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Brevard Pre-Hukilau Party 2011

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TikiHardBop posted on 03/16/2011

It's that time again! On April 9th, we'll be hosting the Brevard Pre-Hukilau party at The Storm Shelter in Rockledge. It's an opportunity for everyone to get together and get to know each other prior to the wackiness of the Hukilau in June. For more information, either PM me or shoot me an email at tikihardbop@tornadotiki.com.

Pics from previous pre-Hukilau parties can be found at: http://www.tornadotiki.com/

TikiHardBop posted on 03/20/2011

Looks like we are going to have a date change for this event. We are moving it one week later to April 16th. The rest of the details are still the same. Hope this doesn't trip anybody up.

TikiHardBop posted on 04/06/2011

Just a reminder that the Pre-Hukilau party is NEXT Saturday the 16th. Looks like it's going to be quite a party. Already have 7 featured cocktails on the menu!

tiki_kiliki posted on 04/06/2011

Wish I was going to be there! Do you guys want me to send some postcards? Let me know if so and I'll send them down. I'll be in Lauderdale 4/21 - 4/25 if anyone is going to be in the area let me know!

TikiHardBop posted on 04/07/2011

Yeah, any Hukilau materials would be great. We are going to have some "non-tiki" people there to celebrate my wife's departure from the newspaper business, so maybe we can talk some of them into attending the Hukilau.

We will be Ft. Lauderdale on the 24th and 25th for the Zombie Jamboree at the Mai Kai. We would love to get together before then, though.

tiki_kiliki posted on 04/07/2011

Great! I'll be arriving on 4/21 and plan to hit the Mai-Kai every night I'm there. Send me a PM with your address and I'll send some goodies. I'll PM you my cell phone number in return!

TikiHardBop posted on 04/17/2011

The drink menu from last night's party. Pics are forthcoming.


TornadoTiki posted on 04/17/2011

Thanks to all who came to the party and contributed fantastic refreshments! You can see the photos here:

For more pix of tiki and related events, go to http://tornadotiki.com.

Chris (TornadoTiki)

metikigal posted on 04/18/2011

This was a fantastic party. Really enjoyed meeting all the local tiki folk. The drinks were amazing, we loved your Luau Scorpion Bowl. We are so looking forward to the Hukilau!

TikiTomD posted on 06/05/2011

For a couple of us that missed the April event, TikiHardBop (George) and TornadoTiki (Chris) graciously staged a small encore of the Brevard Pre-Hukilau Party last night at The Storm Shelter, their exotic home tiki bar near the Indian River.

After an excellent dinner at nearby Vintage 56 (http://www.vintage56.com), we took refuge in The Storm Shelter where George plied us with a succession of expertly prepared, wonderfully complex rum cocktails for the rest of the evening, assisted by Drew. We started with the Puhi Split, a Macadamia Nut Liqueur based recipe posted on TC years ago by Kauaikaki from the Paradise Bar & Grill in Puhi, Kauai. I really like that one. We then moved on to George’s own special creations and sampled various infused spirits along the way. A communal Luau Scorpion Bowl found its way in the mix, served in a custom TornadoTiki volcano bowl with flames erupting from the center. Chris then served a delicious chocolate-coconut homemade ice cream. The experience was awesome, especially meeting fellow Brevard tikiphiles.

Here are some photos taken in The Storm Shelter before camera shake overcame the built-in correction algorithms...

George (TikiHardBop) busy crafting the next cocktail while Drew on the right seeks divine inspiration

Tamara and Mike (TikiMike FL)

Bill sampling one of George's infused spirits

Christina and Mike

Ray (TikiMango) and Chris (TornadoTiki)

Christina (metikigal) holding a custom TornadoTiki mug and Mike

Pat and Chris

Ray and Michelle

Drew (center) is happy, having found inspiration, and Christina is happy for him

Chistina and Bill

Pat, Mike and Tamara

Tom, Michelle, Pat, Bill and Christina

Same cast as above, with addition of Ray on right, Tamara in middle and Mike behind bar

George shaking it up many cocktails later

It was a wonderful evening, made all the better by the fellowship of our newfound tiki friends. A special mahalo to George and Chris for making this possible. We’re now truly prepared for Hukilau 2011!

-Tom and Pat

TikiHardBop posted on 06/05/2011

It was good to have everyone over. And Tom, you should know that you're never really prepared for Hukilau!!!!

TikiMango posted on 06/06/2011

It was great seeing everyone again, and having such wonderful hosts! I can't wait to run into everyone again in just 3 and a half days at Hukilau!

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