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Thee Swank Bastards plus Easter Keg Hunt at Purple Orchid Saturday, April 23

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Wersmo Derinc posted on 04/15/2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011 just might prove to be the most fun of your life.

First, the annual Easter Keg Hunt all afternoon, and then Thee Swank Bastards all night!

Follow this link to learn all you could want to know about the Easter Keg Hunt

http://thekeghunt.com It is a fun event and it will be huge!

Thee Swank Bastards come all the way from Las Vegas and play guitar driven Surf and Sabbath.
Accompanied by the lovely and talented Szandora on the Hula Hoop, you've got the hottest show
to hit El Segundo!

Plus, It's JEF's BIRTHDAY!!

bigtikidude posted on 04/21/2011

this Sat.

Doctor Z posted on 04/21/2011

Dunno 'bout the "Easter Keg Hunt" (although every year I miss it, I regret it), but I'm there for TSB!

Nuthin' better to usher in Easter Sunday than some Black Sabbath! :wink:

bigtikidude posted on 04/22/2011

sadly I'm gonna miss this.


Trailerpark Tiki posted on 04/23/2011

WOW! I never knew what I was missing. Maybe next year I can put together a tiki team.

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