomer, soothsayer, viseer, thaumaturge, alchemist, apothecary, and aficcionado of the unusual.

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Trailerpark Tiki posted on 01/28/2011

Last year, my favorite TV series was called "Trailerpark Boys". A sitcom about life in a trailerpark with a bunch of pot dealing criminals. Its hilarious and reminds me of my days in high school and my friends that lived in the trailerpark. I don't really live in a trailerpark, not that there's anything wrong with living in a trailerpark. But my tiki bar is kind of the opposite of a trailerpark tiki bar because I've spent more on my tiki bar than most trailers cost.

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Hamo posted on 07/17/2019

Not sure how I stumbled across this old thread, but it deserves a bump after eight years. Sad to see that many "old timers" who posted here don't frequent TC anymore (and ones like Tiki-Kate and Tiki David who we've lost).

Wendy asked me about my name when I met her and Dan last November. This is the first message board I've ever joined, so I didn't have a pre-existing internet persona. When looking for a good "tiki name", I decided to translate the meaning of my real name into Hawaiian. Except I must have been drinking a Mai Tai at the time; instead of looking up "appointed", I searched "anointed" and discovered "hamo", which was short, simple, and not taken by anybody else. Now I also use it for Critiki and the Grogalizer.

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Johnny Dollar posted on 07/17/2019

On 2003-12-19 07:28, Johnny Dollar wrote:
i must agree with BK, there is a primal connection between a man and his basement.

"johnny dollar" has been my hotmail email since 1997, and i've used the name as my internet avatar since then too. i liked it coz it was derived from both a 1940's radio show and a late 1950's rockabilly star (obscure contemporary of buddy holly) and it seemed to not pigeonhole but fit many genres of my interest - swing, film noir, rockabilly, lounge... even cowboy for that matter. and my name is john too :)

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*excellent topic, "The Monitors!"

ha! this still stands true for me, 16 years later....
(wow... 16 years....)

ADDENDUM: and speaking of above, is BK still carving? his work was/is awesome IIRC

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar 2019-07-17 05:46 ]

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HopeChest posted on 08/08/2019

Hope Chest is my indie pop band, which I formed in 1992 and has a new EP coming out in the next couple of months.

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LaraColada posted on 12/10/2019

Mine is the state i was born (Lara) and Colada... well, from the drink

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PineappleWhip posted on 12/18/2019


Thanks for bumping this !!! It's a great thread!!

Well....I love the Dole Pineapple Whip, and actually end up having it often, as I am very close to Disneyland. One thing I do realize now, is that it is a little bit long to type, but, after typing it a bunch it starts to roll off the finger tips pretty quickly now :)

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-03-18 15:31:20 ]

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davidphantomatic posted on 03/17/2022

Mine is pretty simple. My name is David and I play in a surf band called The Phantomatics.

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WhiteDevilPress posted on 03/18/2022

"White Devil" has long been evocative of the evil exploiter of native peoples, intent only on subjugation, slavery, or thievery of one sort or another: and it’s as much of a myth as the noble savage. While no doubt some such figures of preceding centuries did occasional harm, whether intentional or otherwise, this mischaracterization has been applied in recent manifestations of cancel "culture" to essentially apply to most historical figures of Western Civilization (Capt. James Cook, for example), and even straight white males in general, by extension.

But it only takes brief consideration to realize how profoundly yesterday's explorers and nautical merchants created the world as we know it today.

The hypocrisy of cancel "culture" is easily exemplified by vandals removing or destroying monuments to Capt. Cook, and other famous historical white men, all the while utilizing the internet, television, Coca-cola and blue jeans, etc.

Without getting too political, I'll simply sum up by asserting that, at the very least, there would be no such thing as the Tiki Revival had not the past been peopled with mapmakers, bushwhackers, adventurers and traders of all sorts. And yes, even missionaries. Real men of daring and often fearless spirit who exerted their will and enlightened self-interest on the times they occupied.

Therefore, I assert that the epithet now stands as reappropriated as a term of approbation, at least by those who shun hypocrisy, false propaganda, historic revisionism, race hatred, effeminacy, sniveling, humorlessness and unworthy, sissified displays of all manner.

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-03-18 15:29:55 ]

[ Edited by WhiteDevilPress on 2022-03-19 08:35:18 ]

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tikiskip posted on 03/19/2022

This is a movie that kinda speaks to that white devil thing, it's a good movie for an old Black and white.

WHITE SHADOWS IN THE SOUTH SEAS DVD MOVIE - SALE #V100D When pearls are discovered in the pristine waters of the south seas, an unscrupulous trader quickly moves in and takes advantage of the innocent islanders. They quickly adopt the unfortunate habits of civilization and are transformed into slaves of commercialism as they risk their lives to harvest the pearls. When an outspoken alcoholic doctor attempts to thwart the trader, the doctor is set adrift in a derelict boat, caught in a typhoon, and washes ashore on an idyllic island as yet untouched by the "white shadows" of greed. He falls in love with Fayaway, the chief’s daughter and is rejuvenated by the untouched environment and purity of the people who embrace him. But the corruption of civilization is too close for his paradise to last long. Beautifully filmed on location in Tahiti and the Marquesas Islands with native islanders in authentic scenes of pearl diving, dancing, food preparation, feasting, etc. Partially directed by Robert Flaherty ("Tabu", "Moana"). Winner of the Academy Award for Best Cinematography and one of the first films with a pre-recorded musical soundtrack. Starring: Raquel Torres, Monte Blue, and Robert Anderson - black & white - 1929 - 84 minutes Our Price: $20.00 Sale Price: $12.00

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