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Sugar Shack in LA

Pages: 1 3 replies

christiki295 posted on 02/25/2011

This establishment was on Pico Blvd., somewhere West of Fairfax.
I frequented it often, as I loved the over-the-top tropical faux foliage and
Disneyland with cocktails vibe.

But did it have any Tiki on the inside?

tikiyaki posted on 02/25/2011

It's the old Wan - Q Restaurant..now Fu's Palace, a pretty good, but blandly decorated Chinese restaurant.


Bummer I never got to go this location of the Sugar Shack. I heard it was cool.

Nice find, by the way.

bigtikidude posted on 02/25/2011

I never went there,
but I did go to the Sugar Shack in Hollywood a few times.

I heard that Surf bands used to play at the Sugar Shack you posted.


MrFab posted on 02/25/2011

Whoah, forgot all about that place! And I did indeed go there (once) in the late '80s. I don't remember anything too tiki about the interior, tho - I believe it was a pretty basic restaurant once you got inside, (but then again, I am going by a 20+ year old memory.)

As I recall it was in the same neighborhood as an old motel called something like the Astro, with a great Space Age neon sign.

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