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Hi from Hamburg

Pages: 1 11 replies

TikiHamburg posted on 03/25/2011

Hi, my name ist Thorsten and I live in Hamburg, where we opened a brandnew Tikibar at the fishmarket near Reeperbahn (some of you might know that).
As we are very interested in Tiki coulture and would like to serve "traditional" and "real" Tiki drinks in a "original" atmosphere, I registered here to get a few new ideas and information. Later I might publish some photos and would be glad to hear your opinion.
So long...

HelveTiki posted on 03/25/2011

Aloha und Grüss Dich...

fez monkey posted on 03/25/2011

Is this the place?

If so, one can get a feeling for the decor here: http://www.napalmbeach.de/index.php/galerie/Location

Thanks for another reason to visit Germany again.

  • fm

[ Edited by: fez monkey 2011-03-25 09:04 ]

TikiHamburg posted on 03/25/2011

Aha, bin also nicht der einzige GSA´ler hier...

@ fez monkey: It´s not NapalmBeach. NapalmBeach has a great decoration but its drinks are worse than everything I know.

The Bar we decorated is called Bar Cabana. It used to be a Cuba-Bar for three years and got another headbarkeeper. He, and our boss, decided to change concept and decoration.

Here´s a photo(bad quality)of a mask in the smoker´s lounge or as we call it: the bamboo room

MarkusK posted on 03/25/2011

Where exactly are you located? I'm quite often in Hamburg-Eidelstedt these days and would be happy to come over for a proper tiki drink :)

Gruß aus Berlin!

MrBaliHai posted on 03/26/2011


TikiHamburg posted on 03/27/2011

Adress is Fischmarkt 6 in 22767 Hamburg.

fez monkey posted on 03/27/2011

Ah, so it IS this place. I wasn't sure.

Are the photos on the website contemporary? It reminds me of the upstairs of the Mellow Tiki room in Stockholm. I look forward to visiting some day.

  • fm

(Delivered in William Shatner style: Must. Finagle. Work trip. To. Hamburg.)

TikiHamburg posted on 03/28/2011

Yes that´s our bar.
Pictures are already older. They are still from the "Cuban Style". New pictures have to be added to the web. Untill then have a look at here: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Bar-Cabana/205186903559

As soon it is dark it looks much more enchanted and really worth of visiting.

Would be great to see you there.

rugbymatt posted on 03/28/2011

Guttes Gluck! Sehr Fantastik!

TikiHamburg posted on 04/10/2011

Hey guys,
here are some new photos of the Bar.


hiltiki posted on 04/11/2011

Nice bar, best of luck with your new tiki bar.

Pages: 1 11 replies