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Tiki Central / California Events

bone carving classes

Pages: 1 2 replies

Louiethefish posted on 04/16/2011

Aloha Ya'll! For all those interested in bonecarving, I will be teaching and demonstrating at the Pacific Islands Ethnic Arts museum in Long Beach , CA , on May 7 & 8
Call 562 216 4170 for details.
Louie the Fish!
Facebook under Louiethefish DeNolfo

mieko posted on 04/19/2011

Wow, I'd love to see you carve in person. I'm busy the 7th, but hopefully I can make it on the 8th.

I found a little bit of info here:

Fezmonger posted on 04/19/2011

I will have to check that out! I look forward to seeing you work.

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