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"Ghost World"....Amazing movie!!!

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donhonyc posted on 11/03/2003

Just rented and saw for the first time tonite. Anybody seen this one??

Rain posted on 11/03/2003

great movie - all the characters are painfully realistic. thora birch is an amalgamation of so many people (including myself) i knew in high school.
if you liked this one, you'll really like "american splendor" as well.
also check out scarlett johansen in "lost in translation." bill murray deserves an oscar for it.

Tiki Chris posted on 11/03/2003

On 2003-11-02 19:40, Rain wrote:

if you liked this one, you'll really like "american splendor" as well.
also check out scarlett johansen in "lost in translation." bill murray deserves an oscar for it.

i second rain's suggestions.

donhonyc posted on 11/03/2003

I think 'Ghost World' addresses alot of issues that are relevant to us TC'ers, particularly the obsession Steve Buscemi's character has with "Cook's Chicken". The art class scenes were also SO on the money. I had a brief stint in 'art school' myself, and could totally relate to the rampantly lame b.s. that was portrayed in the film. Reminds me of Daniel Clowes' comic strip "Art School Confidential".

Rain posted on 11/03/2003

yeah, daniel clowes wrote ghost world, i'm pretty sure.

i'm in an art school right now, albeit for architecture, and i can agree that rampant bs is flung all over everything. it's kind of maddening sometimes.

AquaZombie posted on 11/03/2003

Absolutely one of the best of the year. Another quirky comic book adaptation I highly recommend is the current "American Splendor."

donhonyc posted on 11/03/2003

Rain..Clowes is the creator of 'Ghost World' and co-wrote the screenplay for the flick. He also created 'Eightball' comics which is also totally hilarious. 'Ghost World' originated in those pages..but you probably know all this already.

I just Ebay'ed all of the issues of 'Eightball' that I had...like issues 1 thru 14 I started buying them religiously when they first started coming out in the early 90s. After seeing 'Ghost World' I kinda wished for a minute, that I hadn't gotten rid of them. They were very cool, but sorta taking up space. Watch how they rocket in value know that I have let em go. It'll be like auctioning off the first copy of 'Superman' or something.

Yeah...I definitely wanna see 'American Splendor'. Hopefully I still have the one copy of the comic book I bought layin around here somewhere.

[ Edited by: donhonyc on 2003-11-03 14:28 ]

purple jade posted on 11/03/2003

The girl in the wheelchair at the graduation is from New Orleans. I did some shows here with her when she was a teeny little thing.

martiki posted on 11/03/2003

One of Clowe's earlier works from the 80s is something that I think people here would definitely dig: It's called "Llook Out! It's Lloyd Llewellyn!" Totally packed with 50s hep cats, swingers, killer robots, gumshoes, and smoking dames. Anyone here read it?

donhonyc posted on 11/04/2003

Yeah, I've read some Llewelyn. I definitely favored 'Eightball' though over that. I think now that I'm immersed in tikiland I should probably revisit it. Did they ever do any tiki stuff in there. wouldn't be surprised if the did.

TikiGoddess posted on 11/04/2003

I have all the Lloyd Llewelyn issues and in Lloyd's space age bachelor pad he has a big tiki mask with spears on the wall. I do not recall him ever going to a tiki bar, just a gin mill dive place with killer hexagon-shaped windows, where B-girls hang out.
Ghost World is excellent. I love the Ballywood dance routine at the beginning.

donhonyc posted on 11/04/2003

Yeah the Bollywood scene was VERY cool.

There were many hilarious parts. I laughed out loud several times. One scen that stands out is when Seymour (Steve Buscemi) goes to that God-awful sports bar to see his favorite old blues player open up for that band 'Blues Hammer'. Once again...SO on the money, and so friggin' hilarious.

Also when Buscemi and Thora Birch are listening to the crappy radio station in the car. Buscemi's like 'God I hate this guy's voice . I feel like I'm beeing jabbed in the face!!!' HILARIOUS I tell you!! Mucho Hiliariouso!

And who could forget: 'who do you think you are...Cyndi Lauper?' Funny!

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/04/2003

"Ladies and Gentlemen...BLUES HAMMER" ...I'm sorry, but am I the only male here that was having serious moments of JerryLeeLewisism watching Thora and Scarlett?

Slacks Ferret posted on 11/04/2003

I'm sorry, but am I the only male here that was having serious moments of JerryLeeLewisism watching Thora and Scarlett?

No Basement Kahuna, you weren't. It was a double helpin' of jailbait.
I loved Ghost World. I agree with the others who say that Eightball is well worth reading. Art School Confidential (I think in issue # six or seven) is Hil-Friggin-larious! I love how "the ol' tampon in the tea-cup trick" is utilized once again in the movie.

"What are we in Slow motion here? Have some more kids why doncha?"


[ Edited by: Slacks Ferret on 2003-11-04 01:42 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 11/04/2003

On 2003-11-04 00:34, Basement Kahuna wrote:
serious moments of JerryLeeLewisism watching ... Scarlett?

you're gonna love lost in translation (or at least the opening shot).

donhonyc posted on 11/04/2003

Double helpin' of jailbait indeed,Slacks...

Any Thora Birch fans should check out 'American Beauty' if you haven't already.... but I'm willin' to guess that you have. The movie is great , but the Thora in the window scene.. wink wink, nudge nudge, knowhaddimean, knowhaddimean. :wink:

Andrew posted on 11/04/2003

Ghost World is one of my all time favorite movies.
I haven't seen Lost in Translation yet, but American Splendour is a must see. Easily my favorite movie so far this year.

"Are you ready for some authentic blues?"

Tiki Chris posted on 11/04/2003

has anyone seen "The Confessions of Robert Crumb?"

i saw "crumb" which i thougth was insightful & interesting but really depressing.

donhonyc posted on 11/05/2003

"The Confessions of Robert Crumb?"
Is that a differetn movie from "Crumb", the one Terry Zwigoff directed (who also directed 'Ghost World')

mattfink posted on 11/05/2003

I think the Bollywood music video on the DVD was a scream...so cool with that mask on!

cynfulcynner posted on 11/05/2003

On 2003-11-04 23:25, donhonyc wrote:
"The Confessions of Robert Crumb?"
Is that a differetn movie from "Crumb", the one Terry Zwigoff directed (who also directed 'Ghost World')

Yes, it's a different film. It's a one-hour documentary from the mid 1980s. I think it was originally shown on PBS (I may be wrong), and it's available on DVD.


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