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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

i need help

Pages: 1 6 replies

palmlover posted on 02/05/2011

to remove the outer part of a sabal, do you let it dry out first? i took a chain saw to one didn't do much. do you remove everything to the inner part or just smooth the outer part of trunk with a grinder? i have a endless supply of sabal trunks would love to use them.

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NIxxon posted on 02/05/2011

I just recently started carving and also have a ton of sable palms. I asked for some help from the forum and found it. Most suggest using the chainsaw to run down the log vertically to strip off the bark. I tried that and it works great, and obviously the higher RPM chainsaw that you have the easier it will be. I have also used an angle grinder with a flap sanding wheel for the ones with minimal bark and that seems to work well too...just a bit messy and a little more time consuming.

About drying them out...I really haven't let mine dry too much...the centers are still very wet and the logs are heavier but the outer few inches carve great and they seem to allow for more detailed carving than a fully dry log. Hope this helps!

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claq50 posted on 02/05/2011

A draw knife will also work pretty good. A little more manual labor then a chainsaw, but much less mess.

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pjc5150 posted on 02/05/2011

how old / dull is the blade on the chainsaw?

With a good sharp blade it takes me about 10 minutes to skin one, another 5 minutes or so to smooth it out with an angle grinder with a flap disc, and it's a nice smooth surface for drawing the design out. So about 15 minutes total and I'm ready to roll.

If it's a crappy blade it will feel like it's taking forever.

palmlover posted on 02/06/2011

thanks everyone for their imput. my blade is only a wk old cut a few sabals down with it should still be good.i'm going to go to lowe's today and get a draw knife and a new blade. hopefully that works.

palmlover posted on 02/06/2011

so i got a new blade and got it done, it took me over a hour. put plastic around trunk to keep from drying out . going to draw on it after the game. start carving tomorrow. thanks again. GO PACS

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McTiki posted on 02/06/2011

In the voice of Gene Wilder ... (Dr. Frankenstein) Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/2337/4d4f33bf.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=97265c635789966c7fa8bf91f4d83b59

Take the Plastic....off

Mold will happen.

Let it breath. It would take weeks to fully dry uncovered.


Tis a brave man who wears the kilt in January.

[ Edited by: McTiki 2011-02-06 15:50 ]

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