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WTB: Coco Joes

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emspace posted on 06/13/2011

Hey all! Any old, spare, duplicate-triplicate-sextuplicate Joes sitting around, maybe in boxes, dusty and neglected?

I am especially interested in god figures, not so much hula girls and King Kams or ashtrays etc. What I am REALLY hoping for are:

  • Ali`i gold - anything really

  • Madame Pele - the old style

  • CATALOGS! I know these are rare as hens teeth. I would also pay for emailed high-resolution scans.

Bitten by the Coco Joe bug, thanks in advance for any offers or just shooting the breeze about Joes in general -


Edit: Never mind the makau - I'll pay cash...

It's never too late to have a happy childhood!

[ Edited by: emspace 2011-06-13 13:47 ]

[ Edited by: emspace 2011-06-14 14:35 ]

mrsmiley posted on 06/14/2011

I have a few spare Coco joes, do you have images of ;
Ali`i gold - anything really

  • Madame Pele - the old style
emspace posted on 06/14/2011

On 2011-06-13 19:14, mrsmiley wrote:
I have a few spare Coco joes, do you have images of ;
Ali`i gold - anything really

  • Madame Pele - the old style

Sure mrsmiley; Ali'i Gold is not a figurine style, but a resin type used in Coco Joes, like "Lava" and "Hapawood." I've seen pics of figurines ranging from really quite gold-looking to a way more subtle black with a sort of golden sheen. The old Madame Pele is made of the hard early Coco Joe "Lava" stuff - doesn't look glossy or plastic-y like some of the later black figurines. Here are some pics to help give you an idea, though please note I am interested in any god figures I don't have, so if you want to post or email pics of what you have please go ahead.

Madame Pele:

Ali'i Gold subtle:

Ali'i Gold intense:

Thanks for the reply! Aumakuas or anything of that nature also welcome.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 06/14/2011

It seems like there were at least two periods where they manufactured the Alii golds. The "subtle" alii golds were the older ones. Those tikis in that picture are those type and were marked 68.
The other tiki you posted is probably late 80's, or early 90's version of alli golds. Those were black resin spray painted gold and were light plastic feeling, as opposed to the older denser ones whick look like they may have added metallic dust to the resin to make it kind of illuminate. they remind me of those cars that cahnge color when you change you line of sight.
The alii golds are marked as such on the bottoms, and had a different looking tag/book than the regular cocojoes line. The later ones had a specific logo impressioned on the bottom of the pieces to identify them as such. The largest piece in my collection is one of the later Alii gold Lonos. I think it's about 16-18 inches tall. I have a later catalog with them in it, and there were probably about 15-20 different pieces available at that time

Some pictures:

Subtle old bottom

Liberace style tag

There are two older Pele pieces that I can recall. there are also about 10-12 common head/faces coming out of lava from the early days. Not Peles, mostly faces.

...and there are new and strange pieces popping up all the time

Buzzy Out!

emspace posted on 06/14/2011

Buzzy, you are without question the Man when it comes to CJ authority and I thank you for this.

That said - nothing to sell? Hmmm (waving money tantalizingly)?...


It's never too late to have a happy childhood!

[ Edited by: emspace 2011-06-14 12:15 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/07/2011

Alright, finally got a new camera...

Here's my for sale tiki pile:

Buzzy Out!

emspace posted on 07/08/2011

Hey Buzzy, thanx for the pics. Am I right in thinking the top row is all Hip Originals? Anyway what I really need from you is a nice straight, as in erect, upright, hapawood Kane like in the last pic. Please check your PMs.


harro posted on 07/08/2011

Sorry to hijack the thread - but i'm interested in ANY old Coco Joe tikis as i don't have any yet - we don't realy see 'em much here down under.

If anyone wants to sell some let me know - I'll be at Oasis this year, then LA and San Fran.


mrsmiley posted on 07/09/2011

On 2011-07-07 17:22, harro wrote:
Sorry to hijack the thread - but i'm interested in ANY old Coco Joe tikis as i don't have any yet - we don't realy see 'em much here down under.

If anyone wants to sell some let me know - I'll be at Oasis this year, then LA and San Fran.


Look for "Mr. SMiley's Emporium of Zazz" at Oasis this year--I will bring my spare Coco Joes! ...I am an indoor vendor...

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