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Tiki Central / California Events

The Hula Girls @ Don the Beachcomber, Saturday 3/26!

Pages: 1 7 replies

Luckydesigns posted on 03/21/2011

bigtikidude posted on 03/25/2011


Jungle Ginger posted on 03/26/2011


Tiki Kitty posted on 03/26/2011

Woot woot!

bigtikidude posted on 03/26/2011

anybody going early to get some grub,
and take advantage of the happy hour prices?


Luckydesigns posted on 03/26/2011

Aloha friends! Posters are all printed up for the show tonight at Don the Beachcomber!! I even screened some 'one of a kind art posters' on 1/4" plywood. The small edition of regular limited edition posters will be the usual $20 while the one of a kind wood panels will be offered at $60 each. See you tonight at 9:00!

bigtikidude posted on 03/27/2011

Headin out soon.

tiki mick posted on 03/27/2011

Good times last nite! And a great TC turn out! Al-ii, jungle ginger, ATP, polypop, BTD, crazy al, lapurocker and a few others! Had a huge band this time with two percussionists and even a sax player! I was soooooo wasted by the end!

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