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ebay: August Holland's "Bowl of Light" painting

Pages: 1 28 replies

kahukini posted on 10/19/2003

I was going to offer this for a fixed price here but I changed my mind. Will post later w/ link to ebay. [email protected]

[ Edited by: kahukini on 2003-10-19 14:15 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/20/2003

The Pearl of Wisdom?

kahukini posted on 10/20/2003

yeah, that one

kahukini posted on 10/20/2003
kahukini posted on 10/27/2003
purple jade posted on 10/27/2003

I hope Lisa gets it. It will go where it's REALLY wanted.

Feelin Zombified posted on 10/27/2003

I keep hoping to find the other print. What's it called again? "Volcano of Doom" or something. "Pearl" seems to be reasonably easy to find, but I never see the other. Anyone know how common it is VS. "Pearl" ???


tikitucson posted on 10/27/2003

I think it's called "Treasure Within." Oddly enough, I've found two of those and only one of the Pearl of Wisdom. But neither are in fantastic shape, unfortunately.

purple jade posted on 10/28/2003

Yay for Lisa!

Cultjam posted on 10/28/2003

On 2003-10-27 10:43, purple jade wrote:
I hope Lisa gets it. It will go where it's REALLY wanted.

PJ, That is so sweet of you!!

I almost missed it, was kidnapped down to Rocky Point this weekend but escaped the boozing long enough to go online for a quick eBay check. MINE!

Happy fewdayslate Birthday to me...

purple jade posted on 10/28/2003

Oh, Happy Birthday (a few days late) too!

Cultjam posted on 11/25/2003

Damn UPS! Damn them to hell!!

They (UPS) packed it by the way and still trashed it.

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/26/2003

Looks like a piece to go with Poly Pop's mug collection...

martiki posted on 11/26/2003

AAARRRRGGGHH! That sucks so damn badly. I'm sorry to see that. But thanks to karma, you should expect to find a super-rare mug for 50 cents any day now.

purple jade posted on 11/26/2003

I'd have some UPS ass hanging on my wall until it was replaced.

DawnTiki posted on 11/26/2003

Gasp! The Horror...The Horror! Justice must be served!

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/26/2003

Nevvvvver ship UPS. They are the most god awful, low rent, unreliable shipper on earth. FedEx ground or USPS.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 11/26/2003

And to add to BK's "never use UPS", be sure to NEVER use The UPS Store too. They charge way too much for way too crappy of a packing job.

I'd be curious to see exactly what they used and how they padded that picture.

PolynesianPop posted on 11/26/2003

I'm sorry to see that CJ. That hurts more than seeing one of my broken mugs...

Condolences. :(

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 12/01/2003

SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:
And to add to BK's "never use UPS", be sure to NEVER use The UPS Store too. They charge way too much for way too crappy of a packing job...

I just re-confirmed my statement. I received a package "packed" by the UPS Store. The item was totally jostled around and the packing job was very crappy.

Hope you got some of your money back Cultjam.

Cultjam posted on 12/02/2003

Thanks, SCD. Haven't heard from UPS yet. They must be busy with claims, they delivered a desktop PC to a coworker today and it was not the better for the trip. Oh, it had been lost for a month too.

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/02/2003

That's U.P.S. for you...do you need another one, Cultjam? I'll pick you a nice one off my stack :wink: if you have something you want to trade. I think I have a self-framed hardboard version and the "brushstroke" paper print. I'll swap either for cool mugs that I don't have.

kahukini posted on 12/02/2003

The value of the remaining bowl of lights just went up a little :)

After we're through with UPS maybe a project could be made out of it... perhaps crinkle it even more and apply a laquer or polyurethane to it and see what happens.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 12/02/2003


Remember when filing a claim, and getting paid on it, that they (UPS) will take the item away with them. If you can't bear to let it go, even to UPS, you can salvage the picture by making your own jigsaw puzzle out of it. Search online, since there are many kits and homemade instructions available as to how to make your own jigsaw puzzle. If you tend not to be on the creative side, I'm sure there are a few TC'ers here with a good eye and a good hand with an Exacto knife that can help you out. Yes, it would probably be the most expensive, and probably the only, tiki jigsaw puzzle, and you will have to decide if it is worth it...also it would "save" this tiki item.

Something to think about.

[ Edited by: sugarcaddydaddy on 2003-12-02 00:44 ]

Cultjam posted on 12/02/2003

I figured they'd take it but I'm going to insist my only option is to have it professionally salvaged. Kahukini emailed how sad it had survived so long before this. I'll look into what can be done but it's bad.

Cultjam posted on 12/02/2003

BK, I PM'd back. Thank you for the offer. I may have to take you up on that.

Tiki Bree posted on 12/03/2003

We sincerely offer our deepest sympathies for your loss. Tristan and I have officially gone in to "mourning" until you receive another one.

ModMana posted on 12/03/2003

Sorry for your loss Cultjam...That is sad and totally unnecessary. Sometimes I think the delivery gorillas at UPS destroy things just for the fun of it. I would say that around 1 in 5 packages I receive from them is either damaged or destroyed. Why, why, why???

SugarCaddyDaddy is right about UPS taking the merchandise if you file a claim. I've been in that situation myself where I needed to file a claim but didn't want to surrender the goods. The trick is to say that the merchandise is repairable. What I did was get a written estimate to have the item professionally repaired. I told the repair person to pad the estimate because those UPS bastards are the ones paying. :evil: Then an official UPS claims adjuster actually came to my house to examine the damage. After that person approved the claim, they cut me a check for the estimate amount AND let me keep the merchandise. At that point its up to you what you want to do with the check and the merchandise.

Good Luck!

ModMana :drink:

atomiczombie posted on 12/06/2003

I've noticed alot of posts lately about what Brown can do for you and its apparent that it's not much. I recall replying to a thread awhile back about such abusive mishandling. I'm not in any way defending this hugungous megaconglomerate cornerstone of the shipping industry; however, we should all remember this is the biggest shipping period of the year. Their employees don't get paid much and get stressed out alot(i.e. "going postal"). If anyone should have to send anything [right now especially], seriously consider who you ship through baring in mind the odds of damage are still going to be high. I'm not down with Brown. UPS is bad. :x I'm really sorry your painting got mashed CJ, I'd like one myself. It makes my head fall off, aak!

[ Edited by: atomiczombie on 2003-12-06 12:55 ]

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