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Amber Polynesian Resort mug

Pages: 1 16 replies

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/03/2003

Doe's anyone know if the amber colored Polynesian Resort mug from Disney is rare?
I know they come in clear and frosted.

TheMuggler posted on 11/03/2003

I have a few frosted amber versions of this glass (mug?), but they are not marked. I picked them up at some chain store like Urban Outfitters and use them as candleholders.

Are yours marked Disney's Polynesian Resort?

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/03/2003

The frosted ones are marked Polynesian Village. The amber on has no markings.

Dig the site Freaks, Geeks, and Strange Girls. Are you the artist? Check out my site I just put up a new section called "Freaks". Most of them are based on real Coney Island Sideshow characters.


I lived in Orlando for 12 years before I accidently moved to Cocoa. Do I know you?

PolynesianPop posted on 11/04/2003

Flounder, I have one of the amber mugs but its not marked. They're not that rare -- actually, come up pretty often on eBay. I've yet to see one marked so I'm not even sure if they came from the Polynesian Village.

tikifish posted on 11/04/2003

The Tiki Tiki chain of tiki restaurants in Japan uses the same mold as Disney, but theirs are opaque black glass... I have a picture of it floating around somewhere. Never seen amber though!

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/04/2003

Black, that sounds very cool. If you find the pic please post it. Tikifish, do you have one of the black ones?

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 11/04/2003

Yes, just like TheMuggler said, the amber ones are from Urban Outfitters (as well as other "cool/hip/retro" shops). The amber, unmarked ones are shorter (4-1/2"), while the Polynesian Village mugs come both in the short and tall (4-1/2" and 6-1/2"). I have seen tons of Polynesian Village mugs in frosted, clear, and a few that had a slight frosted-green shade to them. They are always available on Ebay for a few bucks. Sometimes the shipping fee will be more than what you pay for the mug itself. They are good for votive candles or for parties where you want your guests to use a tiki-like mug without the worry from using your really good mugs.

Just my 2 coconuts worth.

tikifish posted on 11/05/2003

I will try to find that pic - however my work just switched my Mac over to OS 10 and I cant find a damn thing on my computer. I tried searching my hard drive for tikitiki or yokohama but no dice. It's in there somewhere though. It better be - it's with my wedding photos!

I didn't get a black one to take home, I liked the other ones better (brown ceramic with the hooters). Either way theyre super rare because they don't sell them and the japanese are too polite to swipe em. (As was I - we cut a deal with the waitress for them but she let us know it wasn't normally for sale). The drinks also come garnished with Zulu lulu swizzles, sparklers, and real exotic tropical flowers.

Tangaroa posted on 11/05/2003

On 2003-11-05 06:44, tikifish wrote:
I will try to find that pic - however my work just switched my Mac over to OS 10 and I cant find a damn thing on my computer.

Ahh yes - wonderful OSX... I switched over at work here too... Gawd -damn it! It's nice looking - but what happened to simple commands like apple-N no longer opening a new folder? My computer seems to run about 1/3 slower too.... Oh well.....

kctiki posted on 11/05/2003

I have a bottle-green one, not frosted, no markings. The thrift store is as far back as I can trace it.

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/05/2003

I want a green one!

tikifish posted on 11/06/2003
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