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burleyque/ Vivienne VaVoom in Chicago this week.

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tikibars posted on 03/27/2011

Hi all

This is also on the "Trader Vic's cloing" thread, but it seems a bit off-topic for that thread, so:

Michelle (burleyque here on TC, and Vivienne VaVoom to the burlesque community) is here in Chicago this week.

She'll be performing at Speakeasy tonight:

We are going to The Chef tomorrow (Monday) at about 6:30, and Hala Kahiki after that, ETA 8:00-8:30.

We'll be at Trader Vic's on Tuesday for happy hour, about 6:00 to 7:30.

If these times change, I shall post.

Otherwise, hope a few of you can come out and play on a weeknight.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/29/2011

i think you will be impressed with the chef's new look - no more gaudy chinese decor...... and a few new touches to go along with the rearranging of some of the furniture.....

tikibars posted on 03/29/2011

Yeah, the facelift at The Chef is nice.
Small, but significant.
Definitely an improvement.

The couple running it now seem to really "get it" and are super nice and very enthusiastic about keeping it "tiki" while improving the food.
Very cool.

We had a nice chat with them for half an hour.
They want to keep their family business going for another 35 years. They're talking about getting custom tiki mugs - they were going to get them from Dynasty, but I gave them Tiki Farm's info - and they have big plans for further tiki-fication. They dug up a bunch of awesome 8x10 photos from their opening party, there is some amazing stuff there!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/29/2011

glad you had a good time-

yeah their screen saver on the computer up front has all the old photos on it so you can view them while waiting to be seated..... as for mugs and stuff Bamboolodge here on tiki central has been working closely with the chef as they renovate and re-tool for bigger better things. I have complete confidence they will steer the new owners in the right direction, as they have been, since they took over on the first of the year....you should come out on a third saturday and see some music there sometime ...... even david lawrence and lorie and doug have put in an appearance. you have been the only no-show out of all the tikiphiles in the city that has yet to show support for 3rd saturdays at the chef. c'mon out.....

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2011-03-29 05:26 ]

BambooLodge posted on 03/29/2011

Glad you made it out to check out the new and improved Chef. For those here who may not know, the new owners are actually Suzie & Paul's youngest daughter Betty, and her husband Duane. We did tell them all about Tiki Farm as well as a couple of others, but they are on a budget, so bottom line is they are going to go with what they can afford.

I know you got a busy schedule, but like Tipsy said JT, you really ought to try and make it for the monthly "Evening in Shangri-La", lotsa great music and a monthly raffle, all for FREE with dinner and/or cocktails in the restaurant. April 16th is The Revomatics from Milwaukee, come on out!


[ Edited by: BambooLodge 2011-03-29 05:58 ]

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