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eBay...Tonga Room Fairmont Hotel Items - - What's Up?

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vegastikidude posted on 10/29/2003

Has anyone other than myself noticed a rash of Tonga Room/Fairmont Hotel Tiki Mugs showing up recently on eBay? Did a large cache of these items suddenly materialize, or what? Anybody got any ideas, or more importantly, thoughts?

[ Edited by: vegastikidude on 2003-10-29 14:05 ]

Luckydesigns posted on 10/30/2003

I noticed that too, I was hoping that no one else noticed that. Most of those prices go beyond my idea of a logical price for a mug or bowl. After finding a Trader Vic's Suffering Bastard decanter at a thrift store for two bucks, it's kinda hard for me to shell out more than 20 bucks.

Tiki Royale posted on 10/30/2003

Yeah. Fairmont stuff seems to come in waves... Don't know why. And some of it has been getting rather pricey.
Here's something I've noticed... It seems that some of these high ticket items will reappear in a new auction a couple of days after they close for big $$. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed this?

By the way Lucky... Nice score on the SB Decanter. Beats my Mai Kai for $12...

vegastikidude posted on 10/30/2003

Yes, I also noticed that (Moai Bowl). That seller was a little clueless as I had to e-mail him to let him know he had Fairmont spelled wrong (Farimont). I think he saw the same bowl he had in another auction sell for $260 and decided to relist his at a higher minimum bid. Why? Who knows? I can't remember what his bowl went for but it was considerably less than $260. Seems like there a lots of "Clueless Tiki Sellers" on eBay these days jumping on the "make-a-quick-buck-off-tiki-items wagon" and often they fail to describe their items correctly and accurately, for example, failing to mention chips & cracks in mugs, etc. Go Figure!

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