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Tiki Central / California Events

Tiki Brunch 3-20-11 Eagle Rock

Pages: 1 4 replies

BassMan73 posted on 03/15/2011

Hey guys and gals I have anouther Tiki Brunch this Sunday wit the amazing Double Naught Spy Car and Swords of Fatima. 2-7 pm Hope to see some new people there.
Thanx your host: Chris Clark :wink:

[ Edited by: BassMan73 2011-03-25 15:42 ]

bigtikidude posted on 03/16/2011

I was sick this past weekend, but wanted to go.
I am gonna be at this one for sure.
Double Naught Spy Car is amazing!!
and I have heard good things about the Swords of Fatima.

what kind of food do they have at this event?


BassMan73 posted on 03/16/2011

The have Asian American mix in the Red Dragon Restaurant that's right inside there. Good fish and chips burgers are decent too :D

bigtikidude posted on 03/17/2011

so its more of a Lunch than a Brunch?


BassMan73 posted on 03/24/2011

Ha! You know I have to look at thier menu I think they might have some breakefast items too ;D When I first sterted this thing Dec. 26th 2010 my first 2 shows started at 12:30. I soon moved it to 2 pm to allow the weekend warriors time to get up and get down :D

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