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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Bamboo BMX Cruiser

Pages: 1 19 replies

Hi all
My name is Scott Bond and I race my Bamboo Frame and Fork in the ABA 46-50 cruiser Class, all over the country. I am looking for stuff to decorate my 10'x 20' Shack that I bring with me to differant events across the US and Canada.
Any idea's??
I have Photo's available as soon as I figure out how to post them.


welcome bike shack! If you want the best, go to Oceanic Arts in Whittier http://www.tikicentral.com/oa/oa02.htm THey have thatch for roofs, matting for walls, masks, etc.


Or I'm in Camarillo, no shop, but here's some pictures, scroll thru my drawings and you'll see some masks towards the bottom. The mask pictured is $35. a bit spendy, but maybe it'll give you some ideas.

mY TiKi sLide sHow:
eMaiL mE fOr cUsToM TiKiS, Lamps, mAsks, sHeLvEs, sHiFtEr kNobS, nEcKLaCeS, wALL pANeLs, bAcKyArD hUtS, or aNyTing.

oops, forgot the link!

[ Edited by: tikitony on 2003-11-03 15:46 ]

You definetly want some Flounderart, that guys famous. Have you heard of me, I mean him?


Yeah, I hear FlounderArt is gonna be real big, so buy as much as possible, as soon as possible!

(alright, can I have my $20 now?)


Thanks for posting
I have been searching for a sight
like this for a while. I really like
the sights you guys reffered me to.
That is the decorative supplies for
my travleling shack I'm looking for.
I would also be glad to show any of
your Tiki art to people that would other
wise not see it in person..
Do any members here make Custom Hawaiin shirts? I can sell custom stuff all day

Let's see the bike. C'maan, c'maaan.

Damn it Tiki Bong, it's never going to work if you tell them. Now come on lets go to another thread!

I saw the bike, it is cool. I kinda wanted to do that treatment on a home-made B.O.B. trailer that I was gonna weld-up one of these days. I need a hobby. Nice cruiser SHACK.


Polynesia:: Is that when a Parot gets Amnesia?


Must win Lottery so Pea can buy
and stuff from Al, and
stuff from all the artists here.


Welcome Bike Shack
check out this link to some bamboo bicycles:
Aloha :drink:


Oh great.
I need one of those now too.

Ah man, I have to have the bamboo tricycle! Do they make it in an adult size.
I could ride it around to thrifts and fill up the bamboo basket with goodies.

Sweetpea maybe you can go out and get another job so as to buy my art. Just lookin out for you, I'm worried about you'r happiness.

Original Art by Flounder


[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2003-11-07 10:42 ]

Ah man, I have to have the bamboo tricycle! Do they make it in an adult size.
I could ride it around to thrifts and fill up the bamboo basket with goodies.

Good Morning
I felt the same way, I have to have a Bamboo Bike. Their was nothing to be found, I had visited the above mentioned sight but that bike just wouldn't dew. I will get some new photo's of my bike up next week.
I am new here and I have been trooling all of your old posts. I feel a little out of place here because my work is slightly differant , on account of i'm not makeing carvings . But if you guys needed real funtional Tiki art, I could do it, and It will be Tiki as possible.
I ride my Criuser in National BMX events,,They just might be in the most none TIKI events on the planet. I will be all over the us, and some Canada races in 2004,I will bring my shack(booth) with me to most of them. Join me?

Hope you don't mind Bike Shack, because here it is folks.


Don't fret, we like ALL
kinds of Tiki ARt! Bicycles, Tikis, paintings.......
Flounder, I already got 2 jobs. hehehehe
that's down from the usual 3.
I want stuff, but I also like my trips to
Mexico, Hawaii etc.
Guess I gotta git beck to job 3, posting a buncha stuff on ebay. heheheheheehehehe
Thank you for looking out for my needs! hehehehe

Hey woah, woah, woah slow down there sweatpea. Your not planning on spending money on this Mai Tai are you?
If someone buys it for you or if you have a gift card thats fine. Man, do I have to take care of you 24-7?


Thank you all very much.
I have some more recent photo's, and I will post them next week.
I need a little Tiki head for the front of my Bike.

Will any of you be at the Purple Orchid tommorow night?


Flounder, no fretting, I'll be a good
girl and just make one when i git home. hehehehe.
hmmmmm, I do like the idea of the
Mai Tai gift card... heehehehe

Pages: 1 19 replies