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Coral Reef Reflections article in the Sacramento Bee 02/16/11

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Psycho Tiki D posted on 02/16/2011

Interesting article published in today's Sacramento Bee on reflections of the areas biggest tiki restaurant and a hot spot in it's heyday. Lessons could be learned here for the future of any other places that might be closed or torn down...




Ekomomai posted on 02/16/2011

What a great place that was. I'm pretty sure it's the place that stirred within me the love of Tiki. I don't recall that our family went there more than a handful of times, but it was always a huge treat. I remember it being a completely exotic, mysterious hideaway with dark rock, lush foliage and strange wooden carvings.

I went there for the last time in the mid 1980s for a wedding party and was a little disappointed by the menu, and wondered whether the decor and ambiance I'd remembered from my childhood had been changed over the years.

therumtrader posted on 02/17/2011

Reading through people's memories of Coral Reef was a lot of fun. I also like that they shared a number of food and cocktail recipes. I cannot wait to try making some of them myself.

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