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Bosko tiki in Party City ad

Pages: 1 13 replies

TIKI-RAY posted on 05/14/2011

I just saw the new Party City Luau commercial. They are scanning the room and I saw a Bosko plaque on the wall. I wonder if he knows.

Doctor Z posted on 05/15/2011

Ooops! Double post...

[ Edited by: Doctor Z 2011-05-14 18:13 ]

Doctor Z posted on 05/15/2011

Triple post?

[ Edited by: Doctor Z 2011-05-14 18:13 ]

Doctor Z posted on 05/15/2011

Quadruple post??

Stupid computer...

[ Edited by: Doctor Z 2011-05-14 18:14 ]

Doctor Z posted on 05/15/2011

Geez... after editing out all my duplicate posts, I realized I'd deleted my original response!

It goes by kinda quickly, but you can see a Bosko between the two guys heads on the left at about 17 or 18 seconds into the commercial.

Summer 2010 Party City Commercial

I only saw this summer's commercial once, but the Bosko is still there!

Hakalugi posted on 05/15/2011

On 2011-05-14 18:20, Doctor Z wrote:

It goes by kinda quickly, but you can see a Bosko between the two guys heads on the left at about 17 or 18 seconds into the commercial.

Summer 2010 Party City Commercial

I only saw this summer's commercial once, but the Bosko is still there!

Looks like one to the top right too.

...and from Bosko's website:

Edited to indicate "top right" as opposed to just "right".

[ Edited by: hakalugi 2011-05-15 17:10 ]

sneakyjack posted on 05/15/2011

atomictonytiki posted on 05/16/2011

It's a first class case of 'not seeing the tikibar for the tikis', aren't the bosco masks attached to the bar and shelf set tikifarm used you sell?

bigbrotiki posted on 05/16/2011

Looks like a shelf from the same manufacture as this:


That was definitely nor a Party City item "for less"

bigbrotiki posted on 05/16/2011

HA HA, synchronicity post! :)

christiki295 posted on 05/16/2011

On 2011-05-15 15:28, sneakyjack wrote:

I like the air time.
Spreading Tiki to the masses!

I trust Party City sells the real deal Bosko, not just knock-offs.

atomictonytiki posted on 05/16/2011

It's a first class case of 'not seeing the tikibar for the tikis', aren't the bosco masks attached to the bar and shelf set tikifarm used you sell?

atomictonytiki posted on 05/16/2011

It's a first class case of 'not seeing the tikibar for the tikis', aren't the bosco masks attached to the bar and shelf set tikifarm used you sell?

Tom Slick posted on 05/16/2011

for nothing else the ad clearly misrepresents what "tiki" party city REALLY carries. Misleading the masses ad.

Pages: 1 13 replies