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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace

eBay: 6 Kon Tiki Ports mugs for $1499.94

Pages: 1 4 replies

Kenike posted on 02/16/2011

NOT my auction

They know they're in Tiki Quest but never bothered to look and see what the real value was?

Wow, free shipping!

tikiyaki posted on 02/16/2011

yea, they'll get that price :lol:

HelveTiki posted on 02/16/2011

249,99$ per Mug.. a bargain !!
or not? :) :)

TIKIWAGON posted on 02/17/2011

Surely they are dreamers?I have got a spare one for sale if they are that price!

Tobor64 posted on 02/17/2011

Oh, lord...

Pages: 1 4 replies