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Help Identifying a War Club or Axe...

Pages: 1 4 replies

BigRedTiki posted on 01/29/2011

I picked this up at an estate sale today. The owners spent 30 years as missionaries in Japan in the 60s-70s. The tag said "Papua New Guinea War Club". I am thinking it is probably an axe rather than a war club.

It seems more utilitarian than others I have seen. Also the iron blade seems somewhat unique.

Does anyone know what this is? HELP! :)

hottiki posted on 01/29/2011

Sago Pounder

BigRedTiki posted on 01/29/2011

Thanks for the information, Hottiki!

Any guesses on age or where i could find more information?

I paid $95 for it, did I over spend?


hottiki posted on 01/29/2011

Stone and bone blades older than metal. Googgle-up, there is tons of info. Cost ?...I'd rather have a vintage PNG Pounder
than a two and a half by six inch piece of green paper.

BigRedTiki posted on 01/30/2011

Good point. Thank you :)

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