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ErkNoLikeFire posted on 03/17/2011

I found this yesturday at a local flea market for $4.

Bongo Bungalow posted on 03/18/2011

Always excitingto find a mug from a specific tiki establishment. Found this Kahiki Mug No.1 yesterday at a Goodwill store for 50 cents.

And then a couple of week ago I came across this tapa. It's about 5'x5'. Haven't figured out how to display it.

Tiki-Atari posted on 03/18/2011

Score! Antique store find.
Hang Tiki by Crazy Al and Stump by Jimmy C.
Both Tiki Farm 2001

Is there a full pictorial somewhere of what Tiki Farm produced when? I see an unordered list that Holden updates sometimes, and a thread of Tiki Farm productions, but not really a definitive catalog? (Perhaps there was one with the retrospective?)
As with any collectior, 2 in a set gets me thinking about seeing what it would take to get them all or as close as possible. Although I guess I'd need a pictures and lists of everything the Farm did in 2001 which probably isn't reasonable.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/19/2011

scored these target tikis on craigslist last week- not a bad way to start the season......

bigbrotiki posted on 03/19/2011

Not such a good way, either. :wink:

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/19/2011

well than perhaps these little items are more to your liking, sven......... BEHOLD!!!

sugar cubes from TIKI BOB'S !!!! picked these up today......

bigbrotiki posted on 03/19/2011

Wow! And in two different designs! Score! :lol:

beerminda posted on 03/20/2011

^^^ Sweeeet...

naugatiki posted on 03/20/2011

A group of those very framable Matson menus.

A tacky palm tree lamp over 5 feet tall, gaudy yes but I think a black light will pull it together a little better.

8FT Tiki posted on 03/24/2011

A few mugs.

A little misc.

And a shirt I never expected to find in the wild.
Napili Hawaiian shirt with a Treasure Craft ceramic zipper pull tiki !!

tedtiki posted on 03/25/2011

The bottles are still 3/4 full.

WestADad posted on 03/25/2011

On 2011-03-25 07:09, tedtiki wrote:

The bottles are still 3/4 full.

Nice find Ted!


Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/26/2011

Good day at an estate sale today !!! Got a pair of universal statuary chalkware native lamps, chalkware hula girl, pair of unpainted (for now) chalkware hula girls, chalkware 50's lamp, burlesque wooden girlie swizzles, pineapple ice bucket, PMP condiment containers, chalkware poodle and some weird wire monkey planter guy...... all in a days work !!

here are the native lamps in situ :

I passed on the awesome hawaiian lamp- they wanted $325 for it..... plus it had a big chip on her head that was colored in with a sharpie.... still an awesome lamp but too much for me.....

if you look closely in the center of this pic you will see the aforementioned tiki condiment caddy that was listed a few posts earlier.... this on was $20 and had the green tiki center piece and all 4 dishes that connect to it...... i left it as the dishes had a couple of tiny chips on the ends of them.

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2011-03-25 17:57 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 03/26/2011

Nice estate sale! Was that really all owned by one person, or did the dealer stock it up with some of their own stuff? Or the person whose estate it was a collector...

gold zephyr posted on 03/26/2011

I guess there is good stuff to find in "hell"

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/26/2011

all of it was from one sale.... the woman liked hawaiian stuff. There were several united airlines hawaiian posters as well.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/26/2011

Posting a couple pictures of my velvet find here, not everyone who looks at "finds" looks at the velvet thread...more info in the velvet thread...

See you over in the velvets thread, o.k.?


Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/26/2011

Went back to the same estate sale this morning as i posted above and found some more goodies. ( the hawaiian lamp was gone). Among the paper goods i found most notably a menu from honolulu harry's which everyone missed on day one of the sale and a postcard set from ft. lauderdale featuring the mai kai, the yankee clipper and pier 66 hotels.....

bamboolodge scored a pmp coconut mug in the basement this morning that we all must have overlooked on day one as well.

i'll post pics of the menu in the honolulu harry thread.....

Tom Slick posted on 03/26/2011

That estate sale looked incredible. I liked that mermaid too!

SandraDee posted on 03/26/2011

Tipsy killer scores!

Didnt realize those were unpainted chalkware. You going to try to maybe cast some?

Liz sold her pair to Vic/Jungle Trader at the Forbidden Island sale and she wishes she had another set.

Glad you went!

8FT Tiki posted on 03/26/2011

A few more finds from a busy weekend.

I've never seen the boxes from these before.

Looks like a 70's incense holder, King K. and an old candle still wrapped in plastic.

I really dig this HIP plaque.

blacklagoon posted on 03/27/2011

Found a few things this week, not bad overall.

Thanks for looking,


uncle trav posted on 03/27/2011

On 2011-03-26 18:54, blacklagoon wrote:
Found a few things this week, not bad overall.

Thanks for looking,


I love the outrigger-o-plenty. I have used mine for years to serve snacks down in the bar. A good buffing with a cloth and some mineral oil once in a while and it looks brand new. Nice finds by everyone.

TikiB posted on 03/27/2011

Found these this morning at the Flea Market. A couple Wigglers, Wood Tiki mug, Made in China Tiki Mug, Resin Hula girl, another spoon and fork and a nice small carved statue.

kalenatiki posted on 03/29/2011

On 2011-03-26 11:17, Psycho Tiki D wrote:
Posting a couple pictures of my velvet find here, not everyone who looks at "finds" looks at the velvet thread...more info in the velvet thread...

See you over in the velvets thread, o.k.?


I like that bottom one, the faded look kinda works with it. Never find that kinds thing up here. cowboys yes... nude tribal women....no

tikicoma posted on 03/29/2011

my finds from this weekend, really happy with what I found! But does anyone know anything about the tiki? It seems to be made of clay and is signed Andrea of Kona.

the lamp is mahogany and carved shell with tahiti carved on it

the back of the tiki

madam pele volcanoes national park shot glass
Oh yea, the tapa in the background is a 14 foot by 9 foot samoan wedding tapa I got for Christmas, aloha

UnkleFunky posted on 03/30/2011

I recently picked the below item up at a swap meet. Anyone have any idea where it's from? The artist's scribe is "Bill Small" and the name "Coast Originals" is also imprinted on the back. It looks very similar to artwork I've seen at Aloha Jhoes in Palm Springs. The guy who sold it to me did mention he was told it came from a bar in Palm Springs and it's from the 50s. That's basically all I have to go on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



[ Edited by: UnkleFunky 2011-03-30 08:40 ]

UnkleFunky posted on 03/30/2011

I recently picked the below item up at a swap meet. Anyone have any idea where it's from? The artist's scribe is "Bill Small" and the name "Coast Originals" is also imprinted on the back. It looks very similar to artwork I've seen at Aloha Jhoes in Palm Springs. The guy who sold it to me did mention he was told it came from a bar in Palm Springs and it's from the 50s. That's basically all I have to go on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



[ Edited by: UnkleFunky 2011-03-30 08:32 ]

Bongo Bungalow posted on 03/31/2011

A little find from a Goodwill store. I like the Goodwill stores and support them all I can.

gabbahey posted on 03/31/2011

Good day at a Pueblo junk shop.

Aku Aku Rum Barrel - 53 cents (1/2 off day)

This is the mug that made me want to start collecting 'em after reading the "use it like it is aleady chipped" post. No chips yet but let's see after a few drinks. I even did a pastel of it about a month ago as part of my sketches of mugs I want.


ErkNoLikeFire posted on 04/01/2011

On 2011-03-31 05:39, Bongo Bungalow wrote:
A little find from a Goodwill store. I like the Goodwill stores and support them all I can.

very nice!!

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 04/01/2011

Found this before I came in to work.

This is the first one I've ever found!!!!

Bongo Bungalow posted on 04/01/2011

Lookie, lookie what I found today. This outrigger seems quite old. It's about 19 inches long. There are no markings of origin. Sorry the pictures aren't better... I don't have much light in my office. I don't know much about wood, but the hull looks like it could be koa. I'm not sure how the sail and mast are supposed to be rigged... gotta look that up. It needs some cleaning yet.

[ Edited by: Bongo Bungalow 2011-04-01 11:19 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 04/01/2011

Wow! They don't make'em like that anymore!

uncle trav posted on 04/01/2011

Holy crap !!!!!!!!!! Bongo, That is an amazing find. The detail is awesome. Looks like a good size model. Thanks for sharing.

Bongo Bungalow posted on 04/03/2011

You guys are too kind. This was in a little shop filled with European furniture and the clerk was very nice. It's what makes collecting fun.

HOUSE OF KU posted on 04/03/2011

Looks like a Fijian style canoe. Nice details and craftmanship! Freddie

ookoo lady posted on 04/03/2011

We found a pair of Trader Vic's Voodoo Grog glasses. We'll be putting one on e-Bay.

Doctor Z posted on 04/04/2011

On 2011-04-03 15:39, ookoo lady wrote:
We found a pair of Trader Vic's Voodoo Grog glasses. We'll be putting one on e-Bay.

NICE!! You found a light blue glass AND a dark blue/teal glass - hard to find 2 different kinds at once! Now all you're missing is the green one and you'll have the set!

vegastikidude posted on 04/04/2011

What happened to the Mego Dr. McCoy?

On 2011-03-31 22:24, ErkNoLikeFire wrote:
Found this before I came in to work.

This is the first one I've ever found!!!!

[ Edited by: vegastikidude 2011-04-04 12:41 ]

vegastikidude posted on 04/04/2011

What about the Vintage Hula Girls in the upper right??????

On 2011-03-25 17:47, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
Good day at an estate sale today !!! Got a pair of universal statuary chalkware native lamps, chalkware hula girl, pair of unpainted (for now) chalkware hula girls, chalkware 50's lamp, burlesque wooden girlie swizzles, pineapple ice bucket, PMP condiment containers, chalkware poodle and some weird wire monkey planter guy...... all in a days work !!

here are the native lamps in situ :

I passed on the awesome hawaiian lamp- they wanted $325 for it..... plus it had a big chip on her head that was colored in with a sharpie.... still an awesome lamp but too much for me.....

if you look closely in the center of this pic you will see the aforementioned tiki condiment caddy that was listed a few posts earlier.... this on was $20 and had the green tiki center piece and all 4 dishes that connect to it...... i left it as the dishes had a couple of tiny chips on the ends of them.

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2011-03-25 17:57 ]

vegastikidude posted on 04/04/2011

Those glass goblets make the best candle holders.

On 2011-03-26 15:18, 8FT Tiki wrote:
A few more finds from a busy weekend.

I've never seen the boxes from these before.

Looks like a 70's incense holder, King K. and an old candle still wrapped in plastic.

I really dig this HIP plaque.

JonPez posted on 04/04/2011

Hello all...
Found this sweet beauty a few months ago. Gave Ken Kanaka at TikiTalk the first announcement, but thought I should post it here as well.
I came across this hand-painted watercolor and gouache rendering of Disney's Polynesian Resort at a flea market. From what I could research, it was done for a proposed reworking of the entrance in the mid-1980s that was never realized.

The full rendering.

Detail of the sign.

Detail of the entrance drive with Moais...

bigbrotiki posted on 04/04/2011

Naaaaaaaace! Especially for a flea market find! Congrats.

Big Kahuna posted on 04/05/2011

WOW! Love the Moais & the Giant A-Frame Mono-Rail station.

GROG posted on 04/05/2011

AWESOME!!!! PM GROG and GROG give you address where to send it to GROG.

danlovestikis posted on 04/06/2011

Now that's a once in a lifetime find, congratulations and thank you for sharing it. Wendy

Suicide Tiki posted on 04/06/2011

Here is my 2.98 find this afternoon... its not exactly a tiki mug but Frank will fit in just fine with the rest of my collection! He is about 8 inches tall and a nice light shade of green which did not show up all that well with the flash from my camera.

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