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Show us your SHAG

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The Monitors posted on 10/20/2008

Yeah, I was thinking about the same thing (re: strip of black around the print). Very cool.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 10/20/2008

..incidentally, grommit...there are a couple threads here already started awhile back in regards to original artists work in the collections of some of the folk here...

not sure what the title of the threads are, or even what to search under but i'm positive they exist though i haven't seen them updated recently....

Gromit_Fan posted on 10/20/2008

Relative TC newbies like me would LOVE to see them!

I might tiki-fy my new office in a year or so and the whole "research" phase
is the funnest part. :)


On 2008-10-20 12:54, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
..incidentally, grommit...there are a couple threads here already started awhile back in regards to original artists work in the collections of some of the folk here...

not sure what the title of the threads are, or even what to search under but i'm positive they exist though i haven't seen them updated recently....

Gromit_Fan posted on 10/21/2008

kingstiedye sent me a link to a thread he started way back when that,
based on the first page, is filled with some pretty cool art:

See ya all in both threads, sharing admiration all around.

Thanks kingstiedye!


Gromit Fan

[ Edited by: Gromit_Fan 2008-10-20 20:29 ]

sushiman posted on 10/21/2008

Guys - thanks for appreciating my print & framing . As I said , I have no plans to mess with Medusa as it looks terrific as is . Only problem is that we live in a refurbished but old ( 30 years which by Japanese standards is quite old ) Japanese countryside house , and the way the rooms are set up location and size wise left us with few good places to hang the serigraph . We ended up hanging it in our humble living room . I'll post a pic soon .

metikiman1705 posted on 11/05/2008

OKay. It may be a bit hard to make out. This is my living Shag Art.

[ Edited by: metikiman1705 2008-11-05 12:01 ]

[ Edited by: metikiman1705 2008-11-05 12:02 ]

The Monitors posted on 11/05/2008

Dude....nice....where did you get the flesh frame? Seriously, nice tattoo.

sneakyjack posted on 11/22/2008

from a previous thread:

Bottom art of a snowboard framed by link at frame fetish

leleliz posted on 12/03/2008

I am in awe of the Shag collections that some of you have. Since prints and paintings are a wee bit out of my price range I click through this thread with envy.

I do have a few mugs and knick knacks but my favorite Shag piece is a book I know everyone has :

But it has been signed and made out to me. (Liz is my real name and everyone has called me "The Liz" forever):

So at least I have a bit of signed art and I can work my way up to purchasing one of his prints sometime this millenium! :)

[ Edited by: leleliz 2008-12-03 14:26 ]

The Monitors posted on 12/04/2008

That's sweet Liz. He even drew you a little cocktail. That's original art too.

leleliz posted on 12/05/2008

Yeah good point! So I guess I DO own Shag art and I didn't even realize it :wink:

Jimzip posted on 12/06/2008

@ TikiDiego, that's a neat one. Gotta love the Shag, framing is quite awesome too. Nice job!

Unfortunately, I have no Shag to share (well, I haven't waxed my chest in a while, but that's another story ;p )!

Jimzip :D

TikiShopPua posted on 12/13/2008

Aloha TC Ohana:

Just wanted to share a quick Shag and Aloha Spirit story about my one and only Shag serigraph, "In Search of Tiki". My friend Wes at House of Tiki (ShakaTiki, here on TC) has long been a Shag fan and has a few of Shag's prints. We also have carried Shag items at the shop. I "inherited" my love and knowledge of Shag art through Wes, but I've never been able to afford my own and never thought I'd be fortunate enough to have one.

House of Tiki has gone through a rough couple of years. Thanks to some of our loyal Tiki Ohana, we've been able to keep our noses above water. Recently, we moved House of Tiki (again) to a smaller, more accessible and visible location in Costa Mesa. We were, for a year, in a warehouse location, and our place was next door to ShagMart. Piet Agle, Shag's bro, handles biz there, and was a very cool neighbor. Piet was kind enough to get Shag to sign one of his books for my daughter when she graduated with a degree in Art this past year, a gift that she treasures.

Anyway, when we moved, it was pretty rough. Wes worked day and night, sometimes 16 hour days to get us out of the old, and into the new, within a week. We were only "closed" for 2 days, which is a phenomenal feat. It was an Ohana effort, as all we had were Wes, myself, my hub, and our kids, and one of Wes's friends to pack everything, unpack, and be ready for biz. We did it expecting no compensation, but as something you would do for ohana. That is the Aloha Spirit I was raised with and the very spirit I have always seen in my friend Wes.

The day after we opened last week, Wes said that he had to go and do an "install" and so I stayed to man the shop. Little did I know that he and Piet had worked together on a "mahalo" surprise for my hub and me. He saw "In Search of Tiki" and said that he knew the instant he saw it that it was meant for the two of us because of the couple in the canoe (I'm Hawaiian, my husband is haole). He went to Piet who got him the art, and then to the amazing and talented Link at Frame Fetish, and then went to my house to do the "install", all without my knowledge. When I got home that night, there in our Tiki Room, was this beautiful work of art with a note that said.."You've Been Shagged!" I was completely floored and needless to say thrilled. I never thought in my wildest dreams I'd be lucky enough to get "Shagged".

So here it is, in all it's glory and to my great pride:

I know that was the long way around, but I couldn't post the pics without the background story. I think it says a lot about the spirit of Aloha and the kind of people who know how to show it! Mahalos!

leleliz posted on 12/13/2008

Great story and the print looks wonderful!

What a fantastic way to get "Shagged".

The Monitors posted on 12/14/2008

Wow...what an awesome story and BOSS framing.

sasquatch posted on 12/14/2008

.... great story and print!

Gromit_Fan posted on 12/17/2008


What a great story! Thanks for sharing!

Wildsville man posted on 12/18/2008

Great story TikishopPua,
Wes is a great guy with great taste in employee's!!!! I've been to 2 of the 3 locations and I still think you guy's have the best products and customer service in Orange County.

I just got a call a realtor friend out here in Palm Springs that needed to liquidate some art for some fast cash and this is what I walked away with.

It was signed to him at the bottom which is fine,because I know this piece was released and sold out in one day at M Modern back in 2003.....You could pay to meet and greet with Josh (Shag) pre-show and have your art signed.....

Very cool stuff and I love the brown frame..............DIG IT!!!!!!!!

GO TIKI posted on 12/21/2008

Sorry for the bad pics! Here is some of my Shag, Which has all ways been my favorite to collect:

I bought this because it's reminds me of my gal Dani, Not tiki but still a Shag!

Palm Springs! Very Fun!

These three are from early 2002 before Shag was to very well known, The colors are different than the prints listed in any Shag books, And the Tikis are different too? I bought these at an art show in Brea, Ca. 2002 along with the Shag 5 mug set! The third print should have another half to it, But I like it in the middle of the next prints, Which you can get as a Grand Member still on TC? Not sure, I did! A few years back.

I also have collected all the mugs USA and Japan, I like the Japan ones! and lunch boxes signed, And even these rare tea/coffee cups and coasters, For France only, I think?

These three are marked copyright Shag - England but are not signed, Probably some fake stuff, I still like them, They are a collaboration of his prints in one!

I have all ways loved the Shag art! Sorry for the bad pics! Maybe Santa will give Gogo a new camera! Mahalo! Gogo

[ Edited by: GO TIKI 2008-12-20 21:56 ]

The Monitors posted on 04/14/2009

HI All,

I thought I would revive this thread due to Shag's new serigraph, "Secret Cul de Sac."

I wasn't fortunate enough to purchase, "Welcome to our Glorious Lifestyle," but was fortunate enough to get, "Secret Cul de Sac." I would have this idea of framing it somewhat 1960's antique. Kindda hard to explain right now, but I'll look for some pictures to clarify.

If anyone frames their "Secret Cul de Sac" please post images here.

I love the fact that it's so large and commands your attention. You can't ignore all that GREEN! Rumor has it artists rarely use green in their paintings, but I love it.

Scamboogah posted on 05/02/2009

I just received 'The Secret Cul-De-Sac' this week and am taking in for framing today.

It really is an awesome print, and I can't wait to get it up on the wall. The colors are so great, that I think we're going to go with a simple black frame, white mat (boring I know) just because I don't want anything to interfere with it, and black would really help tie it into the room.

Once it's up, I'll make sure to post pics. This is the first real-life Shag print we've bought after years and years of wanting to.

The Monitors posted on 05/02/2009

Hi ScamB

I totally agree the colors are stunning and it's size definitely commands your attention. I too am going with a simple frame, but with a slight antique/retro feel to it. Unfortunately, I haven't found any pics to post to show what I'm talking about.

I can't wait to see your framing.

Azzir posted on 05/03/2009

Hi All :)

My first post, so please be gentle :wink:

Here are a couple of serigraphs I bought for my lovely girlfriend for her 26th & 28th birthday's respectively:

"Alligator" (82/250)

"Welcome to Your Beautiful New Lifestyle" (88/200)

This one was appropriate for a few reasons... we live in Melbourne, we'd just moved into a new "Dream Home", and her birthday part (2 nights ago) was at Tiki Bar in Richmond :D

Sorry about the image quality... they were taken with my phone.

Oh and here's a link to the Tiki Bar website if anyone is interested: http://tikiloungeandbar.com/

I highly recommend the Scorpion Bowl!!!

The Monitors posted on 05/03/2009

Congratulations on your dream home. Welcome to your glorious lifestyle indeed.

Scamboogah posted on 05/09/2009

Here it is! I think simplicity really suits it well. It's a very dark cherry.

tikiyaki posted on 05/09/2009

WOW...great story.

Tell Wes someone on here misses Hot Lava Java :)

The Monitors posted on 05/09/2009


Wow...that looks so stunning. It looks great above your couch, which is where I plan to hang mine too. I do love the simplicity of it.

I went to a framer and got an estimate of $300 for a simple black frame similar to yours and a 3" white matting. How much did yours cost to frame.


sneakyjack posted on 05/09/2009

Sneaking this in here about 2 new shag prints for sale on the shag site:

and here: http://m1e.net/c?65800032-d0TJNDmHwn.BE%404231938-0m7lf4TL5XPYo

tiki and zombie $110 each - This is a pre sale as they go public on Monday -

Scamboogah posted on 05/09/2009

On 2009-05-09 00:04, The Monitors wrote:
I went to a framer and got an estimate of $300 for a simple black frame similar to yours and a 3" white matting. How much did yours cost to frame.

It was around $280 from an Alameda framing place that came highly recommended on yelp. He talked us out of any kind of matting as it would then obscure the signature and number and I'm glad he did. Don't think it needs it at all.

I'm very pleased with it. To quote Lebowski, "It really ties the room together".

The Monitors posted on 05/09/2009

Hi Scambooga,

Cool...Thanks for the reply. It's good to know that my framer's estimate was around the same as yours. I might break with tradition though by using matting that would cover the signature and serial number. I know! GASP....hopefully it works out and it still looks good. Quite a gamble.

teaKEY posted on 05/11/2009

I did matting and just went a little lower around the bottom on the print to show the signature. I like wow that turned out.

crazy al posted on 05/13/2009

Original SHAG Painting Tiki bar giclee serigraph print - eBay (item 180356549557 end time May-15-09 17:26:06 PDT)


Papa needs a brand new pair of shoes!! well, baby does anyway... My friend needs a stimulus package and has his favorite Shag from 1999! up for sale!! bid and bid BIG!!


The Monitors posted on 05/13/2009

Hey Crazy Al,

Wow...that my friend is a nice painting. Classic SHAG. I wish I had the money. Good luck on your auction though.

Wildsville man posted on 05/14/2009

I am also releasing some SHAG back into the wild on EBAY!!!!! Not for lack of love but I have one of Tiki Centrals own artist making me a new original and I need to free up some funds to pay the tab!!!!! Plus wall space is a premium these days in my house!!!!!


TikiPug posted on 05/14/2009

I have an idea.
How about we let this thread go back to what The Monitors intended it to be?

A place to show off your Shag and how you framed it or displayed it. If your selling a Shag, put in in the Marketplace like everybody else.

[ Edited by: TikiPug 2009-05-13 19:27 ]

bigtikidude posted on 05/14/2009

I have this LP which SHAG did the art for.
and also played on it.

I don't have a Frame for it.
Wish Derek still did his wood ones.
I have it sitting above my stereo.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-05-13 21:24 ]

Gromit_Fan posted on 05/31/2009

On 2009-05-11 06:44, teaKEY wrote:
I did matting and just went a little lower around the bottom on the print to show the signature. I like wow that turned out.

That is what I do, too. I (almost) always do matting,
but I frame and mat it so there is some of the
white border showing around all the sides,
and make sure not to cover the signature and numeration.

This is pretty standard for framing limited edition prints with
the notations on the edges, out of the printed image area.

It also helps keep the print from touching the glass/Plexiglas,
which is an important part of conservation framing (and protecting
the value of) any collectible artwork, along with using archival grade
mats, backing boards, and mounting system (acid free, reversible tape).

The first I had ever seen of signatures and numbering being covered
over was in the lowbrow movement, but it kinda' freaks me out,
particularly when forgeries can be an issue, which is commented on
in the SHAG, LTD book.
The best hints of a fake, aside from the printing quality
are often the pencil signature and notation not being quite right.

I won't buy a limited print, framed, if I cannot see the signature.

[ Edited by: Gromit_Fan 2009-05-31 02:53 ]

kingstiedye posted on 08/27/2009

i got this e-mail tonight:
Denver Modernism Show at the National Western Complex
David B. Smith Gallery to feature the art of Josh Agle (aka SHAG)

August 28 - August 30, 2009

Please note that the web preview of Josh Agle's available work is now online for viewing on our site at http://www.davidbsmithgallery.com/exhibit/show/denver-modernism-show-with-josh-agle.

DENVER - David B. Smith Gallery is proud to present a collection of new paintings by Josh Agle, along with numerous Artist Proofs of long sold out and highly coveted editions. These works are available for sale and on display from August 28 through August 30, 2009 at the National Western Complex in Denver, Colorado. Anyone that is interested in any of these paintings or prints are welcome to contact us at any time. Otherwise, please note that the artist will present two slide show talks throughout the weekend, and will be on hand to chat with fans.
For a complete schedule and details regarding the Denver Modernism Show, please visit http://www.denvermodernism.com
Come join us in Denver or online http://www.davidbsmithgallery.com.

is shag using josh agle instead of shag now?

Tiki Pop posted on 08/27/2009

I need to part with these.

Jetson posted on 08/28/2009

I don't have pictures of all my shag stuff, but here are some stuff I got for my 22nd birthday this year in May. Two are Disney shag prints that I kept in the framing i got them in for fear of messing them up trying to switch them. the second picture is a shadow box my aunt made (she's in the picture as well) for me with stuff from the Venus lounge in Vegas. It contains a matchbook, cocktail napkin, a postcard and swizzle stick. this too I kept in the original framing because i like how it looks.

I'll add more pics soon once I start taking pictures of them

heylownine posted on 08/29/2009

Hi all,

I just found this thread and wanted to share some of our stuff as well. This is the Shag print he did for the Ennis House fundraiser. My sister and her boyfriend got is for us and we waited and waited to get it framed, ultimately having it framed by Link at Frame Fetish. Link did incredible work on the matte. After some virtual digging I may have another 1 or 2 to share.

Love the pictures, frames, and rooms in this thread!


Full view

Closer on matte

Matte detail

The Monitors posted on 08/29/2009

Hey Kev,

Welcome to TC. Wow...that is one of the nicest framing job I have ever seen. It totally compliments the Frank Loyd Wright Mayan patterns. Bravo.

Tom Slick posted on 08/29/2009

Man....I keep telling people that Links framing and matting skills rival the art itself! The dude is amazing, and right around the same price as plain jane framing such as Aaron Bros or Michaels...Trust, he is the best in the business. :D

The Monitors posted on 08/29/2009

Hey Kev,

if you don't mind me asking, how much did frame fetish charge for a print that size.

heylownine posted on 08/30/2009

Hey Fritz,

Yeah, no problem. When we took the print down to him, Link showed us several different options for frames and mattes, with other examples. The quotes for that print ranged from 200-something to 400-something, primarily differing with the level of detail in the matte work. We ended up going with the middle ground, with the corner matte work, for the low 300s.

I'll say this...though it seemed like a lot at first, the print is pretty big and it's the centerpiece of our living room. We really wanted something impressive to showcase it and with the amazing work Link does (and the numerous samples we saw), I've never thought twice about it. It was worth the 18 months we sat on the print to find a great frame. :)

Now, my decision to spend $130 to frame 3 postcards in faux bamboo with a palm-style matte does make me feel a bit more sheepish. But I've said too much...


heylownine posted on 11/08/2010

My wife and I now have another Shag print, "The Drunken Cleric" (framed by Link at Frame Fetish). We purchased it this summer at the Shag store in Palm Springs. Here are a couple of photos. I'm realizing now that I need to take a picture of the print with the 2 mugs it came with since they all tie together.


StanTheMan posted on 01/29/2011

What's the name of the first print? The Hula Girl "dancing" with the Tiki? Love it.

On 2008-09-21 08:32, Wildsville man wrote:

My view in bathroom 2

My view from the master bathroom

Shag in a bag!!!!!!!! been to busy to frame,but I need to step up my game seeing the others on this thread.

And since DEREK is on this thread now........keep them natural baby...........GOT WOOD?

TikiTomD posted on 01/29/2011

This print was signed by Don Ho, as well as Shag, while Don and his daughter Hoku were appearing in the Key Club on Hollywood’s Sunset Strip as part of Barracuda Magazine’s 5th anniversary party titled “Night of the Tiki” on August 9, 2003. We acquired it from the Copro/Nason Gallery as #46 of 149 signed prints. When I spoke to Shag at Hukilau 2010, he stated that Don Ho was quite fun to be around during this event and really enjoyed his wine…

We saw Don perform in an intimate dinner club setting at the Waikiki Beachcomber in 1998. He was a consummate performer and treated his audience like royalty, spending some time individually with each couple or individual who attended. I’ll never forget his haunting rendition of Kui Lee’s “I’ll Remember You.”

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