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Tiki Central / Locating Tiki

RumBar, Philadelphia, PA (bar)

Pages: 1 6 replies

Street:2005 Walnut St
Phone:(215) 751-0404

RumBar is the closest thing to a Tiki bar that Philadelphia currently has.
they have a huge selection of specialty rums and focus on rum-based drinks as well as having a full bar a dozen or so beers on hand. Brunch and dinner are served with an emphasis on Caribbean style tapas, with a modest entree menu. The bar seats about fifty people in three seating areas. A front lounge with couches and small drink tables surrounding a life sized pirate statue. A long bar runs down one side of the center with a seating area in the rear. As a whole the bar reminds me of a Trader Vics, very clean with high ceilings and not much emphasis on Tiki but just enough bamboo to give it an island feel. Tiki drinks are served in TikiFarm mugs and they also serve flaming volcanos in the TikiFarm Drei Moai Volcano Bowl. Volcanos are only served to parties of four or more. A few classic Tiki cocktails are served daily as well as a few signature Tiki drinks.

Tiki Tuesdays
Every Tuesday Rumbar has a selection of $5 Tiki drinks, a discounted volcano and discounted appetizers.

[ Edited by: exquisitecorpse 2009-04-01 08:49 ]

[ Edited by: exquisitecorpse 2009-04-01 08:55 ]

Rumbar now Serves drinks in TikiFarm mugs.
here is what i had last night:

the crowd and music are hit or miss.


How pricy is it? I have a good job and can afford a good night out but I'd like to know what I might be in for. I'm not much of a drinker, never have been and since I was diagnosed with having diabetes I imbibe even less now. But if there is a place to go to try tiki drinks, then this furry is more than willing to hang out. And no, that does not mean I will walk in looking like somebody's mascot, I'm a writer and patron of the arts, not a performer per se.

On 2010-08-30 10:51, Kodyax wrote:
How pricy is it? I have a good job and can afford a good night out but I'd like to know what I might be in for. I'm not much of a drinker, never have been and since I was diagnosed with having diabetes I imbibe even less now. But if there is a place to go to try tiki drinks, then this furry is more than willing to hang out. And no, that does not mean I will walk in looking like somebody's mascot, I'm a writer and patron of the arts, not a performer per se.

most of the tiki drinks are in the $9-12 range
they have rotating drink specials that are usually half price.
i don't think they have tiki mugs anymord but they still serve a giant volcano bowl.

tiki thursdays is back at rumbar.
$5 specialty cocktails served in tikifarm mugs
$5 polynesian tapas menu
Captain Taylor's revenge large cocktail that serves 4-8 in the tikifarm fez wearing monkey head jar

From Thrillist's Philadelphia newsletter today:

Rum Bar's Tiki Menu

RB’s gone tropical with a permanent tiki drink menu, including the rum/ Barenjager/ cinnamon syrup/ lime/ cranberry “Hot Damn!”, the rum/ Orange Curacao/ creme de banana/ cranberry/ lime “Floating Rum Shack” accompanied by a flaming float of Whaler's Dark Rum, and the massive, served-in-a-ceramic-monkey's-head Colonel Taylor’s Revenge: Blackbeard Spiced Rum along with a mix of tropical cremes and juices that you can’t order unless you bring three friends...so enjoy that Hot Damn! or Floating Rum Shack.

More’re coming as the volcano bowls arrive and the weather warms up, so keep track at rumbarphilly.com"



CLOSED, sadly. Another one bites the dust.

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